Chapter 4 Red Eyes, Rias Gremory! reincarnator

"Need not."

The girl named Chi Tong refused directly, her tone was crisp, and she was obviously not interested in improving the strength of the reincarnated demon at the cost.

"Don't be so simple, Chi Tong, do you have a grudge against the man named Esdes in the main god square? If you become the president's knight, we can help you for free."

The girl in the kimono didn't want to give up yet, her eyes moved slightly, and she mentioned that the blue-haired strong woman named Esdes who was arguing with Chi Tong when the three of them gathered in the main god square came.

"Thank you, but I don't need it anymore. My grievance with her has been settled after we both died once, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future."

Chi Tong shook his head slightly, and his left hand held Murasame slightly. The crimson-red eyes that were as calm as a deep pool fluctuated slightly, revealing complex emotions beyond her age.

The goal for which he had worked tirelessly, the will of his teammates behind him, those blooming and endless killings in the dark.

The memory of the last person leaving overseas and waiting alone on the sea after the soul poison attacked and death came, suddenly flashed through Chi Tong's mind one by one.

"Okay Zhu Nai, since Chi Tong is unwilling, don't force it. We should think about how to get through this task now."

Just when the girl in the kimono was about to speak, the red-haired girl she called the president spoke up. The calm and indifferent tone contained a calm and atmosphere that ordinary people do not have.

Without concealing her arrogance, Rias arrogantly ignored the people around her, and folded her hands gracefully on her stomach while watching Chi Tong speak in a negotiating tone.

"We still follow the way we cooperated last time, how about completing the task together!"

Because she has cooperated once, she clearly knows the opponent's decisive character and amazing swordsmanship, and she and Himejima Akino can complement each other far and near for the mage type.

As for the proposal to invite Chi Tong to become his knight, he knew the result after Chi Tong refused last time. Because she saw the pride and firmness and confidence in the eyes of the other party.

"No problem." Chi Tong, who cherishes words like gold, nodded.


Rias raised the corner of her mouth, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, and she stopped speaking.

Looking at the three girls in front of them whose faces were no less than Lin Xue's, the biggest one looked like seventeen girls who were still in high school. Neither Yu Zhengde nor the other two teams dared to despise them.

However, although they are not despised, they are all people who have survived on the edge of life and death, and they are just a little bit afraid of the three girls.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the aperture fell into silence, and the five teams of nineteen were divided into five groups, each of whom made eye contact and thought.


In the beginning: "Energy wave simulation, start to invade..."

Outside the aperture, the invisible Xiang Nanfei stood breathlessly, a pair of purple gold dragon eyes ignoring the isolation of the Lord God's mask, and their eyes swept over the people in the subspace inside.

Xiang Nanfei stretched out his palm and lightly placed it on the mask, looking at the various squads inside with various outfits.

Invisible fluctuations emanated from the purple lotus pedestal imprint on Xiang Nanfei's forehead, and began to invade the main god's aperture with an overbearing attitude.

At the beginning: "The task is completed, the mask has a faint energy of time, space, and nightmare energy, which makes the target hidden in the warp state. The level of the eleventh-order god king, the sixth-order low-level god of strength."

But in a short while, the task was completed at the beginning, and all the constituent data were read immediately, and the conversations of everyone in it entered Xiang Nanfei's ears without a word.

"The power of the king's rank!"

Xiang Nanfei's expression instantly became serious, but then when he heard the conversations of the people inside, and sensed that their highest strength was only third-order, not the arrival of the God King, the mind just mentioned could not be relieved.

For Xiang Nanfei, if the king of gods really came.

Now that he has just reshaped his physical body, he has not yet condensed the divine body, and his realm is only the sixth-order entry into the divine level.

Although he, the lower god, has eternal characteristics that transcend all dimensions of time, space and universe because of the fusion of his soul with a ray of eternal divine soul.

Coupled with the multi-functional core of the dominant armament, "The Beginning", and the combat experience and memory that will traverse all worlds in the future, even if you meet an eighth-order upper god, you can fight.

But even with these additions, it would not allow him to have the strength to cross the fifth rank and compete with the king of gods.

Sometimes if the difference in quantity is too large, the quality cannot make up for it, and there is a gap in quantity and quality between him and the God King.

"Exchange Points! World Exploration Mission! Crossing Chaos and Coming to the Outer Universe..."

After analyzing the words of Lin Xue and the three of them, Murakami, and Chi Tong, Xiang Nanfei had probably guessed where these people came from.

These are controlled by the so-called reincarnations who travel through the world, such as "Master God Space" or "Shanhai Space". The future "Flying South" has seen a lot, and has seized and studied it, although those people call it space contractors.

This method is a common trick used by some perfect universes with a few special abilities. They like to ingest some weak creatures from planets or small worlds, and control them to put them on other world planes as cannon fodder and coordinates for path exploration.

And this road is very similar to the road that swallows the heavens and the world that Xiang Nanfei will take in the future.

The only difference is that the powerful people behind these reincarnations can only travel in the same small world and plane in the same universe, and cannot cross the chaotic void like flying south.

The void chaos that nurtures the endless universe is the beginning and the end of everything, and contains endless opportunities and dangers.

And if you want to set foot in the chaos, the minimum strength must reach the tenth-order ancient god, and you can't leave the universe too far. Only the eleventh-order god king can leave the universe and travel through chaos.

Unlike them, Xiang Nanfei's cultivation base was only sixth-order at this time.

However, because the soul is fused with a ray of eternal soul in the future, the transformation has a trace of eternity, and it can withstand the intrusion of the soul when the chaotic energy reshapes the body without collapsing.

In essence, flying to the south already belongs to the primordial chaotic creature, and with the protection of the beginning, it is possible to come and go freely in the chaotic void.

Looking at the reincarnators in the mask, a plan began to form in Xiang Nanfei's mind and gradually perfected.

"In the beginning, scan the watch hidden in their hands, analyze and back up the breath."

Standing outside the aperture with his hands behind his back, Xiang Nanfei didn't make a move, because he was able to cross the chaos and let these reincarnators come to a different universe.


"Main quest, survive for ten days. 10,000 reward points for quest completion, one gold permission card, no penalty for failure."

"Side quest one, search for living creatures. The quest rewards 5,000 exchange points, and there is no penalty for failure."

"Second mission, find clues about the big change in the world, the mission rewards 10,000 exchange points, and there is no penalty for failure."