The Wailing River of Lost Souls

As soon as a massive ink-like droplet formed, it dropped onto the men and created a tidal wave.




Leon covered his ears when the souls of the dead wailed at full volume. When he originally heard it, there were only human shrieks. Now there were beasts as well!

The ghostly white beasts struggled to stand as black tar weaved through their fur and scales.


A crocodile creature snapped its jaws on a man's leg, making him scream in pain, and performed a death roll to drag him into the Styx.



Other beasts joined the fray and slowly moved to men that the human souls trapped by grabbing their ankles.

Leon saw some familiar faces among them. They were beasts from the Inexpensiveco!

"HELP! GIVE ME A HAND!" A man wearing shorts and an Acapulco shirt yelled while reaching for another.

"FUCK THAT, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!" The second man, who was hairy and shirtless, gruffed.