Chapter 14 Golden Giant Ape

There are hills that are no more than a thousand meters high, bare and barren.

Xiang Nanfei, who was walking in front, took him as the center at this time, and had already enveloped the power of the soul for thousands of miles. The figures of the surviving main god space squads appeared in his eyes one by one.

It is based on the dead air channel that penetrates the sky and the earth in the distance and runs through the positive and negative universe. The surviving main god teams should be heading there because of the side quests.

The closest to there were Rias and Akina Himejima who were in the team with Chihima, followed by Xiang Nanfei and Chihito who were more than ten miles behind them.

A little further on the side, there are the three Shenlong Squadrons who were rescued by Xiang Nanfei. At this time, although the three of them did not reduce their staff, they were also very embarrassed, and they all had a little injury.

And more than ten miles behind Lin Xue and the three, there were only two kamikaze teams left, the slightly injured Murakami Ichida and the man in the Hokage windbreaker who lost his left arm.

At this moment, Xiang Nanfei, who was walking side by side with Chi Tong, moved his eyes and looked up to the right, pretending to have noticed something.

"Well! There is movement over there."


After Xiang Nanfei stopped, Chi Tong, who also stopped, looked in the direction that Xiang Nanfei was looking at, and there was nothing but strange rocks.

"Behind the mountain."


"Boss, how is your injury?"

A bone gun that ripped through the air flashed sideways in the air, and after replying to a strong chain of thunder below, Akeno Himejima looked back at Rias's bleeding abdomen worriedly.

"It's okay, I can hold on."

Gritting her teeth, Rias endured the huge pain while mobilizing the magic power in her body to suppress the death energy erosion of the wound, while flapping her wings to avoid the bone guns that kept attacking below.

However, because the abdomen is penetrated, every time the wings are flapped, the abdominal wound will be triggered. Tearing the surrounding blood vessels sealed by magic, causing blood to flow out of the wound, and making Rias feel weaker and weaker.

"Woo... woo..."


The blood falling from the air made the undead chasing below even more violent, and even more madly chasing the prey in the sky.

The undead creatures that were chasing the two of Rias were on the ground, with nearly a hundred bodies rotting to the bone, three meters high and eight meters long.

The wolf-shaped undead creatures with a length of more than one meter and a row of bone guns on their backs are mainly wolf-shaped undead creatures.

However, although these wolf-shaped undead creatures run like the wind and are numerous in number, they can be tough even in the sanctuary on land, but they are actually not a big threat to Rias and Himejima Akeno who can fly.

What really made the two of Rias dread was the twenty or so black scales mixed in among them, the sturdy, bulldozer-like giant apes with arms that were longer than knees and nearly eight meters high.

These giant apes are extremely powerful and have amazing jumping power.

The bone spears that made Rias and Himejima Akino embarrassed in the air were the bone spurs that they constantly plucked from the back of the bone wolf.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Giant apes jumped up to a height of 100 meters and threw bone guns that ripped through the air at nearly twice the speed of sound at Rias.

In the face of the bone guns that were as dense as a rain of arrows, no matter how flexibly Rias dodged, there would still be fish that slip through the net and bombard the high-level magic shield outside them, and the shield vibrated violently.

At the same time, while dodging, clumps of thunder pulp and destructive magic bullets also fell from the air, and the undead below the explosion turned over.

Occasionally, when faced with intensive attacks from giant apes, the two would take out a magic scroll from the space bracelet, tear it apart and release a very powerful magic, causing heavy damage to the bottom.

The situation didn't seem to have reached a dead end for a while.

With her left hand covering her abdomen, her high-level demon's life force was unable to heal the penetrating wound. The pale Rias focused most of her attention on the terrifying undead at the back of the undead below.

After that blow seriously injured her careless, she was just like a cat playing a mouse, driving away the powerful creatures that consumed them.

Behind the group of undead creatures below, a human figure was nearly five meters high, with a sturdy body that looked like an ape but not an ape.

What is eye-catching is the unbridled aura of life and death entangled in this golden giant ape undead creature, like raging flames forming a field covering the surrounding area of ​​100 meters.

At this moment, the terrifying golden giant ape had a seemingly leisurely expression on his face, and he walked at the back with a few steps, driving countless undead like a king.

A pair of scarlet eyes filled with endless hatred and tyranny of life, moved with the two little dots in the sky with a rare trace of intelligence.

With a flick of her wrist, Rias, who was getting weaker and weaker, took out a scroll full of golden magic cipher text from the bracelet space in distress.

She spent a lot of exchange points, and the legendary life-saving scroll that she exchanged from the main god space was originally planned to go back to deal with that pesky Firebird.

Today, it is a waste to use it in this world where extraordinary power is extremely suppressed and there are no ten powers. However, in the current situation, if you don't use it, you may not have the opportunity to use it in the future.

"Zunai, prepare to shake them off."

While reminding Akane, Rias also tore the top magic scroll in her hand to draw "Hell's Flame Sword Domain".

The dazzling light soared from Rias's hand, covering the sky in an instant.

A huge magic circle that covers several miles and exudes vast and complex energy fluctuations hangs in the sky, dyeing the clouds in the sky and the gray earth into a golden color.

The wind howled, the sky poured backwards, and the vast energy formed a vortex that revolved around the magic circle.

A giant sword of destruction with a handle more than ten meters long and burning with flames shot out of the magic circle, shrouding the lower part like rain.


The golden giant ape at the rear suddenly let out an angry roar that shook the sky and earth, and the scarlet divine light burst out in its eyes.

In the front, because the golden giant apes roared, the black giant apes violently and continuously shot out the dense bone guns, at the same time, the huge double claws grabbed.


Terrifying power gathered in the hands of the golden giant ape, and a ten-meter-long, pure golden spear exuding a powerful breath appeared in the hands of the golden giant ape.


The sturdy hind legs like stone pillars kicked hard, and the ground cracked in an instant, and two huge craters appeared on the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

The first contact was the flaming giant sword in the central area and the bone gun fired by the black giant ape, which detonated the dozens of flaming giant swords in the first round of the center in the air.

Then, more than two dozen huge black figures rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire in the air, and met the second round of flaming giant swords.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

An extremely sharp flaming giant sword tore through the scales of the black giant ape and exploded, and then the red and white flames drowned them all.

Except for the black giant ape blocking the central area, a flaming giant sword fell like rain in the surrounding area.

Covering all the wolf-shaped undead creatures that Rias and the two of them were chasing just now, the terrifying flame sword smashed and exploded countless wolf-shaped undead creatures.


At this moment, the golden giant ape in the center tore apart the sea of ​​fire in the air unscathed, and when he looked at the two figures flying away from behind the magic circle, his scarlet eyes contained extremely violent anger.

It seems that he is angry at his own carelessness to let the two bug-like prey launch an attack that can hurt it, and also wants to escape.

As for the deaths of those around him, in its simple consciousness, it doesn't care at all, and it doesn't take long for it to enslave countless such wastes again.


An angry roar emanated from the bloody mouth with its sharp teeth, the golden giant ape leaned back slightly, and the right arm, like a big bow, threw the golden giant spear containing 30% of its power to the center of the magic circle.

At the same time, the golden giant ape turned into a golden lightning and flew away.

With a loud bang, the giant spear swelled to a size of 100 meters in an instant, passed a pitch-black passage in the air, and instantly appeared in the center of the magic circle and collided with the magic circle.