Chapter 19

Nightmares invaded my dreams. Ranging from the dark room to Franklin using a spell to make me fall through the earth. Even memories from the time I was changing. Steven slipped though too, looking at me, expressionless, asking me why I didn't save him. I woke up with a jolt, gasping for air. George was on my bed, his hands on my shoulders. His white skin shone in the dark.

"You're awake," he said with relief.

"Yeah, sorry did I wake you?" I asked rubbing my eyes and turned to the clock on my bedstand. The time indicated that it was 2am.

"It's ok. I'm glad you're awake now," he smiled. I smiled back, dragging my hand through my hair until it rested at the base of my skull.

A thought crossed my mind. If George heard that I was having a nightmare, then my parents should have heard it too. Their hearing was just as good as a vampire's and my dad was a light sleeper.

"George," I asked, and he looked at me, "Where are my parents?" I swallowed hard.