


Vimdraolf laid crumpled on a spot, there was a painful piercing in his heart. Heartstruck by what just happened, weakness took over his body. This was not part of the plan. It was simply kill the Rogue and Terran wolves not lose mate.

With great anguish, he moves one of his paws. One breath at a time trying to calm his pierced racing heart, with trembling hands he stretch forth his claw to touch her.

Just a second away of coming in contact with her skin, as fast as lightening, a vampire ran pass, beating Vimdraolf to it, snatching Esmeralda away in his arm.

It looked for the first shadow to hide in, barely escaping the sun burn. The centuries old Vampire immediately bite into her neck. The taste jolted him, and he dropped her out of shock.

Vimdraolf hurtle to Esmeralda side, blood gushing out of the hole in her chest, and also on her neck from her bite mark given to her by the Vampire.