He howl loudly again for the second time in just a minute and without any prophecy or Healer confirming, the couple were sure to die of high blood pressure or heat attacks if Vimdraolf howls for the third time.
Even in his human form, his howl was almost just as loud.
The couple fall to their kneel crying and begging Vimdraolf using all the strength they've got left. Their voice was muffled under the tears.
This irritated Vimdraolf the more. The disgust he has inbuilt for humans was lofty. They are nothing more than weak vessel occupying space on planet earth and that is why untill his parents last breath, they still couldn't save themselves from Amargo and died like chicken. Their weakness brought about his suffering, he saw no point of being a human and being alive.
The couple stop every sound they were making, everywhere went so quiet that the flapping of the bird wing while flying could be heard if you listen carefully. Rosa and Mateo bow their heads looking at the sand shaking while they both join hands together. After some seconds Rosa was the first to lift her head up after gathering few courage, she decided to speak up. In her mind she said the quote "If I perish, I perish but at least I know I tried".
Rosa first contemplated on what title to give him before beginning her speech. All she had heard since she was sucking were bad attribute attached to him. She search deeply for a good title, maybe it might appease him and soften his heart for her request. She thought of one and decided to settle for it, as every second that passes, Esmeralda life could be in grave danger.
Might one, please this mother begs you to have mercy and spear her daughter, she is my only child.
Oh Vimdraolf is fully aware that they are the parent of his mate, he saw their faces before kidnapping Esmeralda.
Voice like thunder, this was all he said to the couple turning his back on them.
I..I want to serve you
Rosa said again not giving up, she was afraid yes, but was also a mother.
I want to be close to her, she is just an infant and would need great care, I promise to leave on her eighteenth birthday.
Vimdraolf was indeed surprised at the woman's courage, people urinate on themself out of fear in his presence and here she is having the guts to ask a request.
Vimdraolf takes a step closer to Rosa, in the one step, he covered a lot of ground and was almost in her front.
At least his wolf has calm down and let him change back to his human from the moment he held his mate in his hand who he now calls curse. He can't kill her unless his wolf would go rogue. Taking care of a child is something he has never done and would never do, especially a human one at that.
Maybe he needed this woman to nurse Curse and when he finds a way to break the bond, he would personally kill them both.
Vimdraolf looks down on Rosa void of any emotion. As a little child, he has been taught by Amargo not to express what you feel.
He use his fingers to comb through his white hair, since nine months ago, the colour of his eyes when change in to his beast from, gold having a serpent slit for pupil was retained even in his human form it replacing his once dark pupil, he knew it was the conception of Curse that caused it. Not only that, few strand of his hair in front turn to the colour blue.
This lady was testing his patient and her sight irritated him further even though he knew he needed her for now.
Rosa falls to the ground almost kissing it, she never thought her wish would be fulfilled.
Vimdraolf walked away with grace as if floating on the air.
The couple stood up from the ground dancing to no music as a way of expressing their joy when they were sure Vimdraolf was out of sight.
They stop dancing and come back to their senses when you realize how big the place was and how difficulty it would be finding Esmeralda alone. The thought of going to ask Vimdraolf of Esmeralda whereabout was like a sharp knife cut, and they both quickly brush off the idea.
They continue on their journey on their own through the west wing till they met the side passage way to enter the castle.
It was obvious they didn't belong and were trespasser from their faces and behavior. The looked around like a fish brought out from water seeing the human world for the first time. The sound of someone feet walking behind them made them turn over immediately, it was so fast that Rosa lost her sight for a split second, when she finally regained them, in the arms of another woman wearing clothes made of sack in the top covering just her breast revealing her flat tummy that could not hide her ribs, and the dry skin of a wild beast wrapped around her waist stopping on her mid lap.
The baby was covered with the same sack clothing the woman wore as top.
Rosa watch in high expectations as the woman walked close to her with a smile wildly plastered on her face. The smile melded Rosa's heart, and she knew indeed that baby wrapped was Esmeralda.
In no time the baby was placed in Rosa's arm.
I'm luna, I was asked to give you this child. She is beautiful just like her mother, does she have a name?
Esmeralda, her name is Esmeralda, and I'm Rosa, this is my husband Mateo.