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Chap 3 - the Lead Males

Arriving at the mini market, Rian chose spicy crispy snacks. Rian chose the chips after she read several articles about foods that can trigger the mood. One of them is spicy food.

While paying at the cashier it suddenly rained heavily. Rian was forced to sit on the bench provided in the mini market. Sitting facing the glass, watching the rain pouring down the street, while eating.

At that moment, Rian felt empty. Just silently staring blankly, thoughts going everywhere.

Can't wait for the rain to the night. For 3 hours Rian waited inside, with the cold air conditioning penetrating her bones.

The spiciness of the chips she ate, only reached her mouth and stomach. It doesn't spread all over her body. As a result, her body, especially her hands, were stiff and cold as cold as ice.

Luckily the rain subsided. When Rian left, she turned to the side to find someone greeting him.



Victor sat in the middle of the soccer field with his friends.

Rest since 1 hour after playing ball. Nahar took a sip of soda while fanning his neck, after he stopped drinking soda, the sound of burping came out loud.

"Geez,” shock Victor.

Nahar, he is Aries boy. 178cm, tan but not really tan skin. Have nice smile which can melt girls’ heart. Good attitude, gentle, short hair, showing his charming forehead.

"Ah! Great!" his laughter was made like a giant sound.

Lightning rumbled. Suddenly they gasped. "Samber gledek!(thunder) " shock Nahar.

Victor's cell phone rang. An incoming message from Neira, his girlfriend since grade 1 until now. Victor reads a message from Neira, it informs Victor that there is a class change.

The reason is that they are in level 12 in one more semester. That means they will soon meet the State exam. Therefore, in order to be organized, the school adjusts the class according to the student's master number.

"Na-er," Victor called to his soulmate, Nahar turned his head.

"What, Korean oppa oppa," take Nahar.

"Here, Neira, she said the class was overhauled," said Victor.

"Yo, not overhauled but sorted," Nahar took another sip of his soda.

Victor an Aquarius boy. Cool boy, what he do and did, every girl start delusion. His eyes stare so softly, his lips red without lipstick. He is number 1 ideal type in school, to be boyfriend. Kind and warm person.

Victor opens the PDF file that Neira sent. There are columns of student names that have been grouped according to the main number. And it turns out that Victor is in the same class as Nahar, as well as Neira.

"Bro, we have same class tomorrow," he said without taking his eyes off the screen.

Now Victor shows his cellphone to Nahar. Nahar nodded.

There is one name that makes Nahar surprised. More precisely, happy to know that ‘name’ when entering the first school after semester break, will be in the same class with him tomorrow.

"Rian," yell Nahar, "uyee!"

"Still like her, how long have you been locked up? That’s feeling or a seed, seeds being squeezed can bears fruit, feeling being squeezed doesn't bear fruit, only shit u get," Victor was surprised.

Victor asked while opening Neira's IG. Every time Neira updates a photo, for some reason Victor seems to get an implied message that he has to touch the like icon on Neira's photo.

"Rian is different oppa, so you have to slowly approach her,"

Victor asked in a low voice while focusing on touching the like icon on Neira's photo, "Why?"

"Rian has never been in a relationship, the term is a rare kind, still fresh, so you need to be careful when taking care of it." Obviously Nahar.

"From the look on her face, she looks like she has experienced a lot in dating," Victor doubted her.

"She's a homie," said Nahar.

"Why u knew it, creepy," now Victor is done with his work—loving his girlfriend's IG photo.

"Back then, in junior high school, I never seen she partnered with a boy, since then she hasn't changed at all."

Victor smiled mischievously at Nahar.

“Waw, about 5 year you are become a stalker. Your mental so tough.”

Victor knows that his friend has an average face, while Victor thinks Rian is a beautiful woman who is difficult to approach. Victor was only able to smile mischievously which actually smiled pityingly.

"Beautiful girls are hard to get, bro. The important thing is to make you comfortable. Meet the comfortable one, not face." Victor patted Nahar's back.

"Yeah, it's okay, it's okay hard to get, instead of being cheapy, if you can having precious treasure, why do you want to buy used goods?" avoid Nahar.

"Give up, bye," surrendered Victor, not forgetting to smile slightly.

"You have to get up early so you can sit in the same seat as Rian," Nahar hastily packed up. He left, not forgetting to shake hands with Victor.

"Wish me, oppa,"

"Okay, Na-er,"

Nahar immediately said goodbye to his other friends. From where Victor was sitting, he could see Nahar stuffing things into his bag. Once again Nahar waved at Victor, Victor also replied.

A few moments later, Neira contacted Victor. Victor picked up his cell phone as he walked towards a seat on the edge of the field, looking for a comfortable place to chat.

"Annyeonghaseyo," said Victor as he walked over.

'Annyeonghaseyo, oppa,' said Neira, chuckling slightly.

Neira shows a Korean girl band music album to Victor.

She put the album in fornt of her cheek. Neira proudly showed off the album she had been eyeing for a long time, with months of saving her pocket money. Finally, the wait was paid off.

Therefore, after the order album arrived, Neira immediately contacted Victor. The person Neira told that she had been struggling to save money for and tonight what Neira wanted came true.

Victor smiled slightly laughing at Neira's behaviour. It's like a child getting a new toy.

"Whoa, what's that?" Victor feigned surprise.

'T-ara album, oppa, wahahah,' he laughed happily.

"What's congratulation in Korean?"


“Cukkhae,” he said, waving his hand at his cell phone camera.

'Finally, I can buy T-ara's album, Roly poly,' Neira said.

They were both busy talking until finally the rain stopped. Victor also said goodbye to Neira. They waved to each other for the camera.

Victor took his bag and went to the parking lot. When he got there, he took the helmet on his motorbike and started the engine.

On the way, the cold air hit him. Victor also had an idea that in this cold weather it was good to eat noodles.

He also intends to find a mini market that is in line. A few minutes later he found a mini market.

Victor Pull over to the mini market. Parked his motorbike, when he took off his helmet Victor ruffled his wet hair.

Victor stepped into the mini market. The AC wind just hit Victor's body. Not yet, Victor's body shivered, the hairs on his neck stood up.

Victor's eyes caught a familiar sight. He found Rian sitting by the window alone.

From the side, Rian's lips turned red—due to the spicy kripik powder. Rian's smooth black hair, some on Rian's pale cheeks. Like a painting, or like a picture of a beautiful woman in a romantic comic.

Don't know what made Victor take out his cell phone. His fingers touched the camera app. About twice Victor took Rian's photos, one of which Victor zoomed in so that it could be seen closer to Rian's face.

Realizing that someone was watching, Rian turned her head. Victor quickly put his cellphone in his bag. Pretending to greet Rian, Rian knows Victor and returns Victor's greeting.

"Rian," said Victor, somewhat panicked.

Rian raised her hand slowly waving, "Hi,"

His steps led her to sit on the bench next to Rian. Victor smiled awkwardly, wondering if Rian knew that he took the picture secretly. Or Rian pretended not to know. However, when Rian looked at him carefully, she smiled innocently at Victor.

Victor was confused about what to discuss to divert the awkwardness.

Suddenly Rian offered her snack, "Chips?" offered Rian who eyes filled with tears from the spiciness.

"No, thanks," said Victor gently. Rian returned to eating her snacks even though her nose was runny and her lips so red.

"Ssssff," Rian's snot was pulled roughly into the lungs.

"Have you got a new schedule from your friends?" asked Victor.

"This afternoon, we're in same class tomorrow, aren't we," Rian corrected.

Victor widened his eyes, "Yeah, we'll be same classmates later,"

Rian looked at Victor's clothes which were slightly wet with sweat and wet hair.

"Going to play ball?"

"Just finished, it's just stopping by to buy noodles, you alone?"

"Waiting rain stop, and gonna home,"

"I’ll drive you home," said Victor.

“it’s bother you, my house is near from here, only one block," she said ending with a small smile.

Suddenly Rian took off her hoodie. Her hair is messy but still looks beautiful.

"I borrowed my hoodie," Rian handed it to him.

"No need, use it back,"

"This is for real, rather than later you catch a cold, hihi," Rian laughed.

Victor received Rian's hoodie. Victor accidentally touched Rian's fingernails.

Like there is a small shock like electricity. At a glance, Victor know the texture of Rian's skin and fingernails. Cold, softer than his hands, was also the last Victor had difficulty describing.

Rian smiled. Her smile was neither warm nor cheerful. Just a smile, empty.

Rian said goodbye to Victor. Out there Rian waved, Victor spontaneously replied. Rian's smile, black manes in the wind, pale skin and Rian's red lips are like a movie scene in Victor's eyes who see Rian from the inside.

"No wonder Na-er really likes Rian," Victor muttered.