Bad Sight

*Max wake up from the sleep and Yawns*

Max: "Ow...My head hurts"

*Max get outside of the room*

Lesfer: *Dragging some Heavy stuff* "Hey Max Little Help here please"

Max: "Ayo what you doin... What's with that big stuff." *MAX helps Lesfer*

Lesfer: "This is parcel from PF association for me."

Max:"Ohhh...I get it. I know what's in that."

Lesfer:"so what in that big box?"

Max:" I think an battle suit.....and ahhh....Rule book*

*Chiiiz* *untaped the tap and opens the box*

Lesfer:"yeah you are right. But what is this thing"

*Lesfer holding a small flamer sticker*

Max:"I don't know they never sent me that thing."

*Lesfer stick to his arm and hero pose*

Lesfer:"so they send me look like badass."

Max:"you are not looking badass *sip from bottle* instead of that you doing a hoho Pose in hoho anime haha"

Lesfer:"you just sound like a train to me.....anyway. Lets read this notice paper" *unfold the notice paper*