
Preparations - 5

Oarion was keen on accomplishing this mission, he had come to the conclusion that to efficiently bring this world to its knees, he would need the support of the anomalies, allying with the humans seemed to be an unlikely occurence, he was seen as an anomaly after all.

If he could gain Izado's trust, he would have an easier time getting rid of him when the humans would be weakened enough, with both sides hurt and weakened, no one would be able to stop him when he would start to destroy it all.

Firstly, since his idea to make that Himari mad enough to let the well out of her would take a bot of time with its process, he needed to find an area that was isolated, however no place was truly isolated enough to his liking and he put in motion a plan to make all anomaly hunters stay away from here.

Namely, by making this area unimportant in term of anomaly density and spread his venerers further away to distract them, thanks to the information Izado gave him, he could adjust the strength of his venerers to make sure hunters of a level above that Himari would show up, by sending many of them, he could successfully make the already low number of hunters have to stretch their numbers, when the time would be right, he would cause a small outbreak of anomlies at the location he had chosen and if things went as he thought, the one they should send should be those two girls and with the amount of venerers wandering around, that Tappu Daburu would have to be somewhere else.

Oarion believed that he should be capable of fighting at least as an equal against her now but Izado had told him a few things about this world's system of power, the anomalous energy was strange and posessed some specific rules or rather, some tricks.

The one that bewildered Oarion was what Oarion had simply called 'voicing techniques', meaning that speaking the name of your technique as you used it made it stronger, meaning that in his previous fight, his opponent hadn't gotten all out at all as she stayed silent.

Still then, he had managed to get a better grasp on his powers and primarly the one he used to turn people into venerers, Izado had told him that his techniques name should come naturally as he used them, Oarion had been doubtful but placing his hand on the hand of a soon-to-be venerer, it indeed came without any thought on his part.

"Hunter's Dream" he spoke, causing the person to start to convulsed on the ground before turning into what appeared to be a most basic venerer but with a slightly darker shade of grey, it joined a few others of the same kind, simply standing there, waiting for orders, they weren't as strong as the real deal but in the eyes of many, including some of the weaker hunters, they were still insurmountable monsters, their combat capabilities didn't matter much to Oarion however, he was planning on using them for something else.

The sight of the well-dressed man walking around in a dirty basement, the metal that was tp be found eveywhere, from the walls to the ceiling were rusted and seemed as if they would collapse at any time, the dust had accumulated and was being raised as he walked.

Even if he believed that the two girls wouldn't even be able to land a scratch on him, he was still going to make some contigency plans, namely, preparing other venerers, one with stronger abilities, he couldn't yet create the strongest at all, not even imperfect versions and had to resort to weaker ones that were themselves weakened, the biggest thing that severely crippled them was their highly slowed regeneration, all venerers were meant to be able to endure any hits and regenerate in an instant.

The one he made though, had much slower regeneration and were thus susceptible to getting immobilised by having their limbs destroyed or dying in a single attack, a real shame.

The day he would enact his simple plan was soon to come and despite his warning, Izado seemed keen on being present to observe, this made Oarion smile ever so slightly.

Making sure his distraction venerers would be very much agressive, he released a bunch of weak anomalies around the place the plan would go down, making sure to use a slightly stronger ones leave a trail leading inside of the building, to the basement, he waited inside.

He wasn't worried about his plan going south as the two girls he was targeting should be the ones to be sent, there were others available but with his venerers wrecking havoc, they should send those two here as they would be useless against the venerers and more fit to take care of this small anomalies.

He sat in a dark corner, deciding to use one the abilities he had discovered to hide himself, he would be standing right beside the door, ready to close it and block it with his own body.

"Hunter's Recall: Shadow" he spoke up, causing his body to be covered in shadow, turning him into one, he blended perfectly into the darkness and with his other energy that covered his anomalous energy, he would be unseen by the two inexperienced hunters.

His venerers inside the building were hidden much further, it shouldn't cause a problem, if they noticed it, it would most likely be too late for them to turn back and it wasn't like Oarion wouldn't drag them in the basement if the need were to arise.


Finishing off the small fry they had been sent to exterminate, Himari was looking forward to getting back home but Tsuki pointed out to her that another anomaly was hiding inside, she had paid attention to the trail of anomaly.

"Come on, it's just one and it's barely stronger than this ones, it should only take us a minute or two" spoke the dark-haired girl, gesturing for Himari to enter first as she was the one with close combat capabilities among the two of them.

They followed the trail, not running into any other anomaly on the way to what appeared to be a basement, usually, a few very weak ones would be wandering around but none were here, giving a gloomy feeling to the place.

"That's weird, that anomaly really made a bee-line for this basement?" wondered Himari out loud.

"Don't question their behavior, that's the best way to get a headache" responded Tsuki, Himari opened the door and peeked into the dark room, it wasn't completely dark but some spots were totally plunged into darkness.

Himari felt the well inside of her react to something strongly, knowing its unhinged desire to fight against anything strong worried the blonde girl as the anomaly here was supposed to be a weakling, unfortunately, this had come a bit too late as the two of them had already stepped inside.

The door was shut and shedding the shadows that covered him, what appeared to be a human spoke some words.

"Hunter's Recall: Shadow" he spoke, causing darkness to expand over the room.

Before they could say or do anything, he said something else, wearing a small, sleazy smile.

"I hope you're ready to take on a venerer in more ways than one" he said to no one in particular as he gazed absentmindedly toward the two of them but his words still felt heavily directed toward one of them for some reason, as if it was a killing intent.