

It was no ordinary mission, not only was the jungle full of wild animals, but also contains poisonous fruit and plants set up by the wizard association.

The remaining wizards had set up all this traps against witches for their survival. No one really knew what caused the dispute between the Witches and wizard.

Every lips made it's own story, but they all end up in a similar way. They wanted supremacy over the Witches, claiming they were stronger so therefore they should be the head.

The Alphas had still not decided who would go for this journey. After the war that just happened, everyone wanted to spend some time with their mates.

Alpha chester tried to feel for his mate through the mate bond, she had not still recovered from the battle.

Vera had been stabbed by a Witch's sword filled with their potion. She placed her hand on her stomach, trying to feel for her baby who was also dying like her.