
The fated day arrived and Lisa helped put the finishing touches on my make-up. My long hair was pinned up meticulously with some fringe curled tastefully to accentuate my long lashes. Lisa dusted some rouge on both cheeks and stepped back for a moment. Admiring her masterpiece after hours of work, she deemed me ready for the ball.

Ignacio smiled and offered his arm to me with a twinkle in his eye. This man was enjoying it way too much.

“You look beautiful, Titania.”

I grimaced but forced a smile in front of Lisa who sighed dreamily. “Thank you, Ignacio.”

As Ignacio opened the door for me, I heard Lisa shout to Ignacio to not screw this up. The infuriating man only bowed in response as we stepped out onto the streets.

The dress was a stunning electric blue and clung to my figure like a second skin. Although decently clothed, I find myself to be wondering if any part of me had been indecently exposed.