

Luna dropped the dagger in fear, and fall to the ground out of agrise. She never expected that Vimdraolf would be back from his hunting so anon. She eyed the animal that just walked into the room, Luna has never seen his beast up close before, indeed people did no justice in describing it.

Her hunting reality finally dawn on her when she was suddenly pinned to a hard surface, having Vimdraolf paw chain her to the wall. She felt her world drowning under Vimdraolf's hold.

She shut her eyes immediately she came in contact with the deadly glare Vimdraolf was throwing at her. The minute Luna's dripping sweat fall on his paw, he flashed his fangs at her, in the process showing her his fifty two canines.

Luna whimper and shrunk into her self if that was even possible.

Vimdraolf was going to take her life, that was not debatable but he needed some answers first. He is not so generous that he would let Luna go even if she tried to do the job that his wolf wouldn't let him finish because of the bond.

Nobody touches Esmeralda except him, nobody has the permission to end her life, only him. She belongs to him, and him alone.

He removes his paw from her neck letting Luna fall five feet down to the ground.

He moves back leaving the unconscious Esmeralda, who is not even aware of her surrounding or the fact that she almost died in the room with Luna who also fell unconscious after the force she used in hitting her head.

Vimdraolf long nails hooks the blanket Esmeralda used as covering while leaving the room. It would be unwise to change in the same room with Luna there, she could attack.

He lowered himself to the ground. It started with his fur, just like they came out, they went back in from where they came from, his skin suddenly turning white again. His pointy ears go in bring out his round ear, same with his nose.

All the features of his beast went back into his body and he became his human self once again.

He got hold of the smooth blanket that hooked to his claws and wrapped it round his waist, matching right back into the room.

The appall Luna still laid on the floor barely regaining her consciousness when Vimdraolf lifts her up by the shoulder.


Instead of answering Luna gave a weak smile, there is no force or pain that would make her say the name of her husband. Vimdraolf and Esmeralda will surely die, and she would be more than happy to play a vital role, even if it entails her losing her life. She thought at least now she would gain respect in her mate's sight, She would no longer be seen as weak and useless.

Boldness took over Luna's body, she wouldn't give Vimdraolf the pleasure seeing fear in her eyes before she dies.

They are coming for you wolf, the child's end is closer than you think. You can't win against their army.


You will never know even if you kill me, or promise to release me if I tell you Vimdraolf, I will carry the name to my grave. And i will gladly die for the course.

Luna words angered Vimdraolf the more, He could not control himself as he tighten his hold on her neck in the process lifting her two feet from the ground.

Luna began struggling for air, the vein on her neck and forehead pop out. Little by little, her blood flow seize, turning her face pale, before gradually becoming colour purple. All this while Vimdraolf never remove his eyes from Luna and watch her fight for her life.

Luna's wolf nail comes out in defense digging deep into Vimdraolf flesh, using any method it could come up, in attempt to save luna's life.

In all this, Vimdraolf hand didn't move, not even a little bit.

Vimdraolf place his left hand on Luna's head in conjunction with his right hand on her neck, He broke out Luna's head from her body. The blood gushing out of Luna neck splash on him. He throws the head to the ground, it rolled like a ball stopping right in front of the already awake Esmeralda watching the whole show astonied.

The loud that gasped the escape from Esmeralda lips caught Vimdraolf attention.

The poor girl stuck with fear froze on a spot, she shouldn't decided where to drop her eyes as she kept moving them back and forth between luna's head and the man that appears in her dream whose body was covered in blood all over, or she could say Luna's blood.

The standing neck to leg of Luna fell straight to the ground after all this while.

Esmeralda jumped at the clash, her heart missing multiple beat.

Y..yo..yo..you k.ki..killed her, you monster yo..you killed Luna.

Vimdraolf looks at his stunned mates face wondering how is she awake? He must have underestimated her inner strength.

Vimdraolf was about to take the first step when Esmeralda screamed with all her might.


For the first time in Vimdraolf's life after Amargo, this little girl was the first his body willingly obeyed in two hundred years and he redrew his leg, taking it back to the formal position.

Esmeralda shaking legs finally gave up, and she drop to the ground like she weighed nothing.

She reluctantly moved her trembling fingers to touch Luna's hair and finally burst into tears