Chapter 1

The pine trees blurred past my window as we sped down the never-ending highway. It twisted and turned. I was all too used to Washington and now I had to get used to another town. Like always, I was stuffed in the back of our green carry-on with boxes on the seat next to me and in the boot full of our essentials. A worn-out map laid on the dash board, it showed roads we already took and the road were driving. Little red x’s were marked over the towns we had already lived. My parents at in front of the car. My mom’s blonde hair was styled into a bun and my dad’s short black hair looked like a silhouette.

I was giving my parents the silent treatment. I was really ticked off that they were moving us again, just as I was getting used to my new life. Or what it was before certain circumstances made us move. We’ve been moving since I was seven years old. Ten years have passed and we have lived in 26 towns. Always on the run and never able to lead a normal life. Even in a supernatural community we have to hide. It’s the life for all werewolves unfortunately.

Before you say anything. No, we aren’t like the Twilight werewolves or anything like Wolfman. We are more of your traditional werewolves. We turn every full moon and yes, into actual wolves. My parents do in any way. I am 17 and I still haven’t changed yet. I was supposed to change when I hit puberty, but looks like my genes are defective. I don’t have super senses or speed or strength, that comes after the change. If it will ever come.

I was so lost in my thoughts that before I knew it we were in Pinewild, the town we were going to temporarily call home. We didn’t drive long when my dad slowed the car, a few seconds later we stopped in front of our new home. It was a double story house that was mostly hidden by trees that surrounded it. It had a black tile roof with red wooden walls, that was darkened with age. The windows that were visible had white wooden frames. The house was slightly raised. Two steps lead to a small porch. The front door sat between two lamps.

My parents didn’t hesitate. They got out of the car and went to the house. I sat in the car a bit longer to mentally prepare myself for the same routine of unpacking and getting our stories straight.

It didn’t take me long to get my things out of the car. All my personal belongings, the little I had been packed in a dark green backpack, a black duffle bag and two trash bags. I got into the house and looked around a bit. The stairs where adjacent from the door and a small door, that I assumed led to the basement, was built right under the stairs.

I didn’t bother to look around, I had a chance to look and explore the house later.

My parents were still in the kitchen when I made my way up the stairs. When I got to the landing I heard my moms voice echo through the house, "Your room is the first door on the right".

I didn’t answer back, instead I walked toward my room.

It was a small room with a double bed and white wooden bed stands. The window had a wooden frame just like the other windows except it had a windowsill that you can sit on. Next to the window was a wooden desk in the corner. There was a built in closet next to the door and the bathroom door a few inches away.

I was thankful that I had my own bathroom. It would make avoiding my parents that much easier. I had mixed feelings about my wallpaper. It was a very light pink, almost white and it had dark pink flower patterns on it. It made the room feel like a real girls room, but it also reminded me of my grandma Ester's couches she had in her house, before we started moving around.

It didn’t take me long to unpack my things. It was only 7 pm, but I didn’t feel like talking to my parents just yet. I had to at one point or another. I wanted to put it off as long as I could. I would have to face them tomorrow, but not tonight. I looked around my room. My lavender colour blanket covered my bed along with my matching pillows. I didn’t have any posters or any personal items, besides my alarm clock and a picture. The other things I did have, was packed away. In case we needed to move at a moments notice. I made it a point to put up fairy lights above or near my bed no matter where we moved. It was one thing that was constant. Something I could hold on too.

I tested out my shower and it was heavenly. It was a bathtub with a shower. The sink stood across from the door and there was a window on the far right side of the room. It didn’t take me long before I climbed into bed and drifted off into sleep.

The deafening beeping of my alarm woke me up from a dreamless sleep. I slammed the snooze button, and sat upright in my unfamiliar bed. I had a picture of me, my dad and mom that we took when I was 8, in a frame next to my alarm clock on my bed stand. We had taken it at a statue of a wolf on the border of the first town we moved too. It was a week after my 8th birthday.

I never knew why, but that was a happy memory for me, before my life was ruined. It was the first and last day I felt human. Like I wasn’t part of a werewolf family or that we had to run or anything like that. After that day my life became more chaotic. My dad become an absolute ass, he wouldn’t let me do anything the other kids did. I always had to be by their side. My mom we grew distant and we stopped talking.

I got up and took a shower. After I got dressed I went to the bath room to do my hair. I decided to go for a ponytail. The reflection that looked back at me was a mix between my parents. My mom’s dark blonde hair and freckles, but I had my dad’s straight nose and face shape. My eyes were a combination of my parent’s eyes. I had light brown almost yellow with green eyes.

With that I had to choose whether I was going to skip another meal or was I going to face my parents. I wanted to just walk out of the house, but the school was an hour drive and two hour walk. Stupid long distances.

I had no choice, I needed to face the monsters. The aroma of bacon and coffee seeped into my room as soon as I opened the door. My stomach growled as soon as the smell entered my nose. I made my way down the stairs. The living room was already furnished when we got here with maroon leather couches.

The kitchen was in the next room through a white wooden ache way. The kitchen was just as simple. There was an old table in the middle with mismatched chairs, my dad occupying the furthest side on the left, reading his newspaper. Around corner of the arch way were two doors. One leading to another room and one leading to the back porch.

My mom was standing with her back towards me at the stove cooking more bacon. I took a seat at one of the corners nearest the arch way.

“Morning Anna,” My dad grumbled behind his newspaper. “Morning,” I said and my mom turned around to put more bacon on the plate. I poured myself a cup of coffee.

My mom looked at me with her dark brown eyes, they were filled with curiosity and concern. “Eat up, you have a long day ahead of you. I’ll give you some money for lunch,”

I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me short, “Don’t argue. You know what happens if we don’t eat. We don’t want to get called in by the school about you passed out of malnourishment,” I glowered a bit but I didn’t say anything. She was right, and that’s what I hated. I put a few pieces of bacon on a plate with some toast. Her features were perfect of course and freckles spotted her nose and cheeks.

“We’ll pick you up after school. We don’t want you to be late for tonight,” My dad set down the newspaper revealing his black hair, bright green eyes and a bit of a stubble on his face. He had a crooked nose too, but it wasn’t because he was born with it. He just got into too many fights.

I frowned at him with a piece of bacon sticking out of my mouth, making sure he sees my confusion.

“It’s a full moon,” he said emotionless.

I swallowed the piece I bit off whole, “Crap. I totally forgot about that,”

They both sighed, “Of course you did. You were so focused on being mad at us that you forgot the most important day of the month. It’s like you to be so selfish, just make sure you’re careful and don’t expose us on your first day,” My dad said and took a sip of his coffee. He was looking for a fight and he was going to get one. I was especially extra angry on a full moon. It was a wolf-thing.

“Oh yeah? Well next time don’t just move us, give me a heads up. Although you never do. Not to mention, you didn’t give me much choice. You never do,” I said with as much venom I can muster up.

“Well then don’t screw up, like you did last time,” he spat back, and it hit a nerve. I opened my mouth to say something when my mom spoke. Her voice was calm but it had a firmness to it, “Enough,” we both went silent. She was the alpha.

And no it’s not like your typical werewolf stories of it’s a magical bond that makes us obey her, it was more instinct. We ate in silence after that, after 15 minutes we were in the car and on our way to my new school.