Chapter 19 - Lure Me Slowly

It had been a little bit of a rushing mess after the shelf had been lifted off Chris back's. There was an ambulance, people running around to help and boom, the hospital.

"All clear." The doctor said to her, tucking one hand into her lab coat. "You can go home this evening."

"It a whole fucking shelf, Doctor. I mean, you should have seen the shelf. Fucking huge!" Elsa turned to the doctor, her hand grazing Ivy's own affectionately. "Is it alright if we stay for longer, just to ensure that everything is really fine."

The Doctor looked back at Elsa, a weary expression on her face, as if she was tired of life and everything in it.

"I feel fine," Ivy chirped in, noticing the tension.

"You are the injured one here, Princess, you don't get to judge." Then she looked back at the doctor. "So, can we? This is an expensive private hospital after all. Whatever the bill is, we'll pay it." Then her voice dropped to a low sympathy seeking tone. "I'm just so worried for my friend."