“I didn’t expect to see you so soon again,” I told Nash frankly as he threw something to Khronos. It was a large bag and I couldn’t help but be a little curious about the content. The scientist rummaged through the items and smiled when he found what he was looking for.
“These are the remaining supplement pills from the last batch. Cass will inform us when a new batch arrives. Meanwhile, you can analyse those. The rest of them are gifts that Sable hasn’t thrown away. You might want to work on them at once. I’m not sure how long DNA can last on these things.”
Khronos smirked. “Thanks for the hard work. You, on the other hand, need to get checked and then rest. No more running errands for the both of you, doctor’s orders.”
Annoyed at the scientist, I was about to snap at his pompous nature when Nash beat me to it.
“I don’t recall any doctors here, self-proclaimed don’t count.”