Chapter 26 : A Goddess

Noah appeared suddenly in the middle of Aretino's office, and the stench of blood and gore that followed him was overwhelming.

Aretino, who had been shaking in his boots from what he saw Noah had done to his men.

Aretino:"Save me! Don't let that freak come near me!!"

Aretino screamed at his bodyguards.

The two bodyguards wasted no time in transforming, each one taking on a different form.

The first bodyguard's skin turned a bronze color as his muscles bulged and hardened, turning him into a tank-like mutant.

The second bodyguard's muscles grew bigger and stronger, and his body transformed into something resembling four Mr Olympia shoved in one body .... hmm scratch that lets just call him a damage dealer mutant!!

Both bodyguards charged at Noah, aiming to crush him like the many mercenaries and assassins that had come before them. However, before they could even understand what was has happened, they were already dead.

Noah had moved with Hypersonic-fast speed and reached both of the of mutants. And with one smooth move he impaled both of them through the chest with his right hand while lifting them up in the air.

Noah:" Dragon fist for the win baby!!"

He said with a face full of savagery and excitement.

Afterward he proceeded to throw both bodys of the lifeless mutant to the ground like some kind of disposable trash and then he turned to face Aretino who was still fearful but somehow composed.

Noah then began to walk toward Aretino slowly while radiating a menacing red aura in the air and leaving a deep footprint every time he take a step.

Aretino:"Do you know who I am? I am Aretino Joneson, the right-hand man of the Kingpin! If you know what's good for you, you should surrender and beg me to spare you, you freak."

He threatened, his voice shaky with fear. It was obvious he was stalling for something, but Noah didn't care and kept walking towards him.

Aretino:"Did you hear me? I told you to drop down on your knees and beg me for mercy or I'll..."

Aretino cut himself short as Noah reached the center of the office, and everything was ready.

Aretino:"What are you waiting for? Kill him now!"

Heo yelled, and the third bodyguard with chameleon powers dropped from the ceiling, aiming his claws for Noah's neck.



But before the bodyguard could register what's happened, Noah's tail lashed out like a whip, snapping the bodyguard's neck in one swift motion.

Aretino's last hope of survival had just been snuffed out, and he start to piss himself ..... literally.


He yelled with a voice filled with fear and terror.

Noah didn't say anything back, he just kept walking slowly towards Aretino like an unstoppable avatar of the grim reaper. You could try to escape, but in the end, he would get you, and you would die.

Aretino:"What do you want? Money? I'll hand over all of my assets if you let me go unharmed. I swear on my mother's life," Aretino begged, but his words fell on deaf ears.

[Fun fact the first person Aretino sold to slavery was his own Mother. A/N]

Seeing that he was going to get killed if he didn't do anything soon, Aretino started to look around hurriedly for something to save his life. His eyes finally landed on the cage in front of him, and in a last-ditch effort, he unlocked the cage and threw it towards Noah.

(Clank) (Clank)


The sound of the cage hitting the ground was followed by the sound of an angry cat hissing. The cage dropped in front of Noah, and a black cat came out from within it, angrily hissing and confused, while searching for who interrupted her nap. After looking around for a bit, she looked up, and her eyes met with Noah's moon-like eyes and she froze in her place.

Seeing that the flerken was solely focusing on Noah, Aretino began to laugh hysterically at Noah and then started to mock him.

Aretino:"Hahahah! You're done for, you damned freak! That thing is going to swallow you whole, and while it's doing that, I'll just escape and never be seen again!" Aretino taunted.

Aretino:"I just hope that thing tortures you in the most painful way for all the things you ruined, you damned...,"

but before he could finish, something happened that made the words get stuck in his throat. The cat that he had all his hopes of survival in had begun to rub her head on Noah's legs while purring and showing her belly like any normal cat would do.

Noah: "Aw, what a nice cat, and look at that! He has a power level of 50. That's a strong-ass cat for this earth." He squatted down and scratched her belly,

(Grumpy meowing)

Noah:"Oh, my bad, my bad. I meant her," he said, while smiling.

Aretino:"W-who? Why? That thing was supposed to kill you. Why is it acting like a normal house cat?!" he asked, his voice shaking with fear and his mind descending into madness.

Aretino was dumbfounded. He had never seen anything like it.

Noah had not only butchered his men but had also tamed a creature that was supposed to be a deadly weapon.

Noah ignored him for a few seconds and kept playing with the cat. When he was done, he put her back in the cage

And then with an evil smile he began to explain while walking toward him.

Noah: "Well, I can think of two reasons. One of which your small human brain might not understand, but I'll explain it anyway. Consider it a form of professional courtesy."

Noah:"First, I emit an energy called ki, which is some kind of lifeforce, and animals love that kind of energy because it makes them feel safe and warm around people who have that kind of energy."

Noah continued, "Second and maybe the most passable theory is it instinct. This cat, is quite smart. She only needed to take one look at me to sense that I'm bad news. Unlike most humans, who have become reliant on their technological advancements and have stopped listening to their instincts, animals still trust their gut feelings. Humans now live their lives like drunken kings from the 13th century, thinking they are invincible and can't be challenged."

He said as he stopped in front of Aretino

Aretino was dumbfounded by Noah's words, And he asked out one last question.

Aretino:"But aren't you a human as well? How can you say that? Even if you're a mutant, you're still one of us!"

Noah chuckled at Aretino's and squatted down to his level.

And In a menacing tone, he replied,

Noah:"Not anymore "

And then he thrusted his hand into Aretino's chest, killing him instantly.

-----Mini?? flash back ended -----

And so that how Noah and Noche met.

Afterword Noah proceeded to blow almost 20 millions dollars he got from that bounty in two weeks on only foods and drinks!!

How did he manage to do that you ask?

Well. Mr foodie over there went on a food tour throughout the whole world.

One day he will be eating in japan.

The next in dubai.

And so and so on.

He went on like this for the past two weeks until he almost went broke again.

Now all he have left is 119000 in cash back in his room.

He was thinking on going on another bounty hunt soon but...


Noah sleep feels unnatural.

As if someone is intruding into his dream.

Let's find out who and why.

-----Noah Pov-----

"Well this is a new scenery"

I murmured as looked around in the the new place i found myself in.

"usually whenever i sleep i find myself dreaming of the white plane but this... this is new to me"

I was at the entrance of some kind of a jungle of sort, one i never seen before, and before i knew i started walking toward the jungle.

And as I stepped into the jungle, I was immediately enveloped by a lush and vibrant world. Everywhere I looked, there were shades of green - deep emerald, rich olive, bright lime - all blending together in a symphony of color that seemed to go on forever.

The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and rich earth, and the sounds of the jungle filled my ears - the chattering of monkeys, the call of exotic birds, the rustle of leaves as unseen creatures moved through the underbrush.

As I walked deeper into the jungle, the density of the foliage increased, forming a nearly impenetrable wall of greenery. Vines hung down from towering trees, and the ground was thick with ferns, mosses, and wildflowers.

As I moved further into the jungle, I began to notice small streams and waterfalls, their glistening surfaces glinting in the filtered sunlight that seeped through the dense canopy above.

The jungle was teeming with life - tiny insects flitting from leaf to leaf, monkeys swinging from branch to branch, and all manner of creatures hidden away in the shadows of the trees.

It was then that I felt a presence behind me so i turned around and it was then i saw her.

She was stunningly beautiful, with long, flowing hair that cascaded down her back in a rich cascade of brown and green. Her eyes, deep and wise, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe itself, and her features were carved with a grace and regalness.

She wore a flowing gown that shimmered with an ethereal light, like the dappled sunlight filtering through a verdant forest canopy. The dress was adorned with intricate patterns of vines and leaves that seemed to grow and twist as I watched.

[Picture of her here]

"Greetings, mortal," she spoke in a voice that sounded like a gentle wind on my ear.

"Hello, lady. Could you tell me how I ended up in this place? From what I remember, every time I sleep, I go to a different, less appealing place than this one," I asked her, feeling a bit confused.

"Well, we're still in your head, if that's what you're asking. I just projected some of the scenery of my realm to make our discussion more pleasant," she explained, with a charming smile on her face.

"A discussion? Of what kind?" I inquired, feeling more curious than ever.

"Of making life, of course, silly," she responded with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

I stared at her in confusion, "Making life? Sorry, but I still don't follow, and I don't even know who you are, lady," I said, slightly irritated.

"Oh, forgive me. I was fascinated with your aura, and I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the Goddess Gaea, one of the Elder Gods who materialized on Earth before any life appeared there. And I came with a proposition you wouldn't regret," she explained, looking at me intently.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "And that is?" I asked slowly.

"I want you to give me a child," she said simply.

I stood there, dead silent, thinking of what to say next. "You know, lady, I'm not in the business of stealing kids, right?" I replied after a few moments of gathering my thoughts.

Her lips flinched, probably from hearing my response. After calming herself, she said, "I meant more like you and me."

"You mean like..." I trailed off, realizing what she meant.

"Yes" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.


"Yeah fuck that!!" i denied.

(To be continued)

[Eat your vegetables or else!!]