Quest 0 : The recruitment


"Ash, it's time for your recruitment!"

"Coming!" Ash replied.

Ash was now 19. It was time to serve his motherland.

"It's time to put your powers to good use, Ash." His mother said.

"I know, mom."

He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, and ran straight for the tree.

Teleportation. That was the ultimate power he had. Not a big deal, though. It was a minor Level 9 Power. The only difference was he could teleport large distances and a number of times, maybe due to his good strength.

He reached the PCU, Parallel Cosmos University.

"Ouch!" he yelped as he hit his head on the tree.

"Moment of Inertia acting on you, boy?" Snickered Jake.

"Stop it, Jake!" Said Ash, annoyed as he got up.

"Let's give it our best, Ash!"

"Yeah!" Ash replied as he entered the University.