
Leon awoke to moonlight, lively voices, and the fragrance of a campfire. He blinked a few times, unsure how he ended up in his current state.

"Oh… It must have been an episode." He chuckled in self-deprecation.

"Leon!" A voice called out.


Leon took a Caitlyn to the chest at 60mph.

He immediately accessed the situation from old-world standards and concluded that his ribs were certainly broken, and he needed to get medical treatment before the shock wore off.

However, his brain returned to focus, and he remembered his body's changes.

While he was satisfied he wouldn't die, the woman on him disagreed.

"I thought you were going to die!" Caitlyn sobbed.

"Well, then you shouldn't have jumped so—"

"Leon!" Another voice called out.

"Wait… wait, wait, wait, wait, ooooooof!"

Before Leon could sit up to consul Caitlyn, he took a Lindy to the chest.

"Nope. My ribs are definitely broken." Leon wheezed.

"Oh no!" Lindy cried.

As Caitlyn sat up to strangle the brunette, Leon shot up to stop her.

That's when he saw his surroundings.

Around 120 women surrounded Leon; all were dead silent and staring at him.

They weren't just human women, either. There were women with skin colors that were typically exclusive to crayon boxes.

There were beast girls as well. Lots of them. He had yet to see one and experienced love at first sight—with their ears.

There were multiple fires, and the women were relaxing in the moonlight. They were chatting when he woke up, but now the atmosphere was still.

"What's going on?" Leon asked in perplexion.

"I'm showing you my love and gratitude you're still alive." Caitlyn cried.

"He's not talking about that, dummy. He's—"

Lindy stopped mid-sentence to dodge a punch Caitlyn threw in her direction. She barely dodged because it was a reflexive [shut up] type motion, not a real attack.

Lindy stuttered in shock after narrowly escaping death.

Leon hugged Caitlyn tightly and patted her head.

"I'm okay. So please don't be mean to Lindy." He requested calmly.

The blonde nodded between tears.

"Sorry, Lindy. What's going on?" Leon asked.

"This? I mean… yeah… I hope you don't mind…." Lindy fumbled.

He ruffled her hair with a warm smile, letting her know it was okay.

Lindy's face scrunched up, and she purred from the attention. Purred wasn't the right term; it was closer to a low pitch squeal, but the concept was the same.

"Please continue." He chuckled.

"Yes. These are the new applicants to Harem City." Lindy announced with an excited smile.

Leon's eyes widened in shock as he scanned his surroundings.

Everyone stared at him with nervous gazes. The atmosphere was thick and almost suffocating.

"We really got this many applicants?" Leon asked in disbelief, "How?"

"How he asks." A voice chuckled to his side.


"Oh? You remember me. I'm honestly glad." The redhead laughed breathlessly.

"To answer your question, it went something like this."

Two hours before.

"The trial has been postponed for the rest of the day so that Atlas and Cronus' candidates can clear out the city." A dwarven woman with long brown hair announced. (Greek Titan Gods)

"The South city entrance moving through Kaskmont is too destroyed to enter. Most who attempted to climb over the wreckage fell into a collapsed building and broke bones.

As a result, the beast and insect candidates had an unfair advantage.

It was a massacre and officially declared a death trap.

Cernunnos' candidates are rerouting beast competitors into new strategic locations en masse to reshape the event. The event will continue at 9 am tomorrow." (Celtic Beast God)

"Thank you for the update. Zena, what is the status of shelter situations?" Lindy continued.

"We can stay anywhere we want, mam. Physical force, malicious intimidation, and assault will result in immediate expulsion." A humanoid with light blue skin announced with a straight back.

"So we're free to set up camp wherever. The gods have provided tents and other living amenities for us."

"Very good, Zena." Lindy nodded, "Mindy, what did you learn about counseling?"

"Mam. The counseling is provided by God Hygieia. She's a goddess of health and mental health." A shy, tiny woman with pink hair and furry white cat ears announced.

"Those treated by her will receive full recoveries of recent traumas. It's a miracle service that was inspired by Leon's actions.

While the service is offered once, we've been informed that confirmed haremites can receive more than one session and overcome past traumas and deal with the stresses of the ongoing event.

It is a blatant show of favoritism, but the official stance is that the gods were gods and thus could do whatever they wanted."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

The only person who wasn't interested was Caitlyn, watching Leon sleep like a hawk.

"Thank you Mindy." Lindy said in a daze, "Cynthia, what is the recruitment status?"

"It's going well, Lady Crestfall." A slender elvan woman replied. She had sleek silver hair that glimmered in the sunlight and rich amethyst eyes.

"There have been 187 confirmed new subscribers to LeonTraxxx. We've gained sixty-three applicants, and forty have received your video and are thinking about it."

Lindy nodded. "The video, is it receiving a positive reception? Or does it need more work?"

"To be honest, those who signed up didn't watch it." Cynthia replied with an emotionless face.

"Most people saw Lady Mira's demonstration and decided to follow based upon that alone.

Those who didn't receive rides intelligently fear being killed when their male companions attack us.

are hedging bets, or are joining for protection.

But mostly fear. Almost exclusively fear."

"Good. I mean, oh no… that's not a good look…." Lindy replied awkwardly, lacking all sincerity, "What is the male response, then?"

"Sixty-three of us were previously associated with male companions." The elf replied, "The males are viciously salty but aren't daring enough to voice their opinion.

In short, they will foolishly try to murder Sir Traxler. Daily if possible."

"Thank you. Cynthia. Quinn, did you make contact with Reina?" Lindy asked.

"Yes. She has successfully infiltrated the largest party and is working her way into leadership.

The men are currently plotting to ambush the group in a massive surprise attack." Quinn informed.

"They're amassing a force and creating an organized strategy to infiltrate our ranks, sow discord, and attack us with a long-range pincer attack.

The futile goal is to make it impossible for all people to be attacked by you and Ms. Caitlyn.

Their petty jealousy has led most to disregard the over 150 super females and treat them like cattle.

Put simply, they're enthusiastically planning their deaths, and we're aware of it."

"Very good. Thank you, everyone. Please finish your duties, get some food, and set up tents in Likstead Park. We'll discuss more in the morning." Lindy instructed.

"In short, Caitlyn destroyed Kaskmont so thoroughly that the God's Commission postponed the event until tomorrow." Quinn explained, "As a result, most women joined your harem out of fear they'll be killed if they have men in their parties, and they're afraid of you."

Leon was stunned-speechless. He looked at Lindy, who averted her gaze with an embarrassed expression.

"I'm…." She whispered.

"You're amazing. Both of you." Leon said while hugging Caitlyn and reaching out his arm to welcome Lindy.

The woman pounced on the opportunity and the two snuggled in close.

"And he's rewarding such behavior with open arms…." Quinn chuckled in disbelief.

"I think it's envious." Kira giggled with a fake smile.

The original group of five burst into giggles with her, and the atmosphere lifted.

"Hey, everyone!" Leon called out from the ground.

The area froze again. Leon cringed but sat up gently to push his partners away.

Once sitting, he slowly stood up and looked around with an awkward expression.

"Ummm… please continue speaking." Leon said before sitting down.

The awkwardness multiplied, leading to stiller silence. When Caitlyn tried getting up to bark at them to start talking, he clasped his hand over her mouth and stood up again.

"If… ummm… you were already speaking. You don't need to speak, but if you were speaking, then speak. I mean, just forget I'm here. Or no…."

Leon sighed and closed his eyes.

"Look, I'm bad at acting normal. So I'll be frank with you." He asserted.

"You've all made the hyper-rational decision to join my beautiful women and me.

For that reason, so long as you don't threaten me or offend these beautiful ladies, we'll meet any adversary you face with instantaneous death.

For those unfortunate enough to live, we'll tie them up in their comrade's intestines and parade them around on floats. That will send a prompt message never to mess with you again."

Crackling embers popped in the nighttime air and traveled amongst the whispered breeze.

"In short, since you were smart enough to join us, you can enjoy your non-working hours with the same relaxation and comfort you had before this god forsaken trial.

I don't want anyone to join me out of fear. That's the opposite of the high culture I'm striving to enact.

So please enjoy your conversations. If anyone's worried, I'll ensure these beautiful women don't harm anyone unjustly.

So… ummm… celebrate, or whatever normal people do."

Silence. An awkward clap. A test-the-waters second clap.

The entire group of women abruptly joined to create a slow clap.

Thunderous applause followed, and cheers rang out.

Everyone within a one-mile radius of Likstead Park heard chaotic cheers.

Leon watched the scene in a surreal state. He couldn't figure out what had happened.

Suddenly an evil glint flashed in his eyes, causing Lindy and Caitlyn to shiver in delight.

Kira, too, was fascinated by the strange expression on his face.

Quinn watched with interest, curious to see what would happen.

Leon didn't know how he got to this strange environment but knew what to do with it.

"This is the atmosphere women should live under, even during the apocalypse!" Leon roared, "Now, let's tell the world that the era of high culture has arrived."

Leon opened his interface, and items started dropping to the ground.

When Lindy picked one up, she flashed Caitlyn a wicked smile and waited for all hell to break loose.

[A/N: Readers! There are a lot of haremites that will build Leon's army and lead his cultured civilization. Comment here or in the comment section if you have recommendations for non-loli fantasy races, appearances, powers, games, or development.

No power stones, reviews, or comment requirements. Just help me have fun and enrich this story with your cultured ideas.]