Chapter 21 Magic, Dou Qi, Martial Artist, Immortal Cultivation

"We waited for so many days, and finally Lin Xue used up the life-saving device her sister gave her."

"Now, as long as we sneak behind us, we can kill her in one fell swoop by summoning the power of Lord Yushen when we approach Lin Xue."

Murakami sneered with a knife, and his eyes gradually sharpened.

"But now that they are with that person, will the other side stop our captain?"

Listening to Murakami's eloquent words, every link was considered exhaustive, and the man in the Hokage windbreaker also calmed down, pointed at the treasure mirror and stepped into the void, and flew to the south to fly in front.

"Don't worry, with the reputation of Lord Yushen in the upper echelons, as long as we report the name, he will definitely not stop him who is only a sanctuary for an irrelevant woman."

Obviously, Murakami Ichito believed in the strength of the man behind him in the main god space, and this was the reason why he did not hesitate to sacrifice the entire team to do things for that man.

As long as you help that person kill Lin Xue and make her sister who is at a critical moment in a mess, Lord Yushen will find an opportunity to deal with the enemy.

And he will have someone as his backer in the future, I believe...


The time was eleven o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still four hours before the completion of the main task at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The cultivation base is half a step into the sanctuary, and the red pupil, who has condensed and cut off all the sword intent, is in front, and the dazzling golden light of the god of war soars into the sky. The red eyes that were occasionally covered by the dancing black hair exuded a sharp and threatening saber intent.

In the rear left, after ten days of fighting in the realm of life and death for many times, Lin Xue, who had already entered the peak of gold, was surrounded by blue and cyan aura, and the five-meter-long sword energy on the magic sword in his hand was uncertain.

The unbuttoned white magic-patterned windbreaker was lifted by the strong wind, revealing a gorgeous magic-patterned inner armor with a lace edge inside. The whole body is full of high-level magic equipment, and the strong local tyrant atmosphere and Lin Xue's cold temperament are strangely harmonious.

At the back right, is the Shilong, whose body has swelled in a circle, shrouded in the misty earth-yellow True Essence. The Earth Element True Essence is solidified on the giant saber in his hand, exuding a heavy aura like a mountain.

In addition to the huge sword in his hand that looked like a treasure, Shi Long, who was dressed as a black warrior, and Lin Xue, who was wearing gorgeous and high-level magic equipment, was simply the difference between a beggar and a princess.

Shi Long, who seemed to be flying southward, also noticed the gap between himself and Lin Xue, and winked at Yu Zhengde who was in the middle with a bitter expression on his face.

The three formed a triangle covering a ten-meter radius, protecting Yu Zhengde, who had a long-range talisman and a flying sword in the middle, and an auxiliary array and defensive array.

As for the two magicians, Rias and Himejima Akeno, the small and exquisite demons who were already unfolding flew beside Xiang Nanfei.

Today, with Xiang Nanfei fighting the battle, Rias, who only needs to attack with all her strength, has a stern face. She deliberately put on a red battle dress to cover her fair thighs. There was a feeling of a goddess of death descending between the red-haired dance.

After the demon bloodline was stimulated at this time, Rias, who was only one step away from breaking through, soared to the peak of the half-step sanctuary, and a huge crimson magic power exuding a smell of destruction surrounded her body.

Himejima Akeno, who was also flying southward to the right, also spread out her bizarre demon and fallen angel wings, and was wearing a battle suit of the Thunder Miko with white on top and red on the bottom.

The eyes on the beautiful face are micrometers, but there is no usual smile. A black ponytail with a heel-length black ponytail and a group of pendulums danced in the wind. Although the girl was only fifteen years old, she had a different kind of amazing charm.

One after another, blue and white electric arcs exuding a powerful breath surrounded the body, and the crackling sound caused Yu Zhengde and Shi Long below to stand upright.

At a height of 100 meters, there are nine crystal turrets with a diameter of one meter that make Shilong and the others feel at ease.

This powerful crystal turret is a rare occupation in Xiang Nanfei's memory of the future body. The elemental warlock combines space magic and creates an original spell casting method.

Each crystal is engraved with a single constant elemental beam attack, and inside is a vast space with storage properties. It can store a large amount of elemental magic power that is thousands of times more than the human body, and there is no need to worry about consumption.

Xiang Nanfei put his hands behind his back, and his eyes were indifferently caught between the two beautiful girls Rias and Himejima Akeno.

His demeanor was very relaxed, and he didn't seem to care about the fierce battle that followed.

On the ground below, the whole body was colorful, and all kinds of boosting state auxiliary magic and shields were blessed by Himejima Zhu Nai. Chi Tong, Lin Xue, Yu Zhengde and Shi Long were all at their peak strength and state.

There were still four hours before the return. After Xiang Nanfei let go of his hands, Rias and Lin Xue agreed on the plan.

The forward route takes a thirty-degree arc in the middle of several small mountain ranges on both sides, the widest point is three kilometers, and the narrowest one kilometer reaches the dead air column.

Under the protection of Xiang Nanfei, they plan to kill as many undead as possible to get the exchange points, and at the same time control the time to arrive at the dead air column.

As for the second task of the branch line, if it can be completed, it will be completed. If it cannot be completed, it will not go further and wait for the return.

After all, the astronomical phenomenon there is so amazing, if there is any change, Xiang Nanfei may not be able to protect everyone.


After stepping into a slightly steep terrain within twenty miles of the Tongtian Pillar, Chi Tong, who was walking in front of less than a mile, spoke up.

At the same time, Lin Xue and the others also knew from the vibrations from the ground that a large number of undead creatures had discovered them.

It seems that as soon as they step into this area, their restrained life breath will be exposed to the eyes of the undead creatures that are standing still and delaying decay in a certain area around them.

In the roar, more than 100 ferocious pythons mutated from mountain pythons, 30 to 50 meters in length, and rotting in a large area, revealing the bones.

Behind the python group, two terrifying giant pythons with a length of more than 90 meters and a thickness of six to seven meters, covered with white bone armor, pressed two ditches on the ground.

When walking, the crisp sound of the bones colliding came from the giant python. The front half of the body stood upright for more than 20 meters, and a pair of scarlet snake eyes stared at Chi Tong and the others coldly on the skull covered with horns.


A low roar resembling a snake but not a snake came from the mouth of the white-boned python, pulling away the attack of the undead python group.

More than a hundred giant pythons weighing more than ten tons were completely inconsistent with the system, and they approached the frontmost Chitong in the blink of an eye at a speed close to the speed of sound.

Along the way, flying sand and rocks, setting off billowing smoke and dust will directly cover the foot of the mountain that looks like a canyon.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!!"

The 100-meter high-altitude elemental crystal fort that belonged to Flying South took the lead in attacking, and the colorful beams of elements were about ten centimeters thick and fell on the python group.

The elemental beam did not explode under the control of Fei Nan, but penetrated holes with a diameter of half a meter at the joints of the giant pythons. It greatly reduced its strength to Chi Tong and the others behind.