

"Is this the place?" asked a woman garbed in blue robes from head to toe.

"Looks like it" answered another woman, wearing a nice suit of armor and holding a bow in her hands.

The both of them were what was commonly refered to as royal mercenaries, meaning that they were just like mercenaries but without any drinking problems and didn't smell of rotten cheese.

They had both been sent here to take care of a flying monster that had been harrasing the farmers inside of an influential noble's estate and by harrassing, it meant carrying small children away as well as full-grown adults into the air before dropping them and eating the pulverised body.

It also stepped on the plantations, probably to add insult to injury, they both would have prefered if they had a larger team or some soldiers to help but the emperor seemed to believe that they were perfectly capable of handling this issue by themselves.

However, they were a few issues, firstly, they didn't know where to even find this flying monster and secondly, they didn't know this region at all and lastly, the description they had been given of the monster was subpar to say the least.

"Look at this shit, was this drawn by a child?" spoke the armored woman after taking another look at it, shoving it into her teammate's face.

"I believe, it actually was" responded the robed woman.

"Oh, then it's alright I guess" muttered the archer as she put the drawing away.

"Now, where should we start?" added the armored girl as she pulled out a map, struggling to open it as it was absolutely humongous before putting her finger on the closest village, it had a red marking on it, meaning that it was a village that had already fallen victim to the monster.

After arriving at village, all they got was that it was a very scary creature and that it had wings on its back, they had to interrogate twenty persons to finally get someone who remembered what color it was.

They had said that the creature had pale, grey skin and had no feathers at all and this its wings looked like that of a bat.

The two women went from village to village, collecting intel on the monster even if extremely meagre, after a few weeks of nothing but walking around and asking questions to people with abhorrent memories, they started to get slightly irritated.

"How the hell does these people even survived this far? That can barely remember what differentiate a normal bird from the monster that carried their mayor into the air and then dropped him right in the center of the village, impaling him on the hand of a statue! It wasn't even that long ago!" lamented the archer woman.

"Calm down, they are probably just still in shock of what happened" uttered the robed woman as she turned her head and saw a kid get their finger stuck in a mouse trap after trying to take the cheesefor themselves.

"My apologies, they are actually morons, the waters must be polluted with something" she then said after witnessing the afflicting spectacle.

The pair set off the walk to another village but this time, their travel wasn't uneventful as after walking a fair distance from the village, standing a tree branch to protruded heavily on the path was what looked like a big bat from far away.

The archer woman was the first to notice it and she grabbed her teammates with an extreme grip to stop her and pointed at the figure on the branch.

She made a 'shhh' gesture before preparing to take a wild shot at the creature, with how long she had been waiting to end this mission, she put everything into this shot, pulling on her bow to its limit.

The arrow pierced through the air, going straight for the monster's head but before it was able to pierce it, it dropped backwards from its branch and landed on the ground, completely dodging the deadly arrow with made a whole tree fall down into the distance.

"..." the robed woman looked at the archer and then the monster.

"..." the archer looked at the monster with dismay.

"..." the monster looked in between the two of them, before flapping its wings a bit, not taking off simply flapping its wings into their general direction.

The robed woman felt that it was sending something their way and immediately conjured up a barrier all around them, which managed to stop the particles it was sending.

The monster didn't seem bothered by this fact and flew up into the air, circling around above their heads as a variety of sounds could be heard coming from the surroundings woods.

From the vegetation, monsters and animals of all kinds came pouring out, all attacking the barrier as if it was responsible of everything that had gone wrong in their lives.

Despite their combined attacks, the barrier held strong and they seemed to be hurting themselves more than anything else.

Their eyes had a strange glint inside of them and they weren't focusing on what was inside the barrier and rather on the barrier itself, it was as if they could nothing but the barrier at the moment.

After a bit of time passed, the bow woman decided that it was time to end this tomfoolery and shot an arrow through each of their heads, killing them instantly, the arrows disappeared from their bodies and went back to her quiver, completely untainted by blood or anything else.

The monster was still circling above their heads but started going away as soon as the monsters were defeated.

"Don't let that motherfucker get away!" yelled the archer woman loud enough to be heard in many surroundings villages.

"I know" she spoke as she had already started casting a spell, it took a bit of time to come into action but once it did the monster was seemingly pulled to the ground and crashed straight down.

The duo ran to the location of the crash, a small clearing into the forest, the monster was already getting back on its feet but the spell was still in effect and it was pinned to the ground for at least a little while longer.

As the spell finally wore off, the monster started flying back up but the archer woman slid on the ground right underneath it and shot a large number of arrows at once, piercing its body from below and puncturing its wings, the arrows being coated with an acidic substance caused the holes to expand for a while longer and the monster fell back to the ground.

A cubic barrier formed around it, imprisoning it inside.

The monster quickly regenerated its wounds and started striking the barrier with its claws and talons, the robed woman struggled to keep the barrier together but long enough to chant something to reinforce it, the monster would stay locked in for while.

"This is great! Now kill it!" spoke the armored woman, ecstatic about finally being done with this mission.

The robed woman nodded and made spike of earth pierce it from every angle, it didn't work as the monster survived and regenerated, she tried to burn it smitherens but it could even regenarate from the smallest part of its body, she tried drowning it by filling the barrier with water and even acid or lave but once again, it managed to survive.

"This is ridiculous" she murmured under her breath as she rubbed her temples.

After a bit of thinking and analysis of this monster, she decided to try something else.

"Listen, if I cast these spell, my mana will be dried up, it does not matter about the amount of mana I have, it always dries it up no matter what, if it doesn't work, the monster will be able to escape and I'll be knocked either way, so be prepared" spoke the robed woman seriously.

It took a good few minutes, perhaps even longer for the spell to be casted, the scenery all around them seems to meld together and distort after a particular distortion caused everything around them to become absolutely unrecognisable before everything went back to normal, the barrier disappeared and the mage woman dropped down unconscious.


The monster wasn't there anymore, it had volatilised, after celebrating the success of their mission, the archer woman carried the mage on the way back, she didn't know what she had done exactly but it had been highly successful.

Despite the venerers being natural occurences, as they are meant to get rid of divergent world wills, the world they are spawned in always rejects them, meaning that a venerer is highly susceptible to banishing as the world threathened by it will always aid in such endeavor.

However, this is not likely to work on venerers that are meant to be individually powerful.