Chapter 1 The Me After Ten Thousand Years

As the sun sets in the west, because the lake city in October is located on the seaside, there is a faint and humid sea breeze blowing in the air from time to time.

Over the years, Hu City has developed very prosperously with the convenience of being next to Pearl City.

At this time, the crowded streets were full of private cars, and the harsh sound of car whistles was ups and downs, adding to the irritability of pedestrians walking on the sidewalk and returning home from get off work.

Carrying a piece of braised beef and a piece of braised chicken feet for dinner tonight, Xiang Nanfei, who did not work overtime, followed the flow of people, walking at a leisurely pace.

Walking in the crowd, his eyes were indifferent mixed with a touch of decadence, and Xiang Nanfei looked at the traffic in the middle of the road with no head and no tail in the middle of the road.

It didn't take long to come to the front of the small street, and after turning in, Xiang Nanfei couldn't help but be quiet. It was an old street, and the tallest buildings on both sides were only five stories.

Leaving the roadside signboards and small shop stools and chairs as obstacles, he flew to the south to the downstairs of a building with a small supermarket at the bottom and residents above it in the middle of the street. He lived on the third floor above.

"To big brother."

Just as Xiang Nanfei passed the supermarket and walked towards the side gate of the small building, a slightly surprised girl's voice came from the supermarket and stopped him.

The girl's voice has a glutinous nasal tone, and before seeing anyone, a gentle and lovely image emerges in the mind.

"'s Tingting."

Hearing the familiar greeting, Xiang Nanfei couldn't help but stop, and saw at the cash register behind the supermarket door, a pure-looking, tall girl with a bright smile on her face waved to him with a hint of surprise.

The girl is about twenty-one, with a standard melon-seed face, fair and delicate, and small and delicate facial features.

Facing the warm greetings from acquaintances, Xiang Nanfei couldn't help smiling back: "Long time no see, are you coming back to celebrate the National Day with my uncle and aunt?"

Polite and polite, looking at the smiling girl in front of her. Xiang Nanfei's attitude seems to be not far or near, keeping a certain distance.

The girl clearly felt Xiang Nanfei's estrangement, her bright eyes dimmed slightly, and then she resumed her normal smile.

"Yeah, I was dragged by my dormitory classmates to go on a trip a few days ago. I just came back today. I am going to accompany my parents. I will go back to class tomorrow."

At this time, there were no customers in the supermarket. The girl put her hands on the checkout counter and stretched her head out to chat with Xiang Nanfei.

"Cough... it's Xiaofei, it's time for get off work, do you want to come in and sit down?"

Just before the two of them chatted for a second, the aunt who was about forty a year in the supermarket, a little fat and wearing a work apron, came out and stood in the middle of the two.

Looking at Xiang Nanfei with her back to the girl, although the aunt had a smile on her face and a familiar tone, the very unwelcome look in her eyes was not invisible to Xiang Nanfei. .

"No need for Aunt Liao." With the same smile on his face, he shook his head slightly and politely refused to Nanfei.

"Well, since you should have something to do, Aunt Liao won't let you in and sit down."

Hearing that Xiang Nanfei refused, Aunt Liao immediately got off the donkey, as if she did not want Xiang Nanfei to have any contact with the girl.

"It's Xiaofei." A middle-aged man with a strong face and a burly body, but a little lame on his left foot also came to the door at this time.

A very happy smile appeared on his face when he saw Xiang Nanfei.

Sincere and enthusiastic.

"Hahahaha...I haven't seen you for a while, come in and have a drink with Uncle Zhang"

" know how to drink. Xiaofei got off work so early today. There must be something wrong."

"You said it was Xiaofei."

Aunt Liao didn't wait for Nanfei to speak, and immediately took the middle-aged man's words. While speaking, he glared at the middle-aged man with an ugly face, and glared back at his words.

It was so obvious that the other party didn't welcome him, and Xiang Nanfei didn't say anything, knowing the reason in his heart. After nodding and smiling at the girl and middle-aged man behind Aunt Liao, he turned around and walked into the side door of the supermarket.

"Mom, what are you doing..."

After seeing Xiang Nanfei go up the stairs, the smile on Zhang Ting's face behind the cashier disappeared, and a look of bitterness and helplessness flashed in her eyes as she looked at her mother.

"Tingting, let me tell you, mom is for your own good, don't be like your dad..."

Looking back at her slender daughter who was becoming more and more prosperous, Aunt Liao stepped forward and pulled her to whisper in a sincere and earnest voice.

"Heh..." Walking up the stairs, Xiang Nanfei couldn't help smiling faintly when he remembered the attitudes of Zhang Ting and Aunt Liao just now.


Inside the house, the air conditioner that had been repaired once was whirring. A cool breeze blows out, but it can't blow away the solidified atmosphere in the air.

In the middle of the small living room, there were two plates of leftovers that were almost eaten on a small table.

On the left and right of the table, there were two young men with similar faces, but very different temperaments.

The man sitting on the left has a beautiful and perfect face, wearing a gorgeous feathered star robe. The eyes looking at the neon outside the window are as black as ink, as profound as the endless starry sky.

A waist-length black hair draped behind him like a waterfall, moving without the wind. Occasionally, a tiny black space crack flashed through the tips of the hair, exuding a frightening aura of destruction.

And his transparent and illusory figure that can be seen from front to back, although he is only sitting on a stool, he exudes a faint aura of supreme dignity that surpasses the heavens.

Vast and unsullied, and incomparably noble, like the king of gods, ruling over the heavens.

Xiang Nanfei, who was sitting on the right side of the table, had short hair and a tall figure of 1.8 meters. He also had a delicate face that resembled the man on the opposite side.

His demeanor was indifferent and slightly decadent, but he seemed to be just a somewhat outstanding young man, and his temperament was very different from the opposite.

Xiang Nanfei waved away the chill in his heart due to the strangeness of the other party, and slowly combed through the large amount of information that suddenly appeared in his mind, but the unbelievable expression on his face still did not completely disappear.

Just when he was about to eat dinner, the message claimed to be him, and an illusory figure from ten thousand years later suddenly appeared and sat opposite.

Then he casually threw a ball of golden light over with a finger, and looked out the window without saying a word, his eyes showing a color of emotion that no one could understand.

For a long time, the memory ball that was like a big sun in his mind finally stopped bombarding the information of the southward flight, and stopped when he was approaching the limit of his mental endurance.

Reaching out and rubbing his forehead, he endured a headache, and after finishing the large amount of information obtained in the memory ball.

Xiang Nanfei opened his lips slightly, and his voice was dry: "It's unbelievable..."

"Normal, no matter who it is, it is unbelievable to encounter this."

"Flying to the South", who belongs to the future, has an indifferent expression on his face, looking out the window without moving his head.


With a nod of his head, Xiang Nanfei turned his attention back to his mind, silently combing through the information that was like a flash flood just now.

As more and more memories merged, Xiang Nanfei's ordinary temperament began to change quietly.

However, the more information he absorbed, the more serious Xiang Nanfei's face became: "We failed!"

"No, I failed, you didn't."

The "Xiang Nanfei" in the opposite Yuyi Xingpao shook his head, a faint smile appeared on his face, as if he was talking about something he didn't want to do. There was a touch of emotion on his face, and he looked back at Xiang Nanfei and said lightly.

"When I took the last step, it was because of the rapid rise and lack of background. After I failed to condense the eternal body, I knew that my soul could not survive the scouring of the eternal river alone."

"So I directly burned the immortal soul and the immortal body, reversed the time and space, and sent the condensed eternal soul back to the time when everything began."

He stretched out his palm, and a ray of dazzling light that could not be described in words appeared in the palm of "Flying South".

"Success is also destroyed, and failure is also destroyed."

In the future, "Flying South" will flash in the eyes, and the domineering arrogance to look at all beings in the heavens and the world will emerge.

"Although I finally achieved the throne of Destruction Emperor, I took charge of the destruction of all realms."

"But on the way out of chaos, it's not enough."

A round of divine light exuding an aura of destruction appeared behind Xiang Nanfei, and a terrifying aura soared into the sky, but was restrained within one meter by the supreme power.

Within one meter, the terrifying divine might belonging to the Lord of Destruction directly crushes the space, destroys it, and finally returns to nothingness and nothing exists.

Sitting on the opposite side, Xiang Nanfei watched silently as if he was independent from an infinite height, shining with divine light all over his body, like the illusory figure of the king of the gods.

In the little memories he just merged, there are some brief introductions behind "him".

Ten days later, the ordinary world changed drastically, and the age of mythology came. He will die three years later in the great momentum.

Then the soul inexplicably entered the depths of the starry sky, and a group of universes began to breed at the beginning of the creation, and was born in the body of the gods and demons of the end of destruction that were born by adhering to the law of destruction.

That is a chaotic god and demon that has been bred for an unknown long time, has not yet given birth to consciousness, and will continue to breed.

Xiang Nanfei, who was reborn again, was in the space where the infinite pure source energy was stored, and he only broke through the world after cultivating until Dacheng.

After that, he ran rampant in the universe with terrifying strength, and many of the heavens and myriad races were ravaged and robbed by him, pushing all the way to dominate the endless universe.

But in the end, because he was born early, when he searched and devoured infinite resources and magic tome, he finally reached the peak of the universe and was ready to break through the world.

Ushered in the chaotic catastrophe under the control of the half-step immortal multiverse heaven from its heyday.

In the end, it was the result in front of him. He was born ahead of time, and he had insufficient background, and was directly destroyed by the lack of consciousness of the Tao of Heaven in its heyday.

Thinking silently, there is one thing Xiang Nanfei doesn't understand. He remembers that his nature has always been cautious and careful because of his orphan status for many years. How can he be so public in his memory?

Push the world! All beings respect! Occupy countless racial beauties! is that useful? It didn't fall in the end...

Facing the puzzled look on Xiang Nanfei's face, he sat across from him, and at this time he had already put away the future "Xiang Nanfei", who was rolling over his body and showing bright eyes.

Seems to see his doubts," an embarrassed look flashed across his face.

"Cough cough..."