Seeing a flash of red in his eyes, she shook her head quickly, taking control of herself and taking a good step away from him.
She was trying to communicate right now, not get laid. If she continued along the path that Chris was leading this conversation into, she knew what would happen would definitely be the latter.
"That is nice to know but I'm yet to get my explanation." She snapped and he visibly flinched, before recollecting himself.
"Yeah, yeah, fine." He took a couple of steps away from her too, giving her room, no longer fearing that she would bolt out through the door before he was done. Although he knew that she couldn't outrun him even if she did.
"When I brought you here, I wanted to just survive on RedWine."
Ivy ears perked at that. That was the name they called packaged blood. She had heard it a lot in passing while talking to Elsa, also she had been lucky to observe the bottle of wine they brought into the restaurant on Elsa's birthday.