Chapter 3

After what happened in the dungeon yesterday Izuku was tired. So he did the same thing you would do. He smashed his head into his wall and passed out on his bed.

Say what you want but it worked but then something weird happened in the morning. When he woke up there were 3 girls in his bed with him. So he woke them up and they started screaming. Well two did the other just stared. "Alright, shut up and come with me".

????? pov

The boy left and when the other two stopped screaming we followed. One of the others asked. "What the hell is going on?". The boy looked at her and said "Why do you think I would know?".

Anyway we walked with him for a minute and he stopped in a random crater where he started smoking.

Izuku pov

"Alright now i'm ready for your bullshit. Ok who's first". The one with brown hair stands up and says "Well i'm Ochaco uraraka and I was walking down the street when I fell in a portal". I look at the other two and say "Is it pretty much the same for you two?". They nod their heads. "Alright well let me get you up to speed. Basically you are in a different world where there are different universes and there are aliens as well. Not sure how many there are but there's a fuck ton of them". I give them a minute to process this. "This however leads to a problem". They look at me confused. "Where are you gonna stay?". "Well can't we stay with you". "I don't have any extra rooms".

"Oh yeah by the way i'm izuku midoriya, what are your names?". I asked the other two. "I'm shouko todoroki". "Oh so you're the daughter of that flaming cunt". She nods and I smile at her. "I'm momo yaoyorozu". "Ok well this just leads back to the same problem of where are you gonna stay?". They just stare at me. "Oh for fuck's sake fine but don't start complaining about shit, alright". They nod.

Alright now to get some answers. "System, whats going on?"

[Due to players rewards from the {kill insecurities} quest, you have earned 3 familiars/slaves (whichever fits best)]1

"Ok but why are my familiars people?"

[Due to players past life, it was decided that other people are needed to ensure that the player doesn't lose their sanity]

"Alright then system can you explain how familiars work".

[Familiar- An animal or person who works with you. They will not get the gamer ability and will not get stronger with you so you will need to train them. The familiar system also spreads to those in the party, so they will work with player 2 as well. You will also be allowed to give them skills and equipment as long as the skill or perk in't completely different from the familiar itself ex. a human can not learn {fire breathing} unless it's their quirk and a villain cannot get the perk {pure of heart}]

Alright let's deal with these assholes. I look at them and told them to grab me. Momo grabs my hand, same with Ochaco but shouko hugs me. I say "house" and we teleport back home.

When we got there the others let go except shouko who just kept holding on. "Can you let go now. She doesn't move at all. "Alright fuck it". I just pick her up bridal style. "Alright let me show you around".

After the tour

"So where are you all gonna sleep?". In this house I don't have any spare rooms. For whatever reason, it wasn't considered necessary. Well now look at what happened. I have three girls in my house and I don't have a place to put them.

"Alright, you can sleep in my bed. It's huge. I'm pretty sure it could fit me and like five other people and i'll just sleep on the couch". Alright now time to see how much time I have left before I join the story.

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[Time left 11 months]

Oh fuck me. "System is there a quest that can skip time ahead?".

Quest unlocked-Timeskip

Train Ochaco, Momo, Shouko, Eri and yourself up to at least 100 in all stats before the end of the month


-30000 zeni

-20000 exp

-1 special gacha pull

-you get to jump right into the story

That actually should be pretty easy. I have 20 points due to the level up's so if I put it all into endurance I should reach 100 in that. Actually thinking about it I should just put 16 into endurance and the other 4 into luck. Yeah let's do that.

[endurance has been increased to 100.4]

[luck has been increased to 41.1]

[Due to reaching 100 endurance, player has got the skill {Heavy metal}]

[Heavy metal- lvl 1 This skill is used by the giant race in the seven deadly sins universe. This skill grants the player a better connection to the earth and when activated will double endurance and strength along with a small damage reduction]

Well that's good but still we have a lot of training to do in order for everyone to reach 100 on each stat is gonna take a while speaking of which "System what are their stats".

[Due to being moved to a new world all of their stats have been set to 30]


[Stats for different worlds are different so this is easier for the system to manage]

Fair enough. I open my menu and go to skills and check out {Id create and escape}. Alright let's do this.

Timeskip of izuku just making dungeons and leaving them for a few hours

[{Id create and escape} levelled up x 99]

While I was flickering in and out of existence I saw that eri came downstairs to make herself a bowl of cereal and after that she has just been watching cartoons. The others just went to bed which is fair. After all they did enter a new world or multiverse. Whichever one who cares.

So after I was done maxing out that I found out different ways I could change it. From making the world filled with bosses to making a dragon who could grant wishes but for now. It's time to train but what would be the most effective way. 1

All of a sudden my sadistic side takes over and an idea comes to mind. "EVERYONE GET OVER HERE!". I yell and everyone came quickly. They sat down in front of me. "System invite them all to party". After I said that 3 boxes appeared in front of Momo, Ochaco and shouko while Eri just sat there confused at why I called her here. They press yes and I tell them to open stats. "Within a month we need those stats to shoot up to 100 and while that sounds difficult I have a plan".

I once again ask them to grab me which puts me in the same situation as before but with eri on my back and I say "{Id create}" and mentally fill in the instructions of what I want the dungeon to be.

We end up in an endless wasteland witch appears to go on forever and trust me it does. When they all let go zombies start spawning like millions of them. "Alright first objective. Kill them all or as many as you can".

I walk forward slowly while trying to equip my katana but remember that it broke. "Shit". I remember that one of my rewards was a new katana. I mentally accept that reward and a new katana appears in front of me. I grab it and somehow instantly knew it's name.

"Murasame". I see a notification pop up.

[Would you like to turn the poison off]

Somehow I knew exactly what it meant. It was like I've seen this sword before but that doesn't matter right now. I say yes to turning it off. You may ask why. Well it's simple. It's so much more fun to see them die slowly.

I quickly rush in not worrying about the others right now. Besides I have a skill to level up. "RAGE BURST". I let my anger take over and go into my mindscape. What I have to go somewhere.

no one's pov

Izuku let out a bright light and starts walking.

He starts cutting away zombies while the others watched. Eri had stars in her eyes. "Wow dad is so strong". He all of a sudden turns and rushes and the others and cuts the head of one that was about to attack which is when they remember that they were also meant to be fighting.

Momo passed around some swords while eri pulled out her dagger. They all went around killing zombies not like izuku who was killing multiple at once. All of a sudden Izuku's eyes stop glowing showing the skill was turned off but he still cut through the zombies easily.

Izuku pov

[{Rage burst} has levelled up x14]

[{katana mastery levelled up by x36}]

I got back in control but was still cutting down zombies. I checked my ki and saw that I had a bit over half. I get an idea that may or may not work but god I hope it works. I quickly run over to the girls grab them and chuck them as high as I can which means I have a minute or two before they come down because for whatever reason they didn't weigh much. So I fly up into the air force my ki into the air and make it swirl around me. I push my hands out forcing the air to push outwards while yelling the only thing I could "shinra tensei" (If the name is wrong please correct me).

[Due to specific actions skill {Shinra tensei} has been created]

[Shinra tensei- lvl max this move is from the rinnegan's deva path but you somehow managed to recreate it using Ki and the air around you by expelling it with mass amounts of Ki]3

I check my Ki and see that it's near empty but I should have enough to catch the others. Oh wait. "System teleport me to the others".

I teleport, grab them and exit the dungeon. Luckily momentum and how far we travelled doesn't matter outside the dungeon cause we teleport back to where we left. Anyway when we teleport back I notice that the others had levelled by 20 while I have by 21. I don't think the maths for that is right but whatever at least my health has been restored.

I feel a lot of pressure out of nowhere so I turn around and see the most terrifying thing ever. Three angry women.

[You have made three women mad and their power has been multiplied by... error number too high]

Oh fuck.

[Run bitch run!!!!!!!]1

Don't need to tell me twice. I grab the three of them and make an empty dungeon quickly. They throw me off and send me fucking far.

I pull out my sword (with poison turned off) and activate {heavy metal}, {ripper}, a bunch of {Ki clones} and {Rage burst}. This may seem overkill but trust me, this is all necessary. In my old life I pissed off one woman in my last life and that ended up with me in a hospital for over a month and she didn't use her quirk. I took control for the amount of time I could in {Rage burst} and did the most stupid thing I could do. "KAIOKEN x3". I pushed my hands forward and Yelled "RIOT". I moved my hands to my hips and kept going "KA ME HA ME". I shoved my hands forward while yelling "HA!". I felt my bones break and stop the move. Along with deactivating it all. When I look over I see them standing there completely fine. I See them snap out of it though so that's good.

I deactivate the dungeon and stand up then go to my bed completely forgetting that the others were going to be sleeping here. When I fall on my bed I pass out from exhaustion.

[Due to near death experience stats have been multiplied by 1.5]

[Due to strength reaching 100, player has earned the skill {Serious punch}]3

[Due to agility reaching 100, player has earned the skill {nigerundayo}]4

Shouko pov

After he left we just sorta started at each other when I said "Dibs". 1

They both looked at me confused. "I call dibs on Izuku". They blinked before they started to argue with me until we were tired. We took notice that the little girl who was with us fell asleep so I took her to her room. It's a good thing we had that tour earlier. Anyway we walked in to what was meant to be our room but find Izuku laying in bed without a shirt.

(but with green hair)

Well i'm fine with this so i'm just gonna slip in bed with him. Momo and Ochaco jumped in bed as well. Then we fell asleep cuddling up to him.



Why Ochaco, Momo and Shouko where allowed to go to this world

So the god of the bnha world was chilling, doing paper work when he saw a new piece of paper float down. It was asking if those three could change world to help out Izuku

When god read that he said "Oh yeah that kid I fucked over. Meh alright if I fucked up his life here I may as well get him laid in another". 5


I will only do basics for eri and izuku if stats or skills haven't changed but I will always only do basics for others unless it's important. (Basics is just name and level)

After zenkai boost

name-Izuku midoriya












points- 105

New and levelled up skills that haven't been explained

ID create and escape-lvl max

Allows player to have complete control and create any type of world and can escape no matter what the situation

Rage burst- lvl 16

Just more time in control

Riot Kamehameha

Combination of the riot javelin and Kamehameha. While it doesn't change the look it does become more powerful than a normal Kamehameha and if heavily injured will give a buff of ten if player is in critical condition (less than a hundred hp)

nigerundayo-lvl max

When used will increase movement speed by 300% and if running away from someone will add another increase of 500%

Serious punch- lvl max

When turned on it will activate every single buff skill you have and add all of your Ki into a single punch which will have a buff of 200%

Katana mastery- lvl 46

46% damage increase

weapon mastery- lvl 3

Extra increase of 9%


Eri midoriya


Ochaco uraraka


Momo yaoyorozu


Shouko todoroki
