“Uhuuh… Gaaah…”
A dark room was lit only by a swaying blue lamp filled with the groans of a young girl sitting atop a metal table. All her limbs were restricted by metal chains, with both her hands balled into fists and her feet curled up.
Her body was covered in small holes, some bigger than others, revealing white fleshy tissue pockets. With each exhale, she caused blood to secrete from the gashes and pool around her waist.
Her swollen throat and arms were riddled with knife incisions along with different colored syringes with code numbers written beside the small holes they governed.
“You’re going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you Miya?” A man’s face shielded by the shadows whispered in her ear.
The girl gave a slow nod, a smile slowly growing on her face. “Yes papa, I’ll do anything for— AGAAAAH!”