Chapter 31 - Voice Notes

She heard someone clearing their throat some distance behind them and Chris stepped away, looking back at whoseover that was.

She looked back too, grateful for the interruption.

For a moment there, she was scared things would go out of hand.

It was Jett and it looked like he had something really urgent to say.

"You were right, Sire. It is him."

Chris frowned, looking back at Elsa, his frown deepening by the second.

"I knew it. A trap!" Then he looked back at Jett, "he has been finding a way for me to be indebted to him since forever. By the Blood, he is a Bastard!"

He paced, shaking his clenched fist in quick jerks.

"I wished there was a way to get rid of him already."

Ivy flinched. She had never seen Chris this angry before.

"That is not all, Sire." Jett stepped closer to Chris. He seemed rather calm but his voice showed that he was just as angry as Chris was. "There is a meeting tonight."