1. Caught in the act

In a palace situated in the deepest parts of the immortal dimension.

"AH AH AHHHH… You.. you're so much better than him.. in every way." The immortal fairy-like woman said while staring at the majestic 9 inch rod that just made her cum so many times in one session. She even started doubting if her husband ever made her climax this many times in the millions of years of relationship.

"Ha ha ha! There's a reason my nickname is 'The Shameless Immortal'! I've pleasured so many wives of important figures in the immortal dimension that I'm wanted everywhere by these so-called husbands who don't take care of their wife's pleasure needs. I need at least good looks and a majestic little brother to make these loyal wives give in to their temptations." Said this shameless man.

Even if he doesn't act like it, this man is the second most powerful man in the universe. Being a half-step immortal ruler, he only falls short to the true immortal ruler. This realm is the pinnacle of cultivation and only one person ever achieved it, and he's the current ruler of the immortals… and the husband of the woman the shameless man just made love to.

This renown wife stealer managed to reach such heights by creating a dual cultivation technique that allows him to boost his cultivation after sleeping with women. Of course, the higher their cultivation is, the higher the effects.

He began flirting with every powerful woman he saw until they fell into his bed for him to become powerful.

After millions of years of sex, he managed to even get the wife of the most powerful man in the universe, a half-step immortal ruler herself, into his bed.

After sleeping with her, he should've been able to advance into the immortal ruler realm as his cultivation has been stagnant at the peak of the half-step immortal ruler realm for hundreds of thousands of years.

He would've become the most powerful man in the universe even as an early immortal ruler realm powerhouse, because as contradictory to the thinking, the immortal ruler isn't really powerful in a fight if it wasn't for his cultivation. He's a blacksmith, creating godly weapons. And as for the 'Shameless Immortal', his chosen dao that made him ascend to the immortal realm isn't the dao of pleasure or something similar like the entire universe thinks it is: it's actually the dao of sword!

The dual cultivation technique isn't his main technique, just a boost to his sword path! He's undoubtedly the best swordsman in existence and he even reached mastery in the spear arts.

If every being in the universe wasn't restricted to only pursuing one dao per person, He would've attained the peak of the spear too!

Now why didn't he attain that realm? Well for a simple reason…

"My dear, I'm hoooome!" said the ruler of all the immortals after being back home after dealing with the immortal court's politics.

He opened the door to his and her wife's looking for her. But then…


"You, you, YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU!" said the ruler as he entered on his wife's and the 'Shameless Immortal" adulterous acts.

"Oops." the single word that escaped the mouth of the shameless man before he was knocked out by the immortal ruler after being caught off guard still penetrating his wife.




When he woke up, the 'Shameless Immortal' was inside what looked like a torture room, shackled to the wall.

When he tried to force his arms out of the shackles, they just came out without any resistance

'Wait what? That's not what's supposed to happen in a situation like that. I'm supposed to be meant to struggle and be stuck here forever! Not for these toy shackles only meant for the immortal emperor realm or below!' He thought after escaping from the prison still dazed, after overestimating the intelligence of this 'oh-so powerful' immortal ruler.

He roamed around the empty house as the ruler is probably still at the palace doing politics even though his mood is probably not the best.

After roaming for a while, he found the ruler's personal library and decided to enter.

"Wow, so many books. I wonder how he's still so dumb." he said out-loud.

His gaze looked at the titles of every book, not finding anything interesting, until something on the top the desk in the library caught his attention.

He started reading this document until he became surprised, an emotion he hasn't felt for thousands of years.

The document stated that it was possible for someone to be born with two sets of meridians, double the usual 88 acupoints in a normal body, and have two dantians. This meants that someone born like that would be able to pursue two dao!

That was something so shocking to this shameless man. He knows that he's trapped in the ruler's mansion that is covered in a formation so powerful even he can't break it. At this point, he's only waiting for his assured death.

While he continued to roam around the mansion, he began to revise a plan to at least have a hope that someone will take revenge for him and kill that bastard immortal ruler.

He entered a room with a large furnace and an anvil in the center. It was definitely the place where the immortal ruler forged his godly weapons.

As he's not really interested in blacksmithing, he only planned to just pass that room, but something caught his attention.

On the anvil was a pitch black sword with dots that looked like stars illuminating the night sky. It was clearly a masterpiece.

The prisoner took the sword, and the moment he took it, the length and width of the blade adjusted to the preference of the 'Shameless Immortal'.

He was flabbergasted. He felt the sword connecting to his soul. Then he thought about a spear, and it transformed into one!

That's when the plan he was imagining finally got its last piece!