Forget the Past, Live the Future

*Max Walks down to the Streets and Gets to the Bank.....He inserts his credit into the ATM Machine*

Max: "I am very low on Cash nowda-*

*Max Suddenly Very Shocked to See That he has 500 Million in his Bank*

Max : "What The-"

Haruki : "Hey you Don't Know that you Won the Third Position in International PF Championship huh?"

Max : "I don't know that....Well I Escape From Hospital Without any Warnings"

Haruki : "Why did your Tone Change Max? What happened, is your Past Hurting you?"

Max : "Maybe.....I was Like...I Think I Develop my old self"

Haruki : "I am Seeing a big Different"

*Max Checkout 2000 Dollar and Leave the ATM*

*Max is Feeling not good His Wounds are not Fully Recovered*

Max : "I Don't Understand Dad, Why my Wounds are not Healing Fast....What took them so long"

Haruki : .....

Max : "Dad? I am Talking to you"

Haruki : '...'

Max : "HARUKI!!!"

*People Start Staring at Max*

Max : "Sorry Ahmm.." *Max Leaves*