Chapter 32 Sealing the Lord Divine Light Ball

"Don't envy them, Rias, I'll give you one from my eldest brother when we meet next time."

After he put the necklace on Himejima Akeno, he couldn't help but chuckle with admiration flashing in Rias' green eyes when he turned to Nanfei.

"Ah...that's right, no envy."

With an exclamation, Rias explained somewhat embarrassedly.

"Ah ah ah... Brother Xiang, the president lied."

Treasuringly touching the black gemstone necklace, Akeno Himejima directly dismantled Rias.

"Ju Nai, you..."

Rias Xiafei, who was immediately exposed, glared at Himejima Akeno with dissatisfaction.

"Brother Xiang, I will go to the upper floors to find you."

Just as Rias was staring at Himejima Akina with dissatisfaction in her green eyes, Chi Tong, who was watching the two fighting, seemed to make a promise, and looked firmly at Xiang Nanfei.

"it is good!"

Nodding slightly, looking at Chi Tong with unwavering gaze, Xiang Nanfei didn't tell her that even if he went to the upper floors, he wasn't there.

Now that he has just stepped into the god-level, there are some words that cannot be said.

"We'll also go upstairs to find your big brother Xiang."

Following the words that seemed to say goodbye, Rias, Himejima Akeno and the others fell silent again.

"Okay, don't make the atmosphere so heavy, I'll give you a gift at the end."

Looking at the three girls who were feeling sad again, some unnatural flying to the south broke the atmosphere that he was not used to.

"There are still gifts?" The three of them were stunned when they heard that.

"Well, close your eyes."


The three girls stood in a row obediently and closed their eyes. The breeze blew through, stroking the three girls' long hair, revealing their peerless faces that had already begun to emerge from their young age.

Looking at the three well-behaved girls in front of him, Xiang Nanfei's calm and indifferent heart rose up with mixed emotions that surprised him a little.

It seems to be the care of beautiful things, or the love and pity of a sister.

That seems to be very long ago, but in fact he still had it a year ago. But after remodeling the body, it was suppressed and disappeared by the bloodline divinity of the end of destruction.

It really works!

In order to thank you for letting me awaken human emotions before casting a divine body, you will be protected by (the world).

Reaching out a little on the foreheads of the three girls, a faint purple lotus imprint flashed across the girls' foreheads.

"Okay, let's go in and see if you can complete the mission."

Leaving this sentence, before the three girls opened their eyes, Xiang Nanfei's figure disappeared directly in place.

"Go to big brother."

"have they gone!"

"Well, let's go."

When he opened his eyes, the figure who could make people feel very reassured as long as he was in sight had disappeared, and the three girls looked carefully at the empty eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Chi Tong reached out and touched his forehead.

"Did you have a lot of knowledge in your mind, and Brother Xiang left a book (The Sword of Rebirth on the Other Side) in my mind."

Himejima Akina: "Well, I have a practice method called (Ziyouguangwing Thunder God Canon) in my mind."

Rias touched her forehead with a dazed look in her eyes, as if there was still the residual warmth of the figure's fingers.

"Mine is a training method for demons (Similar Real Demon God Body)."


"What's going on, what's going on here..."

In the golden brilliance, Murakami's face was full of panic. In the golden light, he had circled the gray planet below more than ten times.

This is completely different from what he imagined. Shouldn't he return to the main god space at this time, why is he still outside this planet.

Is it him!

At this moment, the cold eyes of Xiang Nanfei, ignoring everything, appeared in Murakami Yidao's mind.

No, no, how is this possible? How could he be so powerful!

Isn't this quest world suitable for the middle and lower levels of the main god space? How could such a terrifying person appear.

The more he thought about it, the paler his face became, and in the end, if he hadn't stopped his head quickly, he might have scared himself to death.

Looking indifferently at Murakami who was flying through the interlayer outside the planet's atmosphere like a headless fly, the indifferent voice of Flying South resounded in his mind.

"In the beginning, lift the blockade of time and space and monitor the light of traction."

In the beginning: "The mission is established, the light of traction is locked, and the time-space blockade is lifted."

tear it up!

In the eyes of Murakami Yidao's surprise, suddenly Jin Guang took him to tear the space and slammed into the turbulent space, and fled to a place purposefully.

The stream of light passed, and broke into a space fragment in an instant.

There, Murakami saw the ball of light that reassured him with tears in his eyes. The icy light before was never so warm at this time.

"'s here."

At this moment, a voice engraved in his soul scared Murakami into pieces, and at the same time a slender white palm rested on his shoulder.

"Drip! Drip! Drip! Drip! The child link is successful."

"Drip! Drip! Drip! First-level alert, special-level alert."

"Unknown existence is found, forced return, and all surviving reincarnation teams are forced to return."

After Xiang Nanfei imprisoned the village tree with a knife, he didn't do it again, quietly watching the soft glow of the ball in front of him dripping! drop! drop! alarm sound.

"The side quest is completed, and the reward is 10,000 exchange points."

"The main task is completed, the reward is 10,000 exchange points, and a gold permission card."

"The main mission is completed, and we will return in ten minutes."

An indifferent and grand voice sounded in the ears of Chi Tong and the others who walked into the air column.

At the same time, a world where the sky and the earth are all barren and gray came into the eyes of the three of them.

Not far in front of them, Lin Xue and the others came first. Seeing their relieved expressions, Chi Tong knew that they had obviously received a notice of their return.

"Di! Di! Di! Alert, for unknown reasons, all surviving Samsara teams will be forced to return immediately."

With a rush of alarm sounds, the stunned Chi Tong, Rias, Himejima Akeno, and Lin Xue were instantly enveloped in a white beam of light.

The familiar regression dizziness came, and in the confusion, Chi Tong seemed to see in an empty space.

Xiang Nanfei put one hand on Murakami Yidao's shoulder, and the person standing in front of a white ball of light smiled at her.

Instantly, Chi Tong's eyes turned red.

After smiling at Chi Tong and the others flying overhead, Xiang Nanfei's eyes slowly cooled down.

"In the beginning, seal it."

In the beginning: "The mission is established, and the seal begins."

A purple petal floated out from Xiang Nanfei's forehead and landed on the main divine light ball that was flickering rapidly with white light ready to be teleported away.

And after assigning the task to Taichu, ignoring the eyes of Murakami who couldn't speak, Xiang Nanfei's right hand turned into a transparent and sharp terrifying claw, which was inserted into his chest.

"it's here!"

The blurred right claw stirred a few times in Murakami Yidao's body, and Fei Nan found what he wanted.

An incomparably complex pattern seal with the original imprint of time, space, and nightmare was rudely picked out by Xiang Nanfei from the depths of Murakami's soul.


Murakami, whose soul was broken and useless, was slapped by Xiang Nanfei with a knife, directly erasing his existence.

After being obliterated by the power of the source of destruction, even if Murakami Yidao has a means of resurrection in the main god space, don't even think about resurrection.