Playing for Prizes

Manka cleared the area as Tricksie made the titan smaller, and Kazz and Mirth kept his arm pinned to the ground.

Once finished, the 40-foot snake woman called out in a booming voice. "I'm ready!"

"Kaaaaaaa~ay!" Tricksie yelled back.

Caitlyn glided up Kargon's chest toward his head. With the titan's right arm pinned down and its left wrist ground into dust, its head was the safest place they could be.

Tricksie grabbed the titan's earlobe, prepared to hold on. She couldn't let go until the attack connected.

"Women, get to the east side, now!" Manka roared at top volume.

The candidates in the area had to be deaf and blind to not hear Manka or see what was unfolding. It showcased their incompetency if they didn't run to the west, and no one cared if they died.