How long has it been? It’s not important. It didn’t matter if the wall was pink or white.
Gentle knocks on the door alerted me to two new presences in the room. I pretended to still be asleep. It wouldn’t be surprising since that’s all I did for the past week. I didn’t want to deal with anything with the pain of discovering the truth yesterday still raw and fresh.
Ignacio’s cautious footsteps were almost drowned out by heavy and hurried ones. The covers were thrown off me as soon as the heavy footsteps stopped. I could barely hear Ignacio over the angry growl.
“Get up! Don’t pretend to be asleep, I know you’re not. Don’t you think you’ve done enough sleeping for the past week? Get up now!”
“Rush stop,” the normally meek and mild-tempered Ignacio tried to interfere but was brushed aside.