Chapter 42 Stop, Private Territory

"Cough cough... Why don't we accompany Xiaodie to have a look. At this point in time, such a character appeared."

Just when everyone was shocked that Kong Qianqian's net worth and others had sold hundreds of millions to buy a house, the Zhongshan man spoke up.

"Yes, let's accompany Xiaodie to have a look. I've never seen the 650 million mansion."

"This time, let's go and see."

A young man echoed with envy.

"Zhang Ting, what do you say?"

Just when everyone was a little moved, only when Kong Qianqian hesitated, the captain of the Zhongshan suit asked the beautiful woman who was being held by Xuanyuan Mengdie again.

"I agree to go and have a look together. After all, as soon as a space channel appeared here, someone bought a villa for 600 million."

"I'm afraid that someone will pay attention to other space creatures."

The woman named Zhang Ting thought about it, and then agreed with the captain.

"And I have been in Hu City for so many years, and I have never heard of a young billionaire with the surname Xiang who has made hundreds of millions."

"That's it, Qianqian, lead the way, let's visit."

Seeing that Zhang Ting, who was originally from Hu Shi, also said that he had never heard of this person, the captain of the Zhongshan suit directly decided.

And Kong Qianqian, who also felt a little strange, did not shirk this time. Under Xuanyuan Mengdie's excited eyes, she took the lead in getting into the car and drove towards Nanfei's villa.

"Is it here!"

A row of BMW Mercedes-Benz Lamborghini luxury cars parked in front of the gate of the villa. The main team members of these special departments will receive very generous bonuses every time they complete the task.

"so big."

After getting off the bus, what everyone noticed was the five-meter-high villa gate and the two-meter-high fence on the left and right. Especially the neatly lined landscape trees with lush branches more than ten meters high behind the fence make people curious about the scenery behind.

"And the view is nice"

After looking at the exterior of the villa, everyone's eyes turned to the coast on the side.

Standing on the hillside at the highest point in the surrounding area, everyone looked at the neatly arranged luxury villas on the left and the vast sea on the right, which made people feel a sense of ambition.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!..."

But after the appreciation, they did not forget the purpose of coming here, Xuanyuan Mengdie happily stepped forward and rang the doorbell.


In the electromagnetic sound, a half-meter-sized display screen on the doorbell lit up, and a face wearing sunglasses appeared on it.

"Peacock Villa in private territory, please refuse to enter."

The heavy metallic man's voice sounded, giving people a sonorous and powerful sense of heaviness.

"Hey! Are you the security guard of the villa? My name is Xuanyuan Mengdie, and I made an appointment with Mr. Xiang to visit."

Just outside Xuanyuan Mengdie spoke in surprise, and in the thoughtful eyes of the men in Chinese tunic suits, a string of data flowed under Wang Wu's sunglasses in the villa.

"Two middle and late third-orders, two second-order peaks, and five second-order early stages, there is no danger, and the weapon lock is released."

In an instant, Wang Wu got the detailed data of Xuanyuan Mengdie and the others, and then began to contact Wang Yi.

"Captain, a group of people are begging to see the boss outside the villa, and one of them, a woman named Xuanyuan Mengdie, said that she has an agreement with the boss."

Xiang Nanfei gave an order yesterday to let them call him boss from now on.


On the beach and under the sun umbrella, Xiang Nanfei was wearing short-sleeved shorts and was blowing the sea breeze, with four black-clothed bodyguards standing behind him.

"Tsk tsk... It feels good to relax like this every once in a while."

Xiang Nanfei, who also wore a pair of sunglasses, lay on the chair and thought.

"Boss, there is a woman named Xuanyuan Mengdie looking for you outside the door, saying that she has an appointment with you, and there are many other people with you."

Just as the sea breeze was blowing toward the south, Wang Yi, who was standing on the right, took two steps forward and bowed his head to speak softly.

"Uh...that woman."

Xiang Nanfei had a headache when he heard it.

He couldn't help thinking in his mind whether to move his hands and feet, so that the woman who kissed him because of the ancient dragon blood in her body should stay away from him.

Xiang Nanfei immediately saw the reason when Xuanyuan Mengdie turned around him like an idiot.

Because the bloodline of the God of Destruction in his divine body is actually a kind of dragon, and it is a stronger destroying dragon than the so-called Ancestral Dragon.

But after thinking about it, Xiang Nanfei thinks it's okay, it's rare to see a person with such a high bloodline awakening purity on this boring planet, and he's also an ancient dragon bloodline.

It might be a little fun to be in touch with her.

"Tell them to come see me here."

"Yes, boss."

After receiving the order, Wang Yi stepped back and stood up, and at the same time contacted Wang Wudao.

"The boss has an order for them to come here to meet you."


In the ground monitoring room where the basement of the villa was transformed into a Battlestar, Wang Wu reconnected to the gate display.


"The boss is basking in the sun on the beach below, and you are allowed to see me."


After speaking, Wang Wu turned off the monitor without waiting for the impatient crowd outside to react. At the same time, the huge invisible ground-energy fighter guns underground and in the air were retracted.

As one of the high-level civilizations of the technological universe, the highest achievement of Tianxing civilization, the all-rounder Ares-level mecha man is not only terrifying in combat, but also has modules for research, construction, and life in the intelligent database.

"This man is such a big frame, please see you again."

Immediately, the dissatisfaction that had arisen because of being neglected was detonated by Wang Wu's contempt, and a young man spoke angrily.

Even the prudent captain in the tunic suit could not help frowning, a little dissatisfied with Xiang Nanfei's high profile. Not to mention his subordinates who have long since considered themselves superior because of their extraordinary powers.

"So arrogant."

Kong Qianqian thought, sure enough, yesterday she could faintly see Xiang Nanfei's overlook hidden under the surface indifference, which was one of the reasons why she didn't really want to come.

"Hey! Look there."

Just as the few people were all making their own guesses, Xuanyuan Mengdie, who took a few steps to the side of the cement road, pointed to a blind spot where a sun umbrella and a few black figures could be vaguely seen.

"Let's go, let's also meet Mr. Xiang who suddenly appeared from Hu City."

However, he was the captain after all, so the man in Chinese tunic suppressed a trace of unhappiness in his heart so as not to affect his rational judgment, and led someone to follow Xuanyuan Mengdie, who had already jumped off the slope.

But soon he encountered something that made him even more dissatisfied.

"Hey! Mr. Xiang, you are so leisurely, blowing the sea breeze here."

Seeing Xiang Nanfei's figure from a distance, Xuanyuan Mengdie ran over happily.

"It's Miss Xuanyuan, please take a seat."

Straightening his body, Xiang Nanfei pointed at the smiling Xuanyuan Mengdie opposite the chair Wang Yigang had just taken out.

Then, when the captain of the Chinese tunic suit and the others were about to follow, the sturdy arms stopped them.

"Stop, there is private territory ahead."

Two burly men in black suits, white shirts and sunglasses, who looked like bodyguards, blocked everyone from flying south to the private beach.

Only Xuanyuan Mengdie, who was sent by Wang Wu and nodded to Nanfei, was allowed to enter.