
Screeching noises had me cringing in bed. “What on Spxtro…”

My question was answered with a very large and heavy machine blocking the entrance to the room.

The room I was in looked very much like a high-class infirmary despite the lack of beds and the many additions.

“A little more to your right,” Ignacio told the two huffing men and then gave them a thumbs-up when it was in position.

“How did…”

Khronos put a hand on my shoulder and grinned. “It was a tight fit but Ignacio managed to get a delivery wheeler discreetly and transferred everything to my base. Rush and Nash did the heavy lifting.”

Nodding numbly at the new machines, my palms began to sweat.

“Everything is in place now,” Ignacio announced and gave me a small smile that was nowhere near reassuring.

“Thank you, gentlemen. Please give me some privacy with our patient before we commence the meeting. It shouldn’t take more than an hour, three hours if our patient isn’t feeling cooperative.”