Chapter 18 : The aftermath of Doomsday LA

----Four Days after the Los Angeles----

If you asked someone in Los Angeles a few days ago to name the most iconic landmarks in their city , they would put the Hollywood sign is one of the top three!!

Well . . . . Not anymore. You're asking why? Let me pull out the top five most searched things as of late.

1- Hollywood sign disappeared ?

2- Picture of Mount Lee, new

3- What's the closest church to me ?

4- How to apply for canadian citizenship ?

5- One way ticket to canada

These are the top searched topics in the last 72 hours, and I'm pretty sure everyone watching understands why people are acting this way. But for those of you who have just woken up from a long coma or have been living under a rock, let me catch you up on what people nowadays call the doomsday of LA.

Three days ago the city of LA was hit by short but constant earthquakes of 8.1 magnitude. upon being hit by first earthquake, the people of the city began to panic. By the second earthquake, everyone in the city found it very difficult to stand upright let alone move. This went on for around 10 to 25 minutes. And when the earthquakes stopped and things began to calm down, half of the city's were considerably damaged!!

Concrete dikes and foundation of bridges were destroyed. Railway tracks have been either bent or broken. Tombstones displaced and the bodies of the dead thrown out from their graves along with their coffins! Utility posts, towers and monuments are tilted or toppled entirely. Water from broken sewer pipes are flooding the streets. Numerous landslides and rockfalls occurred in the mountain and hill areas. Boulders and rocks alike lifted and thrown away from their positions, particularly near the epicenter. While fissures and faults rapture can be seen throughout the entire city.

But that wasn't the end of it. Shortly after the earthquakes subsided, a defining explosion followed by a blinding pillar of light appeared out of nowhere in the direction of MT Lee. It was as if God had looked down on MT Lee that day and unleashed all of his rage on it!! while the shockwave sent anything near MT Lee flying to as far as Nevada!! The explosion alone leveled the entire mountain and left behind a gaping hole in the earth!! To this day, researchers are still trying their damn best to figure out how far down the hole goes.

So dear viewers to make a clear picture even clearer, the entire country is losing their collective shit as we speak!! People are running as far as they can from Los Angeles, be it by driving or flying. Every soul is just escaping the city as if the gates of hell had just opened there, it even came to my knowledge that some people have been spotted leaving the city on foot!!

In response, the governor declared a state of emergency, assuring citizens that everything is under control and that he will get to the bottom of this. However, this did not deter the masses from skiping town and never looking back.

That in return has affected 60% of the city's economic sectors. And according to experts, this single event will have huge impact on the city finance for the next 10 years on every level and will limit growth of the entire state of California.

So now you see it dear viewers the city of Los Angeles in shambles and its people fleeing for their lives, while the federal government remains silent and refuses to answer any of its citizens' questions!!

Who or what did this ?

Was this an attack on the United States or a military experiment gone wrong?

What can we expect in the future?

Will there be another doomsday? And what will happen to the citizens of the free world if this ever happens again?

We here at Channel Four News are working around the clock to bring you the most up-to-date information on the doomsday in Los Angeles, so stay tuned.

On Another new . genius playboy billionaire philanthropist Tony stark just declared recently that he is in fact iron man and------

Aunt May: " Peter, dinner is ready!"

(Sound of the tv turning off )

Young Peter : " Okay, auntie, i'm on my way "

(Sound of foot running )

---- Back to Kamar-Taj----

Few students are gathered in front of the dining hall, staring inside with awed look on their faces while whispering amongst themselves.

Student 1 : " How long has he been eating in there ?"

Student 2 : "This will be his 4th day in there "

Student 1 : " Holy shit what kind of a person is he ?"

Student 2 : " I think he might be a mutant, have you seen the tail wrapped around his waist ?"

(Student 2 point out with his hand )

Student 1 : " Yeah But other then that he looks pretty normal to me!! You remove the tail and he will look like any of us "

(Student 1 and 2 opened the door to have a better look at the person eating )

A tall man sat alone at a large table, wearing a white jacket with the Capsule Corporation symbol on the shoulder, a black shirt underneath, long dark baggy pants, and battle boots. That man also had raven hair that reached his shoulder, a muscular build, and an eye-catching black tail wrapped around his waist.

[imagen future trunks clothes but recolored ] A/N

This man is Noah.

To understand how Noah ended up looking like this we will need to bring out the ol good flash back.

----four days ago when the ancient one and noah were drinking tea----

Ancient one: " i been told that the food is ready mr noah " Said the ancient one

Noah : " Sweet, lead the way then " replied Noah while wiping the drool escaping his mouth.

Ancient one : "Will the thing is, the way you look right now, you're going to draw a lot of attention from the other residents, so I'm wondering if you want me to cast a spell to change your appearance" The ancient one explained.

Noah pondered for a moment before smiling at her and replying .

Noah : " I got it covered " he said


Smoke appeared out of nowhere, surrounding Noah's body and obstructing the ancient one line of sight .

After few moment Noah walked out of the smoke and asked the ancient one .

Noah : " How do i look ? "

Ancient one : "interesting. You were able to shapeshift and make cloths , is this related to the energy you use ?" she asked

Noah : " Something of that sort " he replied

Ancient one : " And thats symbol on your jacket. Capsule Corporation,Who are they ?"

Noah : " The best scientists i ever knew " he replied with a big smile .

----End of the flash back----

People can now see Noah sitting between two towers of magically refilled dishes of all types. main course, side dish, desserts , drink, and so on

He was eating so fast that by the time he finished one tower, the other was ready to be eaten again, and if you zoom out, you can see a small pile of unconscious bodies not far from where he was seated.

Student 1 : " What's the deal with the pile of bodies ?

Students 2 : " Oh those? They were people who wanted to talk to that man or take a picture or whatever "

Student 1 : " How did they end up like this did that guy beat them up or something ?"

Student 2 : " Nah man that's not it . When these people came closer to that guy they froze in their place began to shake and then passed out while foaming from their mouth. "

Student 1 : " . . . ." " Holy shit !!"

Student 2 : " I know right ?"

They were both deep in conversation when they were interrupted by a thunderous sound.


Student 1 : " What the was that ? Are we getting attacked by demons ? call the masters !! NO NO call the ancient one !!"

(Student 1 said while panicking)

Student 2 : " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

Student 1 : " Are you even listening to me ?"

Student 2 : " I was looking at him when it happened, it was him burping." he said with a blank face

Student 1 : " So you telling me that sound was him Burping ? " he asked

Student 2 : "Yeah "

Student 1 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " Let's get out of here before i get a heart attack "

Student 2 : " Agreed!! Let's get the hell out of here now my dude "


Noah Pov :

I'm not pooping tonight .

That was the last thought i had when i was done eating .

I ate everything from fish to chicken to beef to goat to sheep to vegetables and all kinds of desserts, and if I was annoyed by the ancient one, it's all water under the bridge now!! She didn't hold back when she made all of this food.

But there is something i'm curious about .

For starters, every other person who came close to me would pass out because I am releasing a bit of blood lust since I don't want my first meal in 10000 years to be interrupted, but this guy is sitting across the same table just looking at me while smoking like he is feeling nothing, and for some reason I can only faintly sense him, he feels like he is here but he is not? I also have a nagging feeling that I know this guy, but how? I've only recently arrived in this ball of dirt.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

O well let just ask him

Noah : " Hey dude mind telling who the hell are you ? "

upon hearing my question this unknown dude threw his Cigs under the table, got up and walked toward me .

I stood up as well and waited for him reach me then both of us glared at each other.

Noah: " You didn't hear me dipshit ? I asked who the fuck are you" i said while releasing more of my blood lust.

To my surprise this did nothing to the unknown guy in front of me and after few moment of silence the guy opened his mouth and said

Psyche: < My name is psyche >

Huh? i swear i heard this guy voice somewhere.

(i thought to myself )

Psyche: < And i been itching to do this for a long long time > he declared while raising his right fist.

Where Where Where i swear i heard it somewhere.

i said to myself while trying my hardest to remember.

And it finally dawned on me .

Ohhhhhhhhhh it was back when i first drank tea.

I came back to reality just in time to see a fist heading toward my chin .




And that how i became the first saiyan to land on the marvel moon .

Face first that is .