
End Of The Line - 9

After Oarion's attempt at releasing the well and the discovery that the well was, in fact, not a mindless being with ony destruction on its mind but a genuine force to deal with for the anomalies, the fights between the two sides escalated at such a level that keeping the existence of anomalies a secret was equally as difficult as fighting them off.

An all-out war was soon to begin in the now desert streets of what was once a highly populated area, this moment was exactly what the venerer had been waiting for, everyone of even slight importance in term of fighting would be present on both sides.

This time, he would do it the venerer way, the way he should have taken immediately upon arrival instead of playing around with powers granted by fusing himself with a human, he would simply beas venerer this time.

The anomalies were waiting, standing on buildings, Oarion was standing in the middle of a four-way street, his back turned to the anomaly and facing the hunters, his hunters, his very own venator, since approaching in any stealthy manner wasn't possible, they opted to simply show up on the other side, facing the anomalies head on, this was doomed to cause a high amount of destruction but none of it would matter in the end.

This was the last chance for this world to save itself, the hunters scattered, they surely aimed to try and isolate the anomalies from each other, Oarion didn't stop this and simply stared straight ahead, straight at the only hunter he called venator, Tappu Daburu, without the support of the well, this battle was certain to end differently.

Still, she walked toward him without a hint of fear, only resolution.

Oarion appeared different, not in appearance but in something more elusive, he seemed to be lacking his personality, despite the fact that it had yet to happen, the venerer was already in control, the human side had been pushed away and every bad aspects of it had been shattered and thrown away.

As each battle started, the two of them were still locked in a face-off, the silence and stillness was broken when Oarion spoke his last words.

His last use of any technique in this world, the technique that would bring forth the end of it all.

"Supreme Self: Return To The Root" he spoke in an indifferent tone, immediately, he exploded with all of his anomalous energy, pushing thee venator away, when it all cleared, the radius of destruction was enormous, as if a meteorite had fallen right where he had been standing, the venator wasn't affected for some reason, no seemed to have been hurt by the explosion itself, only pushed a bit.

"Is this your true form?" muttered Tappu as she gazed upon the apex of evolution that was a venerer, she had seen many with similar shapes recently, created by Oarion himself but thissimply wasn't the same thing, she was laying eyes on the real thing, a tall, lanky creature with no facial features, pale grey skin and terrifying dark claws.

Teeth-filled maws opened all over its body, each let out a majestic and bone chilling roar, alongside with the roar that was powerful enough to force her to cover her ears, she had to dodge out of the way as red beams came out of every single maw.

Each reached further than she could see, carving right through anything it encountered without being slowed down, killing both hunters and anomalies indiscriminately.

The very moment the beams stopped, the venerer moved at incredible speed, appearing in one of Tappu's blind spot and lashing out with its claws, with both the wild abandon of a starving lion and the accuracy of a hawk descending upon its prey, she was slightly cut on the first few slashes and cut a few more times during the endless barrage of attacks that followed.

Its arms were long but very flexible, getting close to it would be a bad idea and staying at a distance was also a bad idea, Tappu thus decided to chose the alternative that allowed her to hit the venerer.

Sliding under thrust that pierced the air, she threw a punch at its chest, nothing happened, the strike was completely nullified by nothing more than its bare body, it used nothing to enhance itself, it simply was too strong to receive any damage from such a weak attack.

Moving out of the way before the venerer caught her into a bear hug, she had to find a spot that was weaker than that, its articulations and head for example.

Ignoring the stinging of her wounds, she once again went toward the venerer but instead of it standing still, it also moved, simply dashing toward her, aiming to liquify her on impact.

As the venerer was about to collide and shatter every single one of her bones, time seemed to slow down, it wasn't because she realised that she was about to die however.

"Bullet Time" she muttered in a slightly hurried tone, the venerer seemed to stop in its track and she unleashed a rain of punches with her brass knuckles, colliding with his head and joints in particular as she had no hope of hurting him through any other point of attack.

She moved to the side to avoid the charge and watched as the venerers head changed shape under the many hits it had received, its articulations barely moved at all and its head only popped after enduring all of the punches before immediately regenerating as if nothing had happened.

The thing barely bled at all and immediately turned toward her opening a maw and shooting one of its beams.

Using her ability to cause her attacks to hit a second time, she made its head popped again to once again activate her bullet time, in an attempt to lock it in place until some reinforcement arrived, it was clear that she wouldn't defeat it, nor would she be able to run away from it, it was an option anyways, she couldn't let this thing go wild.

Thanks to her ability to lock it in place and possibility to blow its head up from a distance afterwards, she was able to avoid getting killed too quickly but the second things was nothing but a fluke, it didn't its head to know where she was, she received a deep gash on her side, it had most likely sliced apart one of her organ but she ignored it and did nothing but use her bullet time after that.

Moving back everytime and only getting close when it was immobilised by her ability, still, she was still receiving blows even with that, it was getting faster and it seemed like th effect of bullet time were getting less effective on it as it was moving faster and faster during it.

She still achieved her goal in the end and someone else came to her aid, it was Himari and when she arrived, all she saw was Tappu impaled on the monster's claws, it opened its hand, causing her body to be separated in two, her guts flowing onto the ground and blood painting it all in red.

The venerer turned to her and without wasting any second, it lunged forward, two of its claws were on the verge of piercing right through her eyes as a wave energy destroyed the arm that was attacking and pushing the venerer back.

Slightly above her, formed from pure anomalous energy, a humanoid shape stood, linked to her back, the well was partially out, it seemed like killing had always been the right move to have it come out.

Himari didn't recognise the venerer immmediately but she could feel that it was the same anomaly that she had faced before, ignoring the fact that it possessed no anomalous energy whatsoever, she moved forward with newfound speed let her fist crash into the venerer, the strength of the attack raising a great amount of dust, however, the fist was resting in its palm, the arm had regenerated despite the anti-regeneration of the well and the powerful punch had done nothing.

Her main advantage against the venerer was gone, the well looked straigth at the venerer's face, despite the lack of features or anything, it saw something, its pupils made of energy dilated as it whipped out arms, grabbing Himari and trying to drag her away from this thing but her fist had been caught and with a swift movement of its other hand, the venerer cleaved straight through the well and the blonde girl.

With its main opponents dead, the venerer cleaned up the area of the anomalies and hunters, now no one could possibly stop it from completing its goal.

This bizarre venerer joined the others before it, for a long while, it was the last venerer to appear, it seemed like the amount of divergent worlds was going down.