Chapter 50 : The start of the experiment

"Well, back to me, I guess," Noah said casually, tearing open a bag of chips as he floated in the middle of endless space.

You see, after I opened the portal to the X-Men mansion, Logan came flying through it almost immediately. I guess he caught my scent the moment the portal opened. We had a little chat. I told him what went down, and he agreed to shelter the mutants. As for the researchers, though... he said he'd have to discuss that with the professor. But for now, they could stay at the mansion, at least temporarily.

By the time we finished moving all the prisoners through the portal, the thirty mini-ghosts had already returned. Number 7 had the red faced Dr. Helen slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Boss, mission accomplished!" they all shouted in unison.

"Did you figure out who's innocent and who's not?" I asked.

"Yes, sir!"

"How many in total?"

"193! Some were researchers, some were soldiers, and some were just warship workers—random accountants, managers, that kind of thing."

"Most of them are on their way here now."

"And the rest?"

"We beat the crap out of them till they passed out!"

I nodded. "Did you find the head of the base?"

"You mean the boney-looking jackass who kept screaming, 'Do you know who I am?!' while we kicked him in the nuts? He's out cold in his office, foaming at the mouth."

"Then Number 12 go and bring the head researcher to me. The rest of you stand aside for now. Once everyone's through the portal, we'll deal with the rest of these scumbags."

"Aye, aye, sir!" they saluted in unison, lining up behind me. But as they passed, I felt someone tugging on my shirt. I glanced down to see Dr. Helen's face, bright red with embarrassment, her eyes practically brimming with tears.

"Can you please tell them to let me down? They've been carrying me like this in front of everyone—colleagues, enemies, everyone! The whole ship's seen me treated like a sack of potatoes!" she protested, her voice rising in frustration.

I couldn't help but feel lips go up in a lil smile seeing her dangling in embarrassment like that. Its makes me wonder if I'm a sadist or something.

"Put her down, you idiots! That's no way to treat a lady," I said, giving Ghost Number 7 a slap on the head which made him clutched his head pain, and dropping the poor doctor face-first onto the floor, which made it possible for me to see under her skirt

"Black with straps? Bold choice," I thought to myself as I got an 'accidental' glimpse up her skirt.

After some grumbling and cursing with her face still ben fully red, Dr. Helen stood up, hastily straightening her clothes and looking around the prison level and the empty cells in it, no doubt searching for her family.

"D-did you find my family there by any chance? A an old asian couple in their late fifty and a young child at the age of 16?! " she asked her eyes filled with mix of hope and anxiety.

A 16 years old as a young child in their family? I thought to myself as i met her gaze. I raised my arm and then spoke

"I sent them to a safe place. You can see them if you walk through that golden portal," I said, pointing to the portal at the back of the room.

Hearing those words her body and mind didn't know how to react. Is she really finally free?

Whenever she and her family was caught by these bunch of evil heartless monsters she prayed to god every day for help to come, for someone to rescue them from this hell hole.

But days and months went on and before she knew it she has spent two years in this place forced to do all kind of horrible things to innocents peoples.

Every time she look down to her hand all she can see is blood, whenever she looks the mirror she sees the hollow face of a murder looking back at her.

She wanted to end it all! To not have to do all of this again. She cursed the days she went into high education that lead her to where she is right now.

But now you telling her that she allowed to leave? To be free from this hell hole? Does she even deserve such thing after all she done?

Out of nowhere she felt a pair or strong arm landing on her shoulders and turning her around. She found herself facing the towering body of her saviour, she met his eyes which for her surprise was filled with warmth and kindness.

"Dr.Helen" He spoke in calming and caring voice, filled with assuring emotions that made her feel like she is facing the warmth of the sun on wonderful sunny day.

"No one will hurt you. No one will come after you" "The long night is over. You are free"

She blinked few times after hearing he said she blinked and blinked , every time she did so it felt a dam been cracked a lil by lil until.


She began crying from the bottom of her heart.

She wasn't crying tear of pain or fear but tear of happiness. The words that Noah said to hear just washed all her worries and her burden been lifted up.

On other hand the man who said those word to her was looking at her with warm smile thats makes you think he is the greatest saint of the known world.

But that couldn't be the furthest from the truth.

"All according to plan," Noah smiled evilly on the inside. 

"Just gotta say the same thing to the rest of the workers when they show up, and I'll have myself a small army of people in debt to me."

He smirked to himself "Now, I just need to perfect that spell I got from the Ancient One, and my future going to be more fun!!"

But then, a thought crossed his mind. "Why do women always cry around me? First Logan's mutant friend, now this woman… Am I cursed or something?"

Suddenly, a wet sensation snapped him back to reality. 

Noah glanced down, just in time to see Dr. Helen burying her face in his shirt, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh thank God, it's just her tears..." Then, after a brief pause, he frowned. "Are tears supposed to be this sticky?"

A few more moments of awkward silence passed before it hit him.

"Wait, wait, wait!! That's 100% silk shirt. That's 100% silk shirt!!"

Noah tried to gently pry her off his chest, but the woman wasn't budging. At all.

"S-strong!" he muttered, glancing down at her arms. Her grip was like iron, he could see the muscles on her arm plugin as she grabbed into him.

He sighed, realizing that if he used any more force, he'd either hurt her or rip his precious silk shirt. So, he gave up and started staring blankly at the ceiling as a single tear slid down his cheek.

"Why does this keep happening to me?"

After crying her eyes out for a few minutes, Dr. Helen finally calmed down.

"I'm so sorry for… that. I don't know what came over me," she said, still covering her face, looking both refreshed and deeply embarrassed.

Trying to keep my frustration in check, I forced a smile and replied, "D-don't worry about it. It's just a shirt, after all. Are you feeling better now?"

She nodded shyly, still hiding behind her hands, then began scanning the room for something. After a moment, she looked back at me, clearly uncomfortable, and asked, "Do you happen to have a tissue I can use?"

And that's when I felt the vein on my forehead snap

"Oh, I've got a tissue for you alright!" I growled, ripping off my tear-and-snot-soaked $200 shirt and tossing it at her face.

"Here, finish ruining it, you damned woman!"

Without another thought, I grabbed her by the collar of her lab coat and, with a single swift motion, flung her through the portal like some a human bowling ball.

I aimed her toward a couch on the other side so she wouldn't get hurt. After all, I still wanted her to think favorably of me—just not right now.

"The hell she mean, 'Do you have a tissue?' I swear, people have no shame anymore!" I muttered to myself, cursing under my breath until a loud noise from behind interrupted my rant.

"Unhand me, you stupid ghost! I'll make you pay for this humiliation!"

It was the head researcher, his bony self being held by Ghost Number 12, dangling by his neck.

"I SAID UN-HAN—blugh!!"

"Shut up, you skeleton!" N.12 cut him off, delivering a sharp punch to the gut that made the guy double over and spaz out.

"Here you go boss" N.12 said as he threw the man at me as if he was passing a basketball to a friend. 

Going along with the gesture I caught the head researcher with an open palm.

To be honest that saved me sometimes because what i proceeded to do next was injecting my ki into his boney pale head and i began reading his memories.

He was still spazzing out from the punch before so i had to knock him out with a chop to the neck.

I continued looking through his memories and with each passing second looking at this cesspool of a brain my anger kept on growing.

What i saw in his head was just disgusting.

I saw him experimenting on mutants and none mutants by feeding them some kind of drugs then put them in freezing temperature or unbearable heat.

After that was over this bastard strapped whoever survived into lab table and proceeded to remove the hearts and stomachs of his victims without anesthesia to have a better understanding about their autonomy's just to get borde half way and throw them back to the prison cell.

But that wasn't why im doing this what i'm looking for is . . .

Alchemax other headouts.

"Found it" I muttered to myself as i have finally found what i'm looking for.

"They're in Washington," I declared, releasing my grip on the head researcher and letting him drop to the ground.

Turning to the mini ghosts hovering nearby, I spoke. "I'm stepping out for a bit. When the rest of the people get here, guide them through the portal. Afterward, gather all enemies on the top floor of the warship and wait for me there."

"But, Boss, where you going, anyway?" one of them piped up.

"To end Alchemax."

"Wait! You're not supposed to go out of your way to fight people, remember?"

"I remember. That's why I'm getting someone else to handle it for me." And with that, I vanished from sight.

Silence fell over the room as the ghosts looked at one another, each trying to process their boss's sudden shift in mood.

Ghost 3: "Is it just me, or does Boss Man seem… different?"

Ghost 7: "I know, right? Why's he so angry all of a sudden?"

Ghost 5: "Think it's because of those kids?"

Ghost 15: "Huh? Since when does he give two shit about a bunch of random humans?"

They all nodded thoughtfully, murmuring in agreement. Then, from the corner of the room, a voice rang out, sharp and mocking.

"You guys really can't figure it out, huh? It's obvious! Man, can't believe I share the same creator as you dimwits!"

The other ghosts whipped around, eyes blazing with indignation, looking for the source.

Ghost 23: "What'd you say, you little shit?"

Ghost 11: "Haaah? You got a death wish?"

Ghost 30: "Who said that?!! Come out and receive your complimentary ass whooping right now!!"

From the shadows, Ghost 1 emerged, now sporting a long, gray beard that gave him the look of a wise sage—or so he thought. His hands clasped behind his back, he lifted his chin.

"As the eldest among us," he announced with feigned authority, "let me explain what's going on with our creator."

The other ghosts glared, but listened as Ghost 1 continued, glancing at the wall for dramatic effect.

"Believe it or not, our creator the one who can scorches the earth and moves mountains is experiencing something humans call 'projecting.'"

The ghosts looked at him, baffled. Ghost 1 smirked.

"He got mad seeing those people getting captured, thrown in cells, and tortured. Reminded him of all those years he spent locked up in that endless white realm. In a way, he's seeing himself in those prisoners. That's why he's acting pissed when he normally wouldn't care about people's misery."

He turned back to face them, eyes closed in self-satisfaction. "You see, it's not so hard to understand our creator's mind—if you're as wise as I am. … What are you all doing?"

Ghost 1 opened his eyes, startled to find all 29 other ghosts staring at him while moving ever closer toward him.

Some cracked their knuckles menacingly, others revved up ghostly chainsaws. A few had brought out pitchforks and torches.

Ghost 23 raised his fist. "Oh, we'll show you wise, alright!"

"Get him!!" He yelled 

That was all it took. In a flash, the other ghosts lunged at him like a pack of wolves, each throwing insults and fists. Ghost 11 had him in a headlock, Ghost 5 was hitting him with ki fists, and two others held him down while Ghost 30 took swings with a torch.

Chainsaws roared, fists flew, and the room filled with hazy blue sparks and wild shouts.

Right in the middle of this chaotic brawl, the rescued people arrived on the prison floor, frozen in shock. Researchers, workers, and soldiers stood in wide-eyed horror, taking in the sight of ghosts swirling in a full-on bar fight, with the loud thud of Ghost 1's head hitting the floor adding to the madness.

One ghost noticed the newcomers, quickly stopped throwing punches, and floated over, straightening his collar.

"Ah, welcome!" he greeted, a bit too cheerfully, casting a envious glance at the brawl behind him.

"So, uh, that portal over there will take you to a safe place where you'll be reunited with your family and friends. You'll be protected and looked after for a while."

"Our boss has already gone ahead to handle the rest of the bad guys around the world, so you can rest easy. You're free now, and things can finally get back to normal."

"If you have any questions, Dr. Helen will be there to help you on the other side. But for now, please follow me, I'll guide you through."

The onlookers, still wide-eyed, stared as Ghost 1 tried to crawl away, only to get dragged back into the fight.

"Just head on through," the ghost continued, waving them toward the portal, "and don't mind them—they're, uh… bonding!"

With a last nervous smile, he guided the rescued folks through, glancing back jealously on how his brothers are beating Ghost 1 while he stuck escorting people.

After twenty minutes, the ghost floated back through the portal, hopeful he could join the brawl he'd missed out on.

But as he emerged, his excitement quickly faded. The fight was over. Ghost 1 lay on his back on the floor, bruised and barely moving, with one hand weakly twitching in defeat.

The rest of the ghosts had already cleared out, heading to carry out Noah's orders.

The ghost sighed, and tried to go through the hole to catch up with his brothers but Noah appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

He began scanning the area, and his eyes landed on the beaten up Ghost 1.

"What happened to him?" Noah asked with a raised brow.

Ghost #12 scratched the back of his head and said "He talked shit so we beat him up"

Noah chuckled, crossing his arms. "Makes sense then."

"Did you get everyone through the portal?" he asked, glancing toward still opened portal

"Yep, boss! They're all safe at the X-Men mansion, being looked after as we speak."

"Hm, hm." Noah nodded, a faint smile on his face. "Good job," he said, resting a gentle hand on the ghost's head.

Ghost #12 froze in place, wide-eyed as an unexpected warmth washed over him. This mix of praise and the pat he received from his creator was... oddly wonderful, leaving him grinning like he'd just won the lottery 

"Now, grab your brother over there" Noah added, gesturing toward Ghost 1.

"And follow the others. I'm about to have a chat with that 'evil scientist' over there,"

he said, nodding toward the unconscious head researcher slumped against the wall.

"Yes, sir!" Ghost #12 said with a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. He grabbed the bruised Ghost #1 and flew upward through the hole, eager to catch up with the others and, no doubt, brag about the compliment he just got 

As the ghost vanished, Noah shook his head, chuckling. "Kids these days… full of energy."

The slight smile on Noah's face vanished and after snapping his finger and making the portal disappear he turned toward the head researcher. His eye were completely white with a red huge in them.

"Wake up," he ordered, and stomped his foot down sharply, snapping the man's leg in half.

"AAAAAH!" The researcher jumped awake, his scream piercing the air as the sharp pain overwhelmed him.

Noah's tail lashed out like snake and curled around his head and pressing tightly over the head researcher's mouth as he lifted him up to eye level. "Quiet," he said, his voice was cold and filled with murderous intent.

The head researcher felt his blood turn to ice as Noah's voice echoed through the air.

His eyes filled with tears of sheer anguish, streaming down his cheeks as Noah leaned in closer.

"So, I heard you enjoy experimenting on people?" Noah's tone was deceptively casual, as if he was talking about the weather

"Well you see, I just so happened to be a bit of a researcher myself."

The researcher's breath hitched, his eyes widening around as Noah's words sank in his mind.

"And since we're both 'scientists,'" Noah continued with a dark smile, "I'll let you be part of my first experiment… as the test subject."

The man's muffled cry broke out as Noah's tail tightened over his mouth while holding him in place.

"Don't worry—unlike your test subjects, I'll make sure you stay alive… much, much longer. After all I need the input from a fellow researcher after all"

A sharp white glow ignited in Noah's palm, his hand inching closer to the researcher's terrified face.

The man tried to scream while thrashing against Noah's iron grip, but to his despair the tail's swallowed every sound and kept him in his place.

And With a final muffled cry, a brilliant light burst across the room, signaling the start of the long experiment.


Oh hey look the author is moving to another pov in the future again how orgin---


MEANWHILE, at the Japanese royal palace

In the expansive Zen garden, two men sat on a low wooden platform, sipping tea in the late afternoon light.

One appeared to be in his sixties, with a calm and knowing presence, while the other looked no older than his twenties, energetic yet composed with the air of majesty around him.

The older man sat quietly, looking nervous and depressed in front of the younger one. While meanwhile, the younger man drank his tea with an easy carefree smile, like he hadn't had a good cup in years.

If a passerby were asked to guess their connection, they'd surely say father and son, given their striking resemblance.

They'd be half-right.

Because, in truth, the man in his twenties was the father of the elder.

Yes, the man in his sixties was, in fact his son.

"I really missed this you know."

"The smell, the warmth, the full taste of real cup of tea"

the young man said, taking a slow sip.

"Back in my old days, the doctors wouldn't let me drink anything above lukewarm temperature".

"And even then, most of my taste buds were too far gone by then for me to enjoy it taste"

The young man took another sip from his cup and the satisfying smile on his face grew even larger.

"The Imperial family are truly blessed your majesty, for us to see you back to such young age and full vigor is nothing short of miracle."

The old man facing him said while bowing, his face which was hiding because of the bow had even more depressing look on it.

If anyone heard what the old man said they will have spat out and called it bullshit.

The young man over here is the emperor of japan who is supposedly people were celebrating his 103 birthday not to long ago?

"Ho, ho. lil brat you think I don't know which face you miking right now? What is it? You can't be happy for your father to be 80 years younger again? Or is it that you are jealous because i got so young and you still an old oaf?"

Silent fell in between the two for few second , then the old man sighed in defeat and replied.

"May this crown prince speak his mind, Your Majesty?"

"Of course. Go on."

The crown prince cleared his throat and straight up and then said.

Clearing his throat, the crown prince straightened up, his tone shifting to pure frustration.

"Jealous? Of course, I'm jealous, you old coot! I'm closing in on 70, and here you are, suddenly back in your twenties like it's no big deal!"

"Picture this—I'm in the middle of a parliamentary hearing, and my sister calls, practically screaming that something had happened to you."

"So I drop everything and rush back to the palace, worried out of my mind that something bad had happened to you!!"

"And what do I find? My dear father, somehow younger than ever, sipping tea in his study as if nothing's out of the ordinary!"

"And whenever I ask your attendants how the hell you ended up like this, they just look at me with eyes full of awe and worship, like they're recalling something devine that just happened."

"Then they tell me you ordered them not to tell a word about it to anyone—even to me!"

"So excuse me you old fox, but I kinda find myself feeling lil bit under the weather trying to figure out what the hell just happened when I was outside!!"

The emperor emptied his cup and reached to a nearby pamphlet that had picture of MT Fuji on it and hit his son with it few times.

"Kenzo you rascal!! Is that how you treat your father in his old age? I didn't not raise you to be such unfilial son!!"

"What old age are you talking about?! Your even younger than your grandkids at this point!!" The crown prince restored while shielding his head

"You talking back to your father as well?! I oughta beat some sense into you!!" 

If there was any passerbys they will think that these two were fighting for real but if they looked closer they will find that these two are just playing.

The emperor swings had almost no power behind them.

And the crown prince even while shielding his head and talking back to his father his eyes had no anger no hatred in them only happiness.

Both of their faces had a smile on it and no hint of malice can be seen in sight. After all that these two always acted when they were alone.

The crown prince really missed these moments with his father. For the last twenty years, their back-and-forth nagging had faded as his father's health declined and doctors insisted on limiting any stress.

He wasn't showing it too much, but he hadn't felt this happy in years.

Since they'd lost their mother young, his dad had been the pilier of the family. Despite his duties, he always made time for them, showing up at family events, laughing with them, sharing in their losses, and, most of all, just being a good dad.

So seeing him so healthy again even if he has no idea how it was possible was the greatest blessing he can ask for.

After a while, they settled back down, and the crown prince poured another round of tea for both of them, starting with his father.

"Your Majesty, you still haven't told me how you ended up like this. Is it some new technology a secret branch of the country developed?"

The emperor blew on his tea a few times, then replied with a casual shrug, "Kami-sama broke down my door and made me young again," as if he were talking about the day's weather.

The crown prince stared at him, blinking in silence, before sighing in exasperation.

"I get it—it must be a state secret, something so sensitive you're keeping it even from us. I'll just pretend to buy this…"

Halfway through his monologue, the crown prince noticed his father holding out a tablet, gesturing for him to watch whatever was on it.

The emperor already knew that explaining everything wouldn't get through to his son's thick skull, so he decided to cut to the chase by showing him the palace security footage from that day.

As the crown prince watched, his eyes went wide.

The footage showed a menacing figure materializing out of thin air in the royal palace. A nearby maid stood frozen, visibly terrified as the man approached her. He said something, and her face went blank for a moment before she snapped out of it and began yelling for help.

In response, security agents poured into the hall, surrounding the intruder with weapons raised, ready to act at any moment. The man, however, just stood there calmly and asked one of the lead agents something the cameras couldn't quite pick up over the noise.

The agent, Yukimura, responded in pure fury: "How dare you intrude in His Majesty's palace and ask to see him, you lowly intruder! Do you know who you're speaking to? I, Yukimura, guardian of the Emperor, won't let you get away with this! Attack him!"

But instead of charging forward, the agents started collapsing one by one, each dropping to the ground with large bruises on their chins—all except for Yukimura.

Unfazed, the intruder walked calmly to the still-stunned maid, took the tea tray from her hands, grabbed a nearby chair, and returned to Yukimura. With a swift headbutt, he sent the guard out of his balance and then sat down on the chair he grabbed, then caught Yukimura mid-fall, placed him across his knees, and proceeded to spank him mercilessly with the tea tray.

This continued for about five minutes before the man finally stood up while casually tossing the twitching Yukimura to the side.

He walked back over to the maid, handed her the now-bent tray, and placed a hand on her head for a moment then, with a calm he said "Thank you," and turned and strolled confidently toward the royal suites, moving through the palace halls as though he'd walked them a thousand times.

The footage cut to the intruder striding into the emperor's private suite, which was empty of all attendants expect one and eerily quiet. The emperor sat calmly, gazing at the setting sun, unfazed by the man approaching him.

But just as the intruder drew closer, the shadows shifted, and in a flash, the emperor's personal guards appeared, moving with a speed beyond ordinary human capability.

They launched themselves at the intruder in a synchronized attack, their sole purpose to protect their ruler.

Before they could even reach him, however, the intruder's tail whipped out in a blur, sending each guard flying back with alarming force, as effortlessly as if he were swatting at flies.

They hit the ground, stunned, while the intruder continued his steady walk toward the emperor without so much as a pause, the calm in his expression undisturbed by the chaos around him.

The old emperor chuckled to himself and gestured for his maid to turn his chair so he could get one last look at his would-be killer.

As the intruder closed the distance, the emperor, now able to see him clearly, he attempted to speak. But before he could utter a word, the man knelt down, firmly grasping the old emperor's face.

Light began radiating from the man's hand, growing brighter with each passing second. The emperor closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

The glow intensified, soon filling the entire room, forcing everyone nearby to shield their eyes from its blinding brilliance.

As the light faded, the maid, bodyguards, and every staff member who had rushed into the suite stared in stunned silence, their jaws slack with disbelief.

No one moved; they only blinked, looking as if they'd seen the impossible.

The tall man released the emperor's face and stepped to the side.

The emperor opened his eyes, noticing the strange, wide-eyed stares of everyone around him.

"What… what's going on?" he asked,his voice sounded different—stronger, younger. Startled, he looked down at his hands and body, expecting to see wrinkled skin and weakened limbs.

Instead, he found the vitality of youth, muscles firm, hands steady and powerful, and his skin smooth and glowing!!

The emperor blinked, a thrill of wonder spreading through him. He took in a deep, full breath, something he hadn't done in decades, filling his lungs completely.

Grinning in disbelief, he felt like leaping up, stretching, testing this renewed strength. He couldn't help himself and gave a sudden shout of joy, startling the attendants even more.

Filled with energy, he straightened, rolling his shoulders back and flexing his fingers, marveling at the control and power he had regained.

After a brief pause, he burst out laughing. Decades of restrictions, doctors' orders, and aches melted away.

He took a few quick steps, feeling light and alive, ready to jump, run, maybe even take a sword in hand again if he could.

The recording ended up on the note and the crown prince left speechless of what he just saw.

The emperor took a slow sip from his cup, savoring it before giving a wry chuckle.

"I was sure I'd finally be meeting your mother in the afterlife," he mused, "but who would have thought I'd be gifted back my youth instead?"

He set down his cup, shaking his head as if the whole thing were still a mystery to him.

"Poor Yukimura, though," he went on, raising his brows with sympathy.

"When he finally came back to his senses, his mind was so shattered from the humiliations that he tore off his uniform and tried to commit seppuku right there in the hall.

If I hadn't intervened, we'd have lost one of the most loyal men in the palace." He sighed, but a small, amused smile lingered on his face, as if he couldn't help but find the absurdity in it all.

The emperor glanced over at his son, still frozen in place with his jaw hanging open, and gave a light chuckle.

"Kenzo, are you planning to let your father do all the talking?" he asked, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

The crown prince snapped out of his trance, blinking rapidly before leaning forward, his voice barely controlled. "Father… where is that tall man now? Why did he even come to you in the first place?" His tone grew almost pleading. "And… do you think… the same thing could be done to me? Could I become younger, too?"

The emperor leaned back, observing his son's for bit before replying

"When I sat down with him later on and asked why he chose me, he just shrugged and said he'd seen my birthday celebration on TV and thought, 'Why not?'"

The emperor gave a small chuckle.

"As for where he is now? That's anyone's guess. I gave him a temple and its grounds so he could live in comfort for as long as he pleases, but Kami-sama has a habit of disappearing for a few hours—or days—saying he just went out for a walk."

"Right now, he seems to be on one of those 'walks' again so nobodys knows whenever he going to come back"

The emperor placed his teacup down, leaning forward to put a hand on his son's shoulder. His face had mischievous smile spreading across it.

"That's going to have to wait, Kenzo. At least another ten years or so my son. After all you going to be a ruler of japan soon,"

Kenzo's brow furrowed. "What… what do you mean by that, Father?"

The emperor's smile grew wider. "Son, how about you give me a funeral tomorrow?"

Kenzo's jaw dropped as he processed his father's words. After a few blinks, he yelled in disbelief,
