Chapter 59 - The rain is over!

The consciousness of supreme majesty and mastery was very angry, and the pitch-black spatial turbulence became even more violent after feeling its anger.

"Heh ... how about we go outside and fight again."

Standing in front of the tiny imperceptible spacetime rift, to Nanfei that lofty thousand kilometers of God body is slowly converging, shrinking, lightly laughing at the surrounding wandering angry, but scornful no longer do it super God universe heavenly dao consciousness.

All the way from the deep space to fight over, unstoppable kill to the surface of the space-time rift in front of, further is the main material space.

There, although boundless and solid.

But if once the fight, with their destructive power random attack is the destruction of the star field, space-time collapse.

And to Nanfei although it can not kill it, but it can not help to Nanfei, if a decade or eight years, the battle between the two at least destroy half of the star universe.

This does not matter to Nanfei, but for it is unbearable, because after the destruction of the main material space is required to consume a huge amount of essence to repair.

The deep space is not the same as the energy state of space-time turbulence.

The world-extinguishing flames behind him slowly extinguished, his body size began to shrink, the angry dragon wings were also taken into his body, the destruction of everything outside his body also slowly disappeared.

In the end, Nanfei is like an ordinary person, a gray and white casual clothes, long hair shaved in front of more than ten meters in size of the space-time rift.

And very elegantly turned back to the supernatural universe heavenly will waved his hand, leaving a street punk after a vicious fight harsh words "do not come to mess with me oh." The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.



The destruction force has been propped up to the size of a thousand miles of space-time wormhole issued to fall apart like a grating sound, the periphery has been transformed into an ocean of thunder in countless purple thunder explosions, thunder dragons roar.

Below, regardless of the strength of the planet, such as the presidents and governments, or have the strength to detect the eyes of the black hole.

There are also alien strengths such as Morgana, she directly invaded the planet's data, directly broadcast to present the picture in front of the eyes, eyes serious looking at the black hole as if the dark sun hanging across the sky.

A gloomy atmosphere enveloped the entire planet, weighing down on everyone's head, making people gasp for breath.


A world shaking, covering the world's terrifying strong will from the entire star swept through, all living creatures instinctively rise up in fear, kneel down and worship the impulse.

At the same time the sky above the abyss, counterclockwise rotation of the space-time wormhole abruptly stopped, and then like an avalanche quickly collapsed, disappearing.

"Get lost and leave me alone."

A very young voice rang out in the thunder, seemingly a little impatient.

And after the youth opened his mouth, seemingly very scornful, the dark clouds covering the sky quickly dissipated, revealing the orange-red remnants of the sun behind.

Square miles of thunder pools, also in the lightning flicker between the void, those a let people's scalps tingling thunder dragon in a few sparks after crackling and dissipating a void.

Countless people looked up, blank stares at the top of the head.

Miles of cloudless, the sky has never been so clear as now, a cluster of warm sunset sprinkled on the body, so that all have a warm, moving after the robbery.

The apocalyptic dark clouds have disappeared, and the tornado dragon that tore everything apart is not emitting a harsh whine.

The thunder that shines half the stars seems to have returned to the nine heavens, no longer giving the illusion that at any time will be five thunderbolts.

Eyes blankly looking at the sky, greedily enjoying the sun's rays Ge Xiaolun suddenly rubbed his eyes, then once again towards there, surprised.

"That...that seems to be a person standing there."

"That, that ah Xiaolun?"

Stretching his hand on his forehead, Zhao Xin squinted his eyes towards the direction Ge Xiaolun was pointing.

At the same time Kieren and the girls also, the gaze followed Ge Xiaolun's hand and looked in the direction of the sun also saw the 'figure' Ge Xiaolun said

Super human physical quality, but also gave them excessive vision.

In the absence of cloud cover, although tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, but they still saw the original place in the space-time wormhole, a vague 'human' figure standing there with his hands.

But before they could get a closer look, the figure suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

After the dark clouds dispersed, although nothing happened on the surface, all the power cuts of the entire star moved, and an undercurrent began to surge.

"Attention, Stallion Company, all withdraw to the base now."


"Assemble, assemble."

"Super One prepare to take off."

"Super Two prepare for takeoff."

Under the sunset, the wreckage of last night's battle still remained around, and a young and energetic figure began to orderly embark on the return journey.

"This, is Sun Wukong, last night's battle was a practical exercise."

"And your performance, to my great satisfaction, especially Xiaolun."

Podium, Dukao first familiar pat next to the Monkey King, apparently the two are very close relationship very familiar.

Then only to last night's battle explained, followed by a little inspirational speech, and finally like praise.

"Well, having said that the front is in our control, now let's talk about the back of the situation beyond our control."

"The situation at that time you have seen, the interstellar projection of Carlsbad is still nothing, but the existence of that space-time wormhole opened by Carlsbad at the back, coming out is now the most important thing."

Said here whether it is the stage of Dukao, Sun Wukong, Ritz, or the stage of Lena, Cheng Yao Wen, they all have a gloomy face.

"Now the other party's purpose of coming here, the strength they possess everything is unclear to us, and there is no way to know that it is there."

"But since the other party did not make the first attack attitude, we still have a glimpse of the possibility of talking to multiple parties, or even talking peace."

"And it's up to all of us to work together."

"The problem is what does that person look like, and we don't even know when he goes there?"

Zhao Xin spread his hands.

"Yeah, at that time we only saw a vague figure." Ge Xiaolun nodded and responded.

"Don't worry, that person's looks I used more than ten satellites directly at that time to form the God's eye to shoot, has been restored in the back."

Ritz smiled to indicate that they are also prepared.

"Look, here it comes."

Just then, Rei Feng and Whispering Qin, who were in a fitted military uniform, opened the door and walked in.

Then after nodding to Dukao and the others, they connected the laptop in their hands to the visualizer.

A handsome young face of about twenty years old appeared on the big screen.

The youth was dressed in a gray slim casual clothes, wearing a pair of white loafers on his feet, standing in the atmosphere with a casual demeanor and feet in the void.

Behind a waist-length black hair fluttering in the wind, indifferent gaze, extremely relaxed demeanor, like a leisurely walk in the afternoon on vacation.

It seems to be a relatively handsome, non-threatening young man.

But these to exclude in the youth outside the heaven and earth shaking, the heaven and earth reversed, it seems that the heaven and earth can not carry his existence of the horror of the scene.