Since ancient times, man has longed to know how life began and the history that each stage of human evolution hides. Even scientists do not agree on the versions, so in schools, the most accepted version is given by most of the community of wise men, as my mother used to say.
I have always been interested in the world of archeology, maybe someday I will be part of the scientific community. But meanwhile, I still must survive in this human world. Despite being the year Seven Thousand Five Hundred Nineteenth, offenses are still used in schools, such as calling the bunch of weirdos or four-eyed people we loved to study.
My father says that, despite having overcome so many problems on this planet, humanity still suffers from the same mistakes and bad habits as before. We have evolved, but we are still labeled, we think we are superior, with more rights because we are from one side or the other. Countries no longer exist; however, there is always a way to make someone else less.
True, you don't know, you don't have a way to know, there is so much to talk about what has happened to our planet. I suppose I will become an archeologist, and I will still not be done telling you. Let me tell you that today, having archeology as a profession is like being an astronaut before and reaching Mars in two thousand and thirty. Something that we have already achieved, by the way, there are even some established bases, but not safe enough for humanity.
By the way, my name is Alexa Darell, I am an 18-year-old teenager struggling to get to college. I live in U.C.S. (Union of Surviving Continents) the surviving governments called them the continents, but U.C.S. is the reality of what it is. I live specifically in the Latin colony, one of the most populated rights now because it is one of the poorest too, where the cheapest labor is exploited (Nothing new, right?). But that is something we will see ahead (the colonies), for now, let me tell you how the human world collapsed to near extinction.
In the year two thousand and twenty-two, the world came to a total collapse. There were so many factors associated with the end of humanity that even today we do not know how we managed to survive. First, the Amazon began with great fires, continuing with the same pattern in other important areas of the planet. Leading to the loss of species of both flora and fauna, the lungs of the planet were hit. The earth began to feel more ill than it already was, and humans tried to stop it as best they could, but already the first chip of the domino spiral had fallen. Still, our species in their arrogance believed that containing the fires was enough. They were unable to see that it was time to unite under one goal, to save our earth. Instead of using that as a flag, governments of some countries planned to acquire total control over the remaining hydrocarbons and wealth. Along with the richest people in the world and the church. All the invasion schemes, how to take over countries with resources through trickery. Brainwashing, and defamation against other governments provoke wars, either civil or invasion. The use of religion to deceive the believers that the devil had fallen into the homes of the people of those countries full of wealth, they were secrets that began to become known during those years. How the Vatican was a source of lust, full of unscrupulous people and all kinds of evil, the previous pope had been assassinated and kept hidden as a natural death. The new pope was one of the older heads of the biggest mafia organization in Europe. He planned to obtain for God all the riches, bathing the Vatican with a wave of corruption, drugs, prostitution, murders, rapes, human trafficking, child stealing, and dark cults. The name of the Italian pope was Nicolais VI, pope 267. All this information was given by hackers and organizations that supported the poor parts of the planet. Governments with spies who knew about these plans, among others, denounced to inform about the danger they were exposed to.
But humanity did not have time to know which side was telling the truth, the defendants or the prosecutors, the chaos was triggered when the Coronavirus (COVID-19) arrived, taking millions and millions of lives. And even when it was somewhat controlled, as I said, the domino effect was already in motion. The new Pangaea They said that the Earth would change in two hundred and fifty million years, that only in this time the last Pangaea would be formed. Causing the melting of ice in previous times and sinking of great cities with the passing of tsunamis. But there was something that scientists did not take as a factor, something important, the capacity of humans to destroy uncontrollably. The collateral damage that caused the anticipation of our downfall.
Inventions of ultra-powerful weapons were put into use after technological warfare got out of control, and the world began to the third world war. It all started with cyber-attacks, viruses inserted at crucial moments such as elections, stock market swings, banks collapsing without funds, and intervention in databases with sensitive national information. Then it all got out of hand, attacks on sensitive areas with bombs, viruses released into the environment, and sonic attacks. Research to stop or at least lower the danger of a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake was taken by the military to do the opposite.
More hydrogen bombs developed, bombs capable of drilling the ground as deep as a mine, to be detonated causing earthquakes and in a chain even bringing tsunamis into the equation. The primary objective was to produce weapons capable of crushing an enemy with a single blow without expending military force, and thereby avoiding human losses in the process. In the end, everyone was involved in the war, some to attack and others to defend. There was no thought for Gaia, for nature, only pure selfishness, and stubbornness. They were unable to read the signs, increasingly strong weather events, active volcanoes that had been dormant for decades, and earthquakes at high scales. Abrupt changes in temperature, where the snow had not fallen for years, it returned. Waves of heat taking lives unexpected. Glaciers melting, and tectonic movements causing tsunamis. Animals suicide in masses, like whales and dolphins that get stuck in the sand and won't let themselves be helped.
But that did not matter to the governments, the enemy had to be eliminated, so the war went on for years, there was nowhere to run, and anywhere was horrible. This is the story written in our human history books today, told by those who managed to survive. Scribbled as a reminder for future generations, to learn from our mistakes. Truth be told, I doubt that is going to happen, we are still the same irresponsible greedy people. The fact is that changes were huge, humans had to evolve by force. The technology has advanced by enormous steps, with artificial intelligence on top and nanobots in active use.
Our architecture took the name of chaotic for the new era, easy to rebuild, and able to withstand large earth movements, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Depending on the economy of the people to live would be the house, nothing to do with the old houses. Ours were like enormous figures in cubic shapes with technological improvements. Languages were reduced, too many lands submerged made many countries disappear and others moved away from their homes forming new unions. Humans of those first survival times overcame high barriers by mixing languages and creating the language of today. Even in this way, each colony maintains the preferred idioms of each community within them.
As for the changes in our bodies, we can say that they happened for us to adapt to the new Gaia. We became less sickly with modified breathing due to the increase in CO2. More use of the brain percentage, increase in modified eyes due to the more continuous darkness on the planet, due to the volcanoes and their explosions that darken the atmosphere. Luckily, they have ceased to expel, or we might all be truly dead. Fortunately, it has improved, with the years the sunlight arrives more now. Therefore, each generation has modified their way of life, such as collecting sunlight in large quantities or using the wind.
To keep people healthy, there is a curfew in each colony to take the sun that comes, in addition to putting on a medicine that helps with this necessary action for our skin and body in general. This new world no longer has races recognized by the governments, due to the great mixture between the population and the lack of sunlight. Sunlight will arrive in different quantities to the colonies depending on the position.
Unfortunately, even though there are no longer races, I must say that segregation continues. Despite the mixing, there are communities in some colonies that are forbidden to bond with others who do not possess their lineages, such as Asians or Europeans. One good thing about our new generations the food is healthy so all those diseases of the old world will not be seen, but still, we are not safe from new illnesses due to climate change. It is as if the earth is trying to exterminate us, making the air more toxic and turning animals into our enemies. Not only do we change in the new world.