Surely loyalty can be bought at a price, the woman look at the humans she once could call friends in disbelief, holding her baby close to her breast as they pass a horrible verdict upon her without even batting an eye or hearing a word from her husband, who has been constantly trying to gain their attention. They believed the words of the midwife and block their eyes to the couple pleas.

His woman tears weighed nothing as the villagers screamed louder on top of there voice for her and the demonic child to be burnt to death.

Burn them! Burn them! Burn them!

She knew what must be done for the safety of her family, She looks at the worried face of her husband signaling him, they've spoken about this before, and have come up with their own solution for the safety of their young child.

This woman has not fully recovered from the pain she passed through few days ago, the pain between her legs were still present, has the child tore her virginia while coming into the world. Before coming to stand amidst the people to hear her verdict, she had wrap herself with warm towel right where the tear was then putting on her undergarment

Her husband walks closer to her carrying the infant from the woman, now all this woman had to do was keep up with his speed according to their plan.

The villagers were so carried away by their shouting and thirst for blood, since the witches went into hiding, not a single blood shed has been recorded, they were itching to see some drama that it clouded their judgement of reasoning.

The woman started running first, been placed in front of the crowd and not in the middle made it extremely easy for her and her husband as they dashed into the forest.

Before the villagers could settle down from their noise and conclude on a death penalty by burning, the family that stood before them were no where to be found.

The Woman and her husband kept running without looking back, they made a promise not to stop for the other in critical situation, the aim was to take their child to safety. They knew the villagers would not let them go just like that, and it was confirmed when they heard the angry voice of the crowd coming right behind them.

A loud howl made the couple stop on their track, and so also the angry villagers, every one knew that was the cry of a wolf, and an high rank one at that. Yes they wanted blood shed, and were eager to killing that family, but they also loved their own lives, they concluded that if they can't kill the woman and her child, the angry wolf would complete their unfinished business for them, so they went back the way they came.

The man held his wife close to him, saying his last prayer, if they turn back, death patiently awaits them and if the move forward, they would have their limbs torn from their body in the most brutal way.

The wolfs foot steps sounded closer, and no, the heavy footsteps made their sentence more painful and greater. They squeeze themselves under the tree as if that would protect them from Vimdraolf.

His wolf has been restless since blood moon, he has also been stuck in his wolf beast unable to change back to his human form.

Nothing that crossed his path has been left whole, and so is the fate of this three human. And just like he hunts, he walks dangerously slow till he got to the front of the man.

The couple fall down if fear, shaking as the prepare for their death anytime from now.

Vimdraolf showed his 45 fearful teeth as he opened his mouth to devour the family. The child burst into tears, if vimdraolf wolf was restless before, now it's worst.


He stop his canines from biting into the man's neck. The cry coming out from the child weaken him.

Vimdraolf knew what was happening, she is the prophecy that is fulfilled after one thousand year. The girl that would be his weakness and greatest down fall. Her death has been shown to him, and the monster it would make him become.

He made himself a promise, the moment he set his eyes on her, is the day she dies.

He goes close to the child sniffing her, his wolf jumps in joy. He ignores his wolf as he remove the wool use to wrap the little child and open his mouth to carry her just like mama wolf carries her pups.

He carried her facing the sky, so he could see his mate face before killing her.

This little child calms down after the touch of her mate and open her green eyes to look at him. Even this day old child could already feel the mate bond as her little hand touch his canines meant to crush her to death out of ignorance.

Vimdraolf was shocked at his behavior, he had never stall to kill his prey ever in his life.

One thing he remembers of Amargo was her famous sentence. " What you don't kill today, will come back to kill you tomorrow".

He knew keeping her would be his biggest mistake.

Vimdraolf hold the child tight in his mouth so she doesn't fall as he took off running into the forest from where he came from. He didn't even spare a glance at her parents before taking off with their only child in his mouth.

The woman stood up first from the ground following the wolf running off with her child, she was no longer afraid of death and was willing to lay down her life for her day old child. Her small legs could not let her cover more ground like the beast.

She didn't care how long she would have to keep running, but she knew her destination, and would follow vimdraolf to his castle.