A sound that Vimdraolf would never get tired of hearing, Esmeralda screamed his name so loud forgetting they were out in the open.
She released right on his hand, and it immediately got mixed with the water. Vimdraolf removed his finger from her center, but he still held her close as her body had not stop shaking from the aftermath.
Esmeralda put her head on his shoulder, wrapping her hands around his neck trying to catch her breath. She had envision her time with him would be gently, but this was clearly lust not love, and if this opportunity showed it's face again, she would always pick this pace, cause she loved every bit of it. From how he sent shivers down her spine, that made her whole body tremble, how they were tangled together with his arms around her, quenching her fervent need.
The silent was peaceful, only their breathing could be heard. Different series of questions pop in Esmeralda's head, she stall a little in asking, because of the fear of his reaction.