

The Ice and Lightning punishment is the extreme capital punishment used by the Ten Thousand Sword Sect for disciples who have committed the most heinous crimes. The person's cultivation is sealed before he is thrown into a cold pool of ice. Then he is punished with 99 lightning strikes, which last 99 days in total, followed by expulsion from the sect.

This was the cruelest and unforgiving punishment in the history of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, bar none!

This capital punishment was brought about by one individual, the Nine Heavenly Demon King.

Back then, the Nine Heavenly Demon King went on the demonic path. His master was so angry that he wanted to break his bones, cause him to fall into the mortal world, and never allow him to step into the cultivation world for eternity.

However, the Nine Heavenly Demon King had reached a near-perfect level of cultivation that his master could not defeat him.

As the second-largest sect in the Cultivation World, the Ten Thousand Swords Sect was too embarrassed to ask other sects for help. So, the sect came up with this punishment after much deliberation.

If the Nine Heavenly Demon king was able to resist the Ice and Lightning Death Penalty, then the feud between him and the Ten Thousand Swords Sect would be settled, and from then on, there would be no further contact. The Ten Thousand Sword Sect would no longer pursue and try to kill the Nine Heavenly Demon King, and the Nine Heavenly Demon King would no longer claim to be a disciple of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect.

At that time, the Nine Heavenly Demon King had not yet called himself the "Nine Heavenly Demon King". However, Bai Lixin did not know his original name.

In a word, since the Nine Heavenly Demon King was still alive and thriving until recently, it meant that he survived the torture and managed to leave the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

But the Nine Heavenly Demon King was already at the Yuanying stage at the time of his torture. Even if Feng BaiXiao was gifted, he would die with his Jindan stage cultivation under this capital punishment.

Bai Lixin chuckled and shook his head. Feng Baixiao was the son of the world. How could he die? Even if everyone else was to die, he couldn't die.

The original plot images did not include the scene where Feng Baixiao was humiliated. However, since it was happening, he believed the world must be neutralising itself already and would soon turn Feng Baixiao's misfortune into good fortune. Not only that, but that misfortune would also become a blessing.

'Feng Baixiao must be scared at this time. They are using the same hellish 99 thunder tribulations that manifested when the Immortal Venerable was ascending to immortality! The sect master only needs a small one to scatter Feng Bai Xiao's soul! '

When the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Clan was undergoing the tribulation, he used a Heaven-grade magic weapon to draw a thunderbolt into the gourd.

When he succeeded in ascending, the gourd became the last thing he left to the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. The so-called gourd has become one that can continuously generate countless lightning strikes. Not to mention that they originate from the tribulations of the ascent to immortality, the power they hold is inconceivable.

By using the 99 thunder tribulations, it meant that Shui Wuxin had already made up his mind that he had to kill Feng Baixiao!

In Shui Wuxin's view, even breaking Feng Baixiao's bones would not be enough to relieve his hatred for hurting Shui Kongling. Only by using the 99 Thunder Tribulation could Feng Baixiao taste the despair of not being able to live and not being able to die.

The vine seemed to sense its master's danger. Since he and the vine had been living together for a long time, he could understand everything in the world through the vine. In addition, the vine could also somehow read his heart.

The vine's body hidden beneath the ground began to shake as it expanded. The earth trembled, and the cultivators rose in surprise. However, the vine did not stop. It stretched its limbs and began to wander beneath the ground.

Bai Lixin felt the direction in which the vine was moving and hurriedly said to it, "You can't go out. If you go out at this moment, you will be destroyed as a demon."

But the vine did not listen and continued to move forward slowly. The cultivators stared at the moving ground beneath their feet in amazement, not knowing what to do.

[Fine, fine, I'll go save Feng Baixiao! What can you even do if you go out? It's just a way to die. Since you don't want this life anymore, you might as well be of use to me.] Bai Lixin rubbed his forehead helplessly and said in compromise.

The vine that was still moving stopped in its tracks, and began to move backwards. As it retreated, its body slowly shrank. The ground invariably sank a few notches as the vine shrank, leaving gullies and cracks in the ground.

[Wait a minute, I hadn't finished listening!] Bai Lixin helplessly covered his head, stopping the vines from continuing to shrink. It took two orders before the vine became motionless.

"What just happened?" One of the two disciples of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect asked.

"I think it was an earthquake. Whatever, let's first find that disciple who is in seclusion."

"Do we really have to find him? We haven't even started our quest yet. If we waste too much time on finding our fellow disciple, won't those three treasures be taken?"

"What are you thinking? We can't even hope to win one. Do you think there's a chance for us with Sun Xu and the others around? We should be realistic. I heard that the disciple who has been in seclusion here is the personal disciple of Daoist Master Yixiao of Xuanyuan Peak? What is Xuanyuan Peak? The Medicine Peak! Since he is the personal disciple of Daoist Master Yixiao, he must also know the art of pill making. If we find him ahead of others and treat him with courtesy, it won't be too difficult if we have to ask for help in the future, right? "

The other man nodded his head in realization, "Oh, yes, you have a point. So what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get going."

"I saw in the library that the place of seclusion is in the southeast of the mystic realm. Hurry, let's go."

To come and find him?

A glint flashed in Bai Lixin's eyes, and he returned to the secret cave in a flash.

It did not take long before Bai Lixin heard someone coming. Bai Lixin had deliberately strengthened his practice on his insight over the past ten years to keep track of the movements in the mystic realm at all times. Ten years later, his insight and perfection had reached the point of perfection.

The two men were still a thousand miles away when Bai Lixin sensed their aura. After deliberately using the vines to move obstacles aside to guide them, he stuffed a pill into his mouth and then lay down on the ground.

An incense stick later, the two disciples finally reached the place where Bai Lixin was "secluded".

As soon as they entered the cave, they saw Bai Lixin lying on the straw mat with a pale face.

"Brother Wang, come quickly, there's someone here!"

The two men hurriedly came to Bai Lixin and were relieved to find that he had only fainted. The cultivator known as Brother Wang said, "It's okay, he just fainted. His body is weak, but his soul and body are undamaged. It must be caused by cultivating intensely and forgetting to take the Bigu pill. "

Brother Wang swept his gaze around Bai Lixin. He picked up the medicine bottle scattered on the ground, placed it on the tip of his nose, and sniffed it. "As expected, look, this medicine bottle contains the Bigu Pill."

The younger cultivator then said, "Senior brother, this man's cultivation level….."

"Third level of foundation establishment stage! I've inquired about him. He entered the mystic realm ten years ago when he was only at the sixth level of Qi Refinement… this young man's future is limitless! No wonder a man as tricky as Daoist Yixiao had to forcefully take him as his disciple when he was an outer disciple. " Senior Brother Wang exclaimed.

"So what should we do now?"

Senior Brother Wang pondered for a moment and then said, "Crush the jade slip and take him out."

"But, but we've only just entered! Maybe this youngster can achieve this level of cultivation in ten years because of a fortunate chance encounter."

"Chance is also a chance. If you want to stay, you can stay. I'm afraid he will die if we wait another 50 days before taking him out. By then, we won't be able to get any pills, let alone any chance. We would have saved his life by bringing him out. Not to mention the character of this person, he cultivates the rules of truth and the cycle of cause and effect. If he wants to advance in his cultivation, he will have to repay us for our kindness. Do you want to stay here and look for that unwarranted chance, or do you intend to leave with this favour?"

Bai Lixin was slightly surprised as he listened to the words of the man known as Senior Brother Wang. This man is so clever.

That junior brother thought for a moment and was once again convinced by Senior Brother Wang, "Okay, Senior Brother Wang, I will listen to you."

Senior Brother Wang nodded and took the jade slip out of his pocket without hesitation, and left the mystic realm with Bai Lixin. When the junior brother saw Senior Brother Wang leave, he also took out the jade slip from his bosom. He took a look around the place and finally gritted his teeth and put the jade slip back into the package.

Wealth and power are sought after by all, but Senior Brother Wang always liked to weigh the pros and cons, and find the most comfortable method, but the effect may not be the best. The Demonic Mystic Realm only opens once every ten years. It had taken him nearly a hundred years just to enter the Foundation Establishment stage. A cultivator's lifespan would increase from 100 to 200 years after entering the Foundation Establishment stage. So, he only had a lifespan of one hundred years left.

How many more decades could be wasted in 100 years?

Although Senior Brother Wang was wise, he could not be as degenerate as Senior Brother Wang.

Sorry, Senior Brother Wang, I've broken my promise this time!

Senior Brother Wang carried Bai Lixin out of the Demon Clan's mystic realm and returned to the Taiji Square in the Cultivation World. At this moment, some of elders of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect who take care of the aftermath were still in Taiji Square.

An elder was surprised to see Senior Brother Wang, who had come out a day after entering, "Kuixi, how come you're out now?"

"Senior uncle Qi, I found this cultivator in the middle of the Demon Clan's mystic realm. He had fainted and was weak. I was afraid he would be in danger if I left him there. "

That day, it was this elder who led Bai Lixin and the others. He recognised Bai Lixin's face at a glance and said, "Kuixi, this man is none other than little Cha, a disciple of Xuanyuan peak. It's rather unfair for you to sacrifice this rare exploration of the mystic realm to save him. "

Senior Brother Wang's eyes lit up. This was indeed Senior Brother Cha, "It doesn't matter; saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. It's just a sacrifice to explore the mystic realm. There will be more in the future. Senior uncle, please save him as soon as possible!"

"Okay, you can leave him to me. When he wakes up, I will let him thank you in person. "

With that, he took Bai Lixin from Wang Kuixi's hands. Wang Kuixi watched him leave and turned his head to look at the black vortex entrance.

Wang Kuixi shook his head and sighed after not seeing any change in the entrance after a long time. He then left with his hands behind his back.

A child cannot be taught. He is foolish, really foolish!