*Phone Ranged*
*Max Picks up the phone*
Karuso: *Normally* "Max, why are you not coming to the Facility.....I have essential things to discuss"
Max: "oh Hey Director.....I know I am keeping a low profile right now, but I have my reasons"
Karuso: "Why?......are you going somewhere?"
Max: "Actually something happened so I have to get to someplace from out of the city"
Karuso: "Before going somewhere, meet me at my office........as I said I have some Important things to tell you"
Max: "okay.....I will be there"
*Hung up the phone*
Max: *Thinks* "I am Curious, what can it be?"
*Lesfer enters the room*
Lesfer: *excitedly* "Get your ass up from there....someone is waiting for you outside."
Max: "huh? Someone?"
*Max gets up, suddenly lesfer stops him from getting outside from room"
Lesfer: "Who gives her my house address?"
Max: "her? Oh I see I give her your house location....she wants to meet"