Chapter 9

izuku pov

"So because I killed you and you weren't able to reset, you became a ghost...". They nodded their head. "...And for whatever reason you became attached to me like chara was to you". They nod their head again. "That makes no sense at all". They look confused "Why does that make no sense?". "It doesn't explain how you followed me to a different fucking dimension". I see a question mark appear over their head. "Yeah I don't mean an Au like underfell or some shit like that. no I mean a completely dimension where you and everyone you know doesn't exist". Frisk asks me "Wait how do you know about Au's". "I went to the Christmas party".

I see something move out of the corner and I turn to see eri getting up. Naruto gets up a few minutes after. "Ok now try again". This time they don't waste time and instantly rush me. They are clearly faster and stronger. I watch as naruto seemingly glows red for a second and appears right next to me. I dodge but nearly get stabbed by eri. I breathe in and try something new. "Total concentration thunder breathing: bare handed style: thunder strike". I put my leg up and kick the ground making lightning strike and forcing them back. I use this chance to use another new move I thought up. I start using scatter reverse but spin in a circle while using full counter. "Scatter whirlpool". They manage to dodge most of them but got hit with a few leaving them with about half of their hp.

I use total concentration thunder breathing and feel myself be covered with lightning. Huh weird I feel like i've been like this before but i've never used this skill the way I am right now. Eh never mind. I zoom to eri at the speed of sound and reinforce my fist with Ki, uppercutting her and knocking her out. I feel my arm be impaled with a sword and see naruto with a red glow which i'm assuming was his jinchuriki cloak. I check his stats and see have doubled to 400 each. I guess he was around 100 in each when he finished his training so the zenkai got him to 200 and his cloak doubles his power. He rushes at me and I kick him upwards. He summons his sword to him and throws it. I feel my soul come out and a green shield appears I put all of my magic into it just to make sure he doesn't destroy it. He makes a few shadow clones and manages to break the shield making my soul crack slightly.

I feel my hp lower considerably and jump back. I grab his soul and slam him into the ground. I quickly run over to him and jump over him yelling "{shinra tensei}". It pushes him into the ground doing a good amount of damage but still not enough to knock him out. He gets up quickly stabbing me again and kicking me away. I cough up some blood and run at him one last time. I try to kick him away but he jumps over my kick and punches me far. I see him charge up a Kamehameha. I make my eyes glow blue and take a shortcut to behind him. I kick him into the ground and watch as he passes out again. I heal him and eri using my magic. I check my soul for the first time and see that while it is glowing it is very dull. There are tons of cracks and it looks like it could collapse at any moment. "What happened to your soul?". I see frisk looking at my soul in concern. You know it's a good thing they don't know how monsters have sex because that would make this really awkward. "I honestly don't know but can I guess that entering this dimension made me change the way I see good and bad so that explains justice, kind of". I also know how perseverance changed. It's simple I gave up and ended it. They start to look like they want to ask something. "What?". They look shocked for a second then say what they want. "Do you think you could get me a soul?". "Depends". "On what?". "Do you want a determination soul?". They shake their head and say "anything works". Well I have to go kill something then. I pick up eri and naruto and exit the dungeon putting them in their bed. I leave the house and start smoking.

New quest

Help frisk get a soul


-10000 exp

-1 normal gacha pull

-1 item of your choice

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-a new friend

-Find out frisk's gender5

Side effect

-Depending on how you get it, you could make them terrified of you and lower your relation ship with the others.

Of course I would get a quest for this. "You do know that smoking could kill you right". "It wouldn't be the first time". I put out the cigarette and go to the city. I open the shop and start looking through the more expensive things in the shop. Nothing really interests me right now. I go to the cheaper items and see something that interests me. A multiverse phone. It's only 10000 zeni so I buy it. I turn it on and see it has a bunch of anime and manga... Holy shit that's me. i'm in an anime. That explains so much. Anyway that's shit for later. I check out the weapons tab and see if their is anything that interests me. I see only one thing but it's too expensive for now. I'll probably get that then.

I scroll through the phone and try to see if anything interests me. I see one that interests me something about a guy going into another world with a shield and being hated for it. I tap on it and a screen appears.

[Would you like to enter this dungeon]

Huh neat. "No". I walk through random alleyways and eventually someone tries to attack me. I slam them into a wall and check their soul. "Too weak" I say as I destroy their soul. "Why did you do that". I look at frisk and say "Lets just say he had way more than 20 LOVE". They looked shocked. "But I thought you could only reach 20". "You killed just enough monsters to reach 20 and nothing more besides because no human has 1 Love they give way more exp than monsters". I go through the phone and head to my anime. I tap on it and the same screen appears.

[Would you like to enter this dungeon]

[Warning: this isn't the same world you came from. In this one all might passed his quirk to you and you become a hero]

That's a bit upsetting but other that that it's fine. I say yes and i'm suddenly in the USJ. The fuck? Is that a bird on steroids. It see's me and punches me without phasing me. "Weak". I grab his head and destroy his body with a Ki wave. I see it's soul appear. it appears to be a mix of a few soul types. Weird. I pass it to frisk and they absorb it.

[quest complete would you like the rewards]

"later". I see a bright red light appear and see that the soul frisk got somehow turned into a determination soul. Is that how strong their determination is. Damn. I look around and see a bunch of different students and a teacher. I see me around the water. I start to walk over there but i'm stopped by some blue haired guy with a hand fetish. He looks very annoyed. "You cheated, You CHEATED". I laugh and grab his head. "Oh you poor fool. I didn't cheat this is an rpg and unfortunately my numbers are bigger than yours". I shove a bone through his chest and throw him to the portal guy. "You better leave before he dies".

The portal guy leaves and takes his boss with him. I walk towards me again. He or I guess i'm with a grape guy and a frog girl. I get in front of him and got on my knee in front of him. "Hello there". He looks terrified. "W-who are you". "You should at least know that but ok i'll give you a hint, i'm the one who took his advice". I watch as he turns from scared to horrified. "No... but how". I laugh and say "Not every all might is as kind as yours, some are the worst, It just so happens I got a bad one but you know what you're a true hero like I should've been so i'm going to help you out". I grab his head and put 20 points into each of his stats. I see that he is way stronger. I used observe on his and it says that right now he can use around 50% of his quirk. "What did you do to me". I smile and say "You can now use 50%, don't fuck this up ok". I suddenly get punched across the usj and slammed into the wall. "Ok who has the balls?". I see all might standing where I was with his fist extended. "Oh hello there all might". I walk over towards frisk. "Listen frisk this guy is very strong and I trust you so you're going to fight him ok". They look scared. "Don't worry you only have to hold him off for a minute then we can leave. I just want to see how strong you are and if you can't beat him that's ok".

They look less scared and charge forward trying to cut all might with their determination sword but he punches them without holding back getting rid of most of their hp. 'Shit'. He goes for another punch to try and kill them. I grab his fist and glare at him. "You touch them again and I will kill you". I throw him far from us and pick frisk up while healing them. "I'm so sorry frisk". I place them down once their healed and turn to face all might who has now gotten up. "You know what, fuck you, you ruined my life and now you try to kill my friend. I refuse to let you get away with this". I rush in close and punch his injury hard. He coughs up tons of blood and tries to punch me. I dodge and kick him in the head. I stab some bones into his arms and watch as he falls onto the ground barley breathing. "This is the only time I will ever give you mercy so if I see you again don't expect me to hold back like I did this time". I go back to frisk pick them up and leave the dungeon. I go back to my house and put them in my bed. I go to the couch and sit down. I accept the rewards from the quest.

[+10000 exp]

[1 normal gacha pull]

[Frisk is a girl]

I still don't know why that last one is part of the rewards but I do know that it makes them sleeping in my bed way more awkward. I see one more message appear.

[What item would you like]

"Give me the keyblade".1

A giant key appears in my hand and splits into two both taking a different shape. The names of them come to my head. "Oathkeeper and Oblivion".

[You are the reincarnation of the keyblade master of twilight roxas]

Ok now this is starting to get ridiculous. How many times is this shit going to happen. You know it's really weird that I keep getting these type of things but also after I grabbed this I got really tired. I think i'm going to have a quick nap. It shouldn't matter if I do.

I hear a voice it sounds oddly familiar. I look down and see that i'm standing on a huge platform with an image of me sleeping on there. I see that i'm in my body as a child. "To face the future you must overcome your past".

New quest- defeat bakugou in your childhood body


-20000 exp

-20000 zeni

-1 new skill

I see bakugou as a child appear in front of me. The scenery changes to the playground me and him used to play in all the time.

I see that there is a number over his head. it says 50 hp. I look to the side and see a number on my arm. 20 hp. I have to do this. I put my fists up and he seems to be angry. he rushes at me and goes for a right hook. I dodge and he falls to the ground dealing 5 damage. Before he can get up I slam my foot down on his head over and over and over until his head is nothing but a bloody mess. It is incredibly satisfying to see but it just makes me feel worse that I even have this part to me.

"You have bested your past but now you have power beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Show me how would you fight without that power you have grown used to". I feel myself grow into my current body but without any of my skills. I see that I have my keyblades and nothing else. I see a huge black thing with yellow eyes come out of the ground.

New quest- beat darkside


-30000 exp

-1 new skill

-Full knowledge of your past life

I run at it and start slashing at it. It quickly grabs me and smashes me into the ground. I get up slowly and watch as it's fist comes at me. As if on instinct I jump on it's fist and start spinning and cut up his arm and jam the blades into it's eyes and jump over it pulling the keyblades with me effectively cutting it into three pieces but it heals and turns around. Shit. It once again punches me but is way faster this time. I can't dodge this. I'm going to die. I really can't do anything right. "Don't give up". What? I look up and see a boy eating an ice cream. "You are the reincarnation of me and if there is one thing I know about me. It's that I always manage to do the impossible. That falls to you now. Even if there are times you are lost, even if you feel worthless, you never give up because we are masters of twilight so use that power and become even better than me and my friends ever could".

I feel myself glow with light and start moving at high speeds cutting it with mass amounts of light ending with me above it cutting into his head with a large beam of light making it completely explode with light.

"you have passed these trials but now you must find your own exit". As if I've done this a million times before I wave my hand and a portal made of darkness appears in front of me.

I wake up but this time on my couch. Fuck my head hurts. "Accept rewards".

[You got two new skills {fire} and {portal of darkness}]

[Gained 20000 zeni]

[Gained 50000 exp]

[Knowledge of past life gained]

[Third tail will now grow]

God dammit. All right let's get this done. I feel pain rush into my head and back instantly hurting 10x worse than just the tail making me pass out.


name-Izuku midoriya


heritage-Tailed beast, son of meliodas, mage of perseverance, justice and kindness, reincarnation of roxas (Gives him power over light and darkness and let's him dual wield keyblades)

perk- fucked up, family bond, new dragon sin of wrath, royal judge

Soul- perseverance, justice, kindness

style- response style















New and levelled up skills that haven't been explained

Fire- lvl 1/10

He launches a fireball out of the tip of his weapon as this levels up the power increases

portal of darkness- lvl max

He makes a portal of darkness which can go anywhere however he has to know the rough idea of where the place is and if it actually exists

Total concentration thunder breathing: bare handed style- lvl max

He does the same thing he does with normal but uses his own body instead of a sword

bare handed style: thunder strike- lvl max

He uses his leg as a conductor to make lightning strike where his kick lands

Scatter whirlpool - lvl max

Same concept as scatter reverse but instead of opponents in front of him it is used against opponents all around him

kindness shield- lvl 1

He creates a shield of green magic that get's more durable as it levels up

Kindness healing - lvl 2

Uses green magic to heal at an amount of 2000 hp per .1 second