

It would be best if the young man could refine the Forgetfulness Pill. If not, it would not be too late to kill him at that time.

After a brief thought, Shui Wuxin dispersed the killing intent from his body. He pointed his sword into a palm and caressed Bai Lixin's back, focusing a warm spiritual qi into his body.

As the spiritual qi poured into his body, Bai Lixin gradually stopped his frantic struggle. He yawned and closed his eyes again.

When Shui Wuxin saw that Bai Lixin had quieted down, he placed him on the bed and covered him with the quilt. However, he did not leave but sat down at the coffee table not far away with his eyes downcast.

After half a day of making sure that Shui Wuxin had removed his killing intent, Bai Lixin slowly opened his eyes.

He twisted his head to look at Shui Wuxin, struggled to sit up from the bed in a slightly hasty and humble manner, and said respectfully, "Greetings, Sect Leader."

Shui Wuxin opened his eyes at the sound of his voice, and he nodded calmly, "Your body is still weak. I will allow you to lie down; there is no need to get up. "

Bai Lixin did not lie down again but leaned against the bed and looked at Shui Wuxin with weak eyes, "How did I end up here? Did Sect Master save me? "

Shui Wuxin said in a cold voice, "You were so focused on your cultivation that you almost went off the rails and died of weakness. Do you know that?"

"Yes, this disciple knows his mistake."

"But these ten years of closed-door cultivation can show that you have a firm dao heart and are a good seedling." Shui Wuxin did not continue to reprimand Bai Lixin, but turned his words and said, "Since you are out of seclusion, there is a piece of news I need to tell you. Daoist Yixiao went out on a training trip and was caught in the void. But don't worry, the life heart lamp he placed in the ancestral hall has not been extinguished. Although it burns faintly, it is still alive. "

Bai Lixin froze. Was Daoist Yixiao in danger?

"Has the Sect Master sent someone to find Master? Since his life heart lamp is still burning, he must be found! "

"Three years ago, junior brother Yixiao's life heart lamp went out for a moment. But just as the fire in the wick was about to go out, it miraculously burst into flame again. It was because of this that I ordered the search for Master Yixiao. We put all our efforts into finding the place where he was last seen. It was near the Sky Tower. Asking the cultivators around, we learnt that junior brother Yixiao was looking in the Sky Tower that day. But suddenly, Junior Brother was sucked into a huge black hole, or what we call a void, that suddenly appeared in mid-air. The Void is another mysterious and unexplorable realm. Even a powerful person would not be able to escape unscathed when he entered it. It was at that moment that Junior Brother's life heart lamp went out. As for the fact that it later burst into flames again, perhaps that void took him to another place, or maybe he encountered some kind of chance. "

Sky Tower?

The name Sky Tower was not a metaphor; this tower is indeed open to the sky.

The Sky Tower reached into the clouds. One could not see the top of the tower even if they went up using flying artefacts. There is a legend that in ancient times, the Immortals built this tower to link up with the Cultivation World. There are countless treasures in the tower, but there were also many dangers and obstacles.

After the Demon War, the Immortal World severed the connection between the Tower and the Immortal World. So the tower became a building with a name in vain.

What was Master looking for in the Sky Tower?

"Little Cha, junior Brother Yixiao, and I have cultivated together for hundreds of years. Our friendship is extraordinary, but the path of cultivation is inherently difficult and dangerous. Only one in tens of millions can reach the limit. Emotions are a great taboo on the path of cultivation. You must remember that. In my lifetime, I have welcomed countless people and sent countless others away. These people have come and gone before me, but I would only harm myself if I was too emotional. "

Bai Lixin nodded, "I understand, Master. Since Master's life heart lamp is still lit, I believe he must be living somewhere peacefully; we just haven't found him. "

Shui Wuxin smiled gently, "It's good that you've figured it out. When you entered the mystic realm of the demons, Daoist Yixiao even mentioned to me that if you could attain the Foundation Establishment level after your release, he would accept you as an inner disciple. But things are unpredictable. Little Cha, you have not disappointed your master and have indeed reached the Foundation Establishment cultivation, but brother Yixiao has already…. alas. "

"Although Senior Brother Yixiao has left us for the time being, you and I have not stopped in time. Little Cha, you are a wondrous talent. To waste it would be a desecration of the heavens. I hope that you will join my Broken Sword Peak and become my disciple! "

"Become your disciple?" Bai Lixin repeated, lowering his eyelashes to collect her eyes. "I am very sorry, Master Shu Wuxin. I am afraid I will have to refuse your kind offer. Master Yixiao has been as kind to me as a mountain, and in my heart, he has long been not only my master but also my father. In my life, I will never have any other teacher except Master Yixiao. "

Shui Wuxin froze and said sharply, "I understand, but you also want to cultivate to a certain level as soon as possible and go in search of Daoist Yixiao, right? In that case, the resources in Xuanyuan Peak are not as good as my Broken Sword Peak's. Even if you can't worship me as your master, what's the harm in coming to my Broken Sword Peak to study? I will not accept you as a disciple, but just teach you in Master Yixiao's stead?"

Bai Lixin hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. "Okay, thank you for taking me in!"

Shui Wuxin smiled, "There is a book collection pavilion in my peak. It contains countless books on rare herbs and alchemy. If you are interested, take this jade slip and go there. No one will stop you. " Shui Wuxin took out a black jade slip from his storage bag and handed it to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin was not polite. After accepting the jade slip, he climbed up from the bed with difficulty and gave Shui Wuxin a big salute, "Many thanks, Master! Master Yixiao gave me a pill furnace and a few alchemy recipes before. I tried practising with the herbs I took in the demon mystic realm, and I did succeed in a few; it was just that I ran out of herbs later on. So I had nothing to do but practise my mind technique. That's why I was so preoccupied that I forgot to consume Bigu Pill and nearly starved to death. Haha, it's a shame to say it."

"Little Cha, I have an ungrateful request. I wonder if you can agree. "

"Master, there is no harm in saying it."

"I heard you talking in your sleep just now. You said that you could make a love forgetting pill. Is that true?"

"The love forgetting pill, also known as the "heartless love pill," will make one forget the person they love most in their heart. This pill is indeed in the recipes my master gave me, and I have also refined it. "

"What about the pill?" Shui Wuxin's eyes lit up with excitement.

"To test its efficacy, I gave it to a golden beetle. The golden armoured beast was about to mate with another one at first. After I gave it the love-forgetting pill, that golden armoured beast never looked at the one it originally wanted to mate with again, so I think the love-forgetting pill should have been successful. It's just that I had too few herbs with me at the time, and I was only able to refine one. "

"Although it is gone, you can refine it again, can't you? Little Cha, can you help me make a love-forgetting pill? I will thank you properly in Shui Kongling's place! "

Bai Lixin nodded, "Yes, but I don't have the herbs I need right now. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will go back to Xuanyuan Peak and see if the herbs there are still available. If there are enough herbs, I can refine it."

"Okay, Xuanyuan Peak is the most suitable peak to grow herbs. If you need it, you can continue to use it. I will keep that peak for you and Daoist Yixiao forever. "

The next day, Bai Lixin did not rush back to Xuanyuan Peak, but first came to the square of Broken Sword Peak.

There were many cultivators gathered in the square, and although they were practising their swords just like ten years ago, the atmosphere was a little strange. There was not even a single female cultivator in the middle of the vast square.

The man who pretended to be Feng Baixiao had defiled all the female cultivators?

After scanning the square, Bai Lixin did not sense the man's aura, so he flew towards Xuanyan Peak.

Bai Lixin had no magic weapon. His flying object was a flying vine he had summoned. The flying vine was very wide and shaped like a pair of wings. Once summoned by Bai Lixin, it would firmly wind around his waist. This way, he could glide high into the sky with the wind and then flash his wings to control the wind direction to complete his flight.

After reaching Xuanyuan Peak, Bai Lixin looked down on it.

Even after ten years without care, the weeds had never flooded out again.

Perhaps it was because his body was the Lord of Plants, and the weeds could feel his malice towards them. He landed in front of the medicinal field with the flying vine tied around his waist. After casually picking many kinds of herbs, Bai Lixin took off with the wind again and went into Daoist Yixiao's alchemy room.

As soon as he entered the alchemy room, he closed the door firmly, isolating himself from the outside world.

After removing the flying vine, Bai Lixin placed the herbs on the table and did not choose to make pills, but quickly meditated and poured his divine sense into the vines. The dense vines spread all over the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, like a huge spider's web, and everything in the web was his prey.

He scanned the domain as quickly as he could. Although Bai Lixin did not find Feng Baixiao's whereabouts, he was surprised to find that the formation sealing the divine weapon, the three-bladed halberd, was cracked!

He entered the cave where the ancient divine weapon had been sealed and only saw the hot lava still spreading below, but the divine weapon had indeed disappeared.

Damn it!

He had built this network to spy on everyone in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect and find Feng Baixiao's whereabouts. In addition, he wanted to find out who would come for this divine weapon. But to his surprise, the divine weapon was already taken away before he came back?

The chain that sealed the divine weapon was now lying on the ground in a grey haze. There was a faint demonic aura still vaguely clinging to it.

The aura was still fresh in Bai Lixin's mind. This was the scent of the Demon King from the mystic realm.

Could it be that Feng Baixiao did not kill the Demon King? Did Feng Baixiao just take the Demon King out of the mystic realm?

Was he trying to start a fire?

The Demon King's attempt to wipe out the cultivation world had never been extinguished. Could it be that Feng Baixiao had allowed the Demon King to obtain that divine weapon, or was that divine weapon originally the Demon King's weapon?

Why would Feng Baixiao do this?

Why did he not explain when he was falsely accused of defiling girls?

Unfortunately, the only way to find out the answer to all these questions is to find Feng Baixiao.

As for how to find Feng Baixiao, there was only one person to follow, and that was Shui Wuxin, the head of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect!

If all goes according to plan, Shui Wuxin will definitely go see Feng Baixiao before the punishment. After reading Bai Lixin's memories, he will have some burning questions for Feng Baixiao.