Chapter 90 Remember, your form is called 'human'

"Do you know why I didn't strike to destroy this world?"

Above the throne, Xiang Nanfei's expressionless face 'watching' below, bringing heavy pressure to Ge Xiaolun Reina and the girls below.

Faced with Xiang Nanfei's question, whether it is Dukao or Ge Xiaolun Zhao Xin, Rose Lena they do not coincide with a bitter smile and shake their heads.

They do not know.

For to Nanfei this from time to time suddenly burst out flip style, and to Nanfei contact not much Zhao Xin big D they are really afraid.

You say if an ordinary person dares to do so, big D they have long taught him to be a human being. But now face to face with the invincible power of the current world to Nanfei, Big D he said it is better to pin their tails and behave.

"Remember, because your planet is also called Earth, your form is called the human race." Xiang Nanfei slightly sat up straight, the tone of voice rare formal said.

Let the Dukao Renfeng who noticed this their eyes twitched.

"Now you guys don't think a little to let Kesha scare the strength of the pride, turn back to work more to improve themselves."

"I hope that the next time I have the opportunity to come back, not to avenge the already destroyed Earth."

"Now I give you five days to integrate the forces of the entire planet, they must be united under the Eastern China."

"The unwilling, there will be no need for them to exist."

After saying that, Xiang Nanfei leaned back on the throne again, making a move to send the Xiong Bing Lian crowd out of this dark space that Xiang Nanfei used to suppress his own aura.

"Wait to Mr. Xiang, what do you mean?"

Ge Xiaolun scuffed up and eagerly asked toward Nanfei.

Xiang Nanfei's slightly raised hand gave a beat: "The boundary between this universe of yours and that so-called void civilization universe is now cracked because of the aftermath of my fight with an existence that you can hardly understand."

"It won't be long, maybe a year or ten years that void civilization with thousands and hundreds of times the strength of your universe will border with you."

"And that civilization's survival environment is a thousand times worse than yours, what will happen after that think for yourself."

"Remember, you only have five days."

After saying that, Xiang Nanfei waved his hand and moved the Xiongbing Company people out of the dark space, and turned his head to look at Kierin.

"I'm leaving a little earlier than I expected because of an unexpected situation."

Looking at the well-behaved maid who called herself master before and after accepting her identity, a touch of tenderness surfaced on Xiang Nanfei's face on a rare occasion.

For this because of boredom to receive the maid, if not now the body side is not stable, to Nanfei to do not mind a little mind to take her away.

But now all his energy needs to be focused on the body's advancement to the true body of the Hongmeng master.

"Master, which one is too powerful to fight with you?" Qilin looked at Nanfei worriedly.

"Haha ... just by it." Xiang Nanfei smiled contemptuously.

"If not for the fact that I don't have time to spend with it now your master, just because it dares to count on me, I'm going to let it know what the wrath of the master is."

"But although I don't bother with it now, it's also suffering heavy losses right now and is busy repairing its house."

A bit of smugness appeared in Xiang Nanfei's cold eyes as he swallowed a bite of the Super God Universe outer void universe core. At this time that universe everywhere because of the disappearance of the central gravitational force star field collapse, stellar explosion.

Especially the entire outer universe center, more than one million nine hundred thousand light years of visible gravitational circle was swallowed into the god body to the south after flying, leaving that super huge through the supernatural god universe matter and deep illusory space-time cavity.

A will of the super god universe heavenly dao pulled over, fully mobilize the power of the heavenly dao to suppress, to fill the hole with half of the origin of the origin of the sea.

That will hold the supernatural universe heavenly will for a thousand years, so that it has no time to rescue its true heritage, those in the outer universe in the harsh environment of the slowly evolving powerful civilization and lifeforms.

According to Nanfei's projection, this time the rules change, the star field shock catastrophe will take out at least ninety percent of the strength of the void civilization.

Most of those civilizations that are below the fourth generation of Gods and cannot move far from the star field will be annihilated in this shock that affects the entire universe.

And after the shock, there are natural environmental disasters caused by the automatic gravitational adjustment of galaxies and star systems, etc., all kinds of miles in billions of trillions of planetary life will die on this point.

It can be said that this time, the supernatural universe heavenly dao calculate to the south fly, is eclipsed the old capital.

And later he will also give it another big gift, when the time comes huh ...

"Not just good." Kierin smiled at the heart of a relief.

Then Kierin's gaze darkened and whispered, "Which, master you will come back to see me ..."

In the first few times to Nanfei's words, Kierin heard to Nanfei leave will not take her away, and she also can not let go of comrades and loved ones.

Just now when Xiang Nanfei really want to leave, a heart fluttering. Kierin realized that in just twenty days, she has been very dependent on the shedding of Nanfei.

"The future, there is no certainty, see the opportunity." Slightly shaking his head, Xiang Nanfei did not give Kierin a positive answer.

Hearing that Xiang Nanfei did not explicitly agree, Kierin's eyes were red.

"Ahem ... well, I have more things to do now, let's see when I'm done."

Seeing that Kierin looked like she was in tears and was about to cry, Xiang Nanfei changed back to his usual tone of voice to comfort him.

The main reason is that there is nothing left for Nanfei to look at in the Super God Universe, and after he collects the mutated super giant again, there is no attraction to Nanfei other than destroying it.

"Well, how about this." Looking at Kierin's pitiful appearance, the soft-breathed Xiang Nanfei felt slightly headache.

"You also follow to help, tell them, only five days!" Said, to Nanfei gaze at once became incomparably cold.


"Hahahahaha ... Does your country of China think that by forming some kind of super god warrior team, you already don't know what you're doing."

In the large conference room of the United Nations, the representative of the Eagle Country let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahahahahaha ..."


"Shagga ... The Chinese have always been so arrogant." Following his own boss, the neon representative mockingly looked at a serious Chinese representative.

"Since that one has given his word, you think you can stop it!" The rigid face of the Chinese representative carried a toughness that had never been seen before.

"This is the vote, please come up and sign if you agree to be coordinated according to the arrangement of China in the future, if you don't want to, feel free."

The representative of China ignored the hundreds of representatives of countries around the world, looking at him with a crazy gaze of those people, but directly laid out the written agreement.

"Hum ... what you say, who can prove it, besides that one who made a stand in front is indeed very powerful and terrifying."

"But it is not possible that with his words, let us unconditionally merge into China and form the so-called global alliance."

"And the Alliance of Haters formed by our country is not a pose."

After decades of being the planet's boss, the representative of the Eagle Country had a very strong attitude and refused to say.

And in the past, those of his little brothers, at this time the same behind him shouted cheering.

After all, the topic thrown out by China today is too arrogant and directly touches their interests. Plus, from the time Xiang Nanfei appeared until now, he hadn't actually destroyed and killed any lives at all.

So they are not at all very afraid of the threat of the representative of China ...