Chapter 41 - Terms And Tangos

"Vampires don't have soulmates?"

"They do," he said then added after a small pause. "They used to."

She rolled her eyes, getting really frustrated. "You had better start speaking to me in English and I mean "simple english' not all these 'hiding secrets here and there English'."

He sighed, "Fine. We used to have soulmates, in the past but as time went on, we just didn't anymore."


"I don't know. It just happened. My guess is that probably because we got more mixed up with humans and-- I don't know."

"Hmm," she leaned back in her seat, not from fear this time but in slight relaxation and mighty thinking. "So you no longer have soulmates?"

His shoulders tensed up lightly and she was afraid that asking the question again might have hit a hard spot.

"It's okay if---" she started to say but he cut her off quickly with an explanation.

"The last time any vampire found a soulmate was over a century ago, and that vampire was a Pureblood."

"Are you a Pureblood?"