Chapter 24 Kowloon Surrounding

The thick cloud layer formed by the rich dead energy is about to destroy the city, so low that it seems that Chi Tong and the others can reach them.

In the dim sky, the ground suddenly began to emit a trace of gray death, which caused a commotion from the owner of countless pairs of scarlet eyes in the darkness.

"Heh... the field that covers ten miles is very strong."

Like the dark earth where the white night is upside down, the nine elemental crystals in the sky exude colorful neon lights like stars, driving the darkness hundreds of meters away.

There is a very strong contrast between the dim earth outside the circle and the colorful light illuminated by the elemental crystal flowing inside the circle.

"Has your mission been completed?"

Under the dreamy neon lights, Xiang Nanfei asked indifferently about Rias and the others' side quests, seemingly not taking the situation in front of him into consideration.

"No." Chi Tong shook his head suspiciously.

It seems that he was infected by Xiang Nanfei, after he opened his mouth in a relaxed tone.

Whether it was Rias Chitong and the others, or Lin Xue, the restlessness, fear, and nervousness caused by the bone-winged black dragon in the hearts of the three of them all eased a little.

"Isn't there? It seems that we have to go inside."

Xiang Nanfei looked at the bone-winged black dragon in the distance in the dark, like a mountain range in front of Rias and the others, with a playful gaze.

"Go in!"

Shi Long, who was standing behind Lin Xue, swallowed his saliva and felt his legs trembling a little while looking at the terrifying black shadow covering the sky.

"Mr. Xiang, master, see that the big guy is not doing anything now, or let's hold on and see if we can delay the return." Shi Long proposed with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Yu Zhengde, who was standing beside Shi Long, changed his face and agreed with Shi Long's safe proposal. After all, the dragon-shaped creature felt too strong, and at this moment, he felt a suffocated sense of death just by not moving.

"That's not a sanctuary creature, Mr. Xiang... Are you sure?"

Lin Xue, who had once felt the aura of the Sanctuary, knew that the black bone-winged dragon lying in front of them was not something they could deal with.

Not to mention resistance, if there is no existence among them flying south, that terrifying creature can blow them to death in one breath.

"Hey, you can see that too." Xiang Nanfei looked at Lin Xue with a slightly surprised look, but when he turned his head and thought about the luxurious magic equipment on her body, he suddenly understood.

The high-level magic-patterned equipment in that suit is obviously not something that she is capable of with a golden rank. Looking at the atmosphere and extraordinary vision that this woman has shown along the way, it seems that she is not simple.

"It seems that you can also see that it is a legendary creature that has completed the extraordinary road and is respected as a demigod in many powerful worlds, and the ordinary world is a god."

"Legend! The gods...hs..."

Yu Zhengde and Shi Long, who gasped for breath, looked at each other and saw the shock and fear in the other's eyes.

Although they have only experienced nine worlds after entering the main god space, they have been staying in the middle and lower levels under the sanctuary.

But in the middle and upper sanctuary and legends, and the legendary gods who can take back their freedom in the main god space are still heard.

In the main god space, there is a simple and rude division of strength that is generally used in the heavens and the world.

From the one-to-ten bronze at the first level to the one-to-hundred silver at the second level is the beginning of an ordinary person's transformation to the extraordinary.

After the extraordinary power mastered is proficient and powerful, it is promoted to the third-order gold that is officially separated from ordinary creatures and truly belongs to the extraordinary sequence.

After reaching the golden rank, the creatures who have mastered the power essence of each cultivation system will completely distance themselves from ordinary life and embark on the path of transcendence.

Weakness can be slashed by a thousand people, but the strong can be defeated by ten thousand people.

Then it is further promoted to the condensed golden elixir of the immortal cultivation system, the achievement of the Martial Saint of the immortal martial system, or the sanctuary of the magic system. A complete transformation of life forms is considered to be officially on the world stage, stepping into the upper and middle layers of the main god space.

At that time, they were in contact with the task of taking the country as the battlefield, and controlling the rise and fall of an empire. You will even meet and face the legendary demigod enemies who use the world as a chessboard and wave your hands as natural disasters.

"Are we lucky or unfortunate. We actually ran into a hell-level difficulty mission with silver and gold tiers everywhere, and even a creature like a legend that can influence the existence of a civilization has appeared."

"And let's not talk about the danger. It's still a dilapidated world, and there are no useful resources at all."

However, unlike Shi Long Yuzhengde, who was already crying, Rias and Himejima Akeno, who had already guessed, were not very worried.

After spending a few days with Xiang Nanfei, for some reason, they have inexplicable confidence in Xiang Nanfei. Especially Chi Tong, looking at the Bone Wing Black Dragon with eagerness to try.

Of course, Chi Tong is still aware of how much she has in her own strength.

Looking at Lin Xue who was still calm, his eyes swept over Shi Long and Yu Zhengde, who were crying and sad, and finally fell on the three girls who Mo Ming had confidence in him.

He smiled slightly at the three girls whose eyes were shining under the colorful neon lights, and Xiang Nanfei spoke in a hurry.

"I'll lead the dragon to the top later." Xiang Nanfei pointed to the clouds above.

"Then Chi Tong, you release the golden ape, and use it as an arrow to rush in. The element crystal above will be your first line of defense."

"Afterwards, you will follow the previous play, with Rias and Himejima Akeno, and him as the center." Xiang Nanfei pointed at Yu Zhengde.

"The three of you try not to go out of the Golden Ape's attack range to form a second defense, just keep rushing forward."

"If I'm not wrong, there should be a passage to another world, and it's also the dragon's territory. As long as you go in, those undead creatures won't dare to chase in."

"Well, Brother Xiang."

Chi Tong, Rias, and Himejima Akeno, who had seen the golden ape far beyond the normal sanctuary undead, understood the meaning of Xiang Nanfei after a little thought, and then nodded together to indicate that there was no problem.

Only Lin Xue, who had never seen the Golden Ape, was clueless. But looking at the three fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls, none of them showed any signs of timidity. Shi Long and Yu Zhengde, who were men, had to pretend to be okay even for the sake of face.

"Okay, be careful."

Seeing that the bone-winged black dragon is about to turn a ten-mile radius into an independent realm of death energy. He smiled faintly at Chi Tong and the three of them, and instantly flew southward into the sky.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!..."

A long sound of long ling sounded, in the shocked eyes of Lin Xue and the others, Chi Tong and the others. Nine slender and powerful oriental dragons roared out from behind Xiang Nanfei, with a length of more than 150 meters.

The red crystal flame dragon burning with fiery flames, the blue ice crystal ice dragon filled with blue ice mist, the plasma thunder dragon bursting with thunder arcs, the light element blazing dragon emitting dazzling rays like the sun.

Nine terrifying giant dragons exuding a half-step legendary atmosphere centered on flying south, circling and provoking a provocative roar towards the bone-winged black dragon.