Chapter 8--Split Chapter


(Siobhan’s P.O.V)


I’m walking through the halls of my college dorm, greeting everyone whose door is open and looking for Wyatt. Wyatt and I have been together for a few months now and I really couldn’t be happier. He’s a werecat, a tiger shifter to be exact, from a Pride here in New York and we met in our abnormal psychology class. We had been inseparable, even though we aren’t mates, that didn’t matter to either of us, we loved each other. I’m not paying attention to what is going on around me, my mission of finding Wyatt is the only thing I’m focused on when I feel a hand come around my mouth and his scent engulfs me: he smells like leather and cognac.

“There you are little wolf, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He whispers in my ear, pulling my back against his front.

He quickly turns me around and throws me over his shoulder, carrying me to his dorm room down the hall. We get there and he slams the door shut with his foot and tossed me onto his bed. I let out a small giggle at his antics. I was still a virgin, wanting to make sure that I was truly comfortable with the person. It didn’t have to be my mate, because I knew that they probably weren’t saving themselves for me. Wyatt climbs on top of me and starts kissing me hungrily, passionately. He rips my clothes from my body and then discards his own.

“Wyatt, what are you doing?” I squeak out as I try and cover myself from his hungry gaze.

“I want you, little wolf.” He states as he grips my wrist and removes my arm from across my breasts.

He places my hands above my head and sucks my nipple into his mouth, and then bites it hard, making me scream. Suddenly, a hand came out and covered my mouth, the scent I didn’t recognize. I look up and see two of Wyatt’s friends standing over my head, leering at me as Wyatt continues his unwanted assault on my body. I start to kick my legs, trying to throw Wyatt off balance, his mouth detaches from my nipple and he growls out to one of his friends to tie my legs. Tears stream down my face as my legs are tied down, then my hands, and then a gag is placed in my mouth.

“Now, little wolf, you are going to enjoy this. You’re going to get fucked in ways you never dreamed of and once we are done with you, you’ll never want any other man.” Wyatt sneers at me, his tiger coming forward causing his irises to yellow and his pupils to turn to slits.

I try and scream around the gag, but only muffled noises come out. I try to call on Tala, but I can’t feel her.

“Can’t feel your wolf? No, that wouldn’t be good for us now, would it? That drink you had was laced with a small amount of wolfsbane, so you won’t be hearing from her for a while.” His friend chuckles darkly as his hand skates across my pubic bone.

I feel a finger, I don’t know whose, enter my pussy harshly, painfully.

(End of dream)

“NO!!!!!!” I scream out, sitting bolt upright in my bed, chest heaving and sweat covering my body.

Camilla, Artis, Anders, and Preston come running into my room at my scream thinking there was a threat. They had all taken defensive stances as they look around the room.

“Oh, baby girl,” Preston whispers, walking over to me slowly and calmly.

He looks at me for permission to sit next to me, which I grant by grabbing onto his shirt and burying my face in his chest, my body heaving with sobs. Artis, Camilla, and Anders surround me in a group hug, whispering soothing things to me and gently rubbing my back in soothing circles. It wasn’t long before my eyes began to get heavy with exhaustion from the sobbing and I feel everyone lying on the bed with me. To protect me from my mind. From my dreams.

(Tiernan’s P.O.V)

I sit bolt upright in bed, having had the most disturbing dream about Siobhan and an incident that happened in college. Fuck, I dream walked again. It’s been a while since I lost control of that power, I try to keep myself clear of thoughts before bed so I don’t make that mistake. One horrific experience dream walking was enough for me to stop doing it, don’t need to get trapped with clowns again. Fucking creepy ass shit.

We need to find that werecat, find his Pride, and beat the living shit out of him for doing that to our mate. Then we need to find the little weasels that were there that night and rip them limb from limb as well. I’m not fussy about HOW it happens, just that it does.

Steele is pacing and growling in my mind, pissed to the high heavens that our mate experienced something like that, and we couldn’t protect her.

She couldn’t have been older than 18 when that happened. We need to get her to tell us who this Wyatt fellow is and who these friends are.

Don’t care, we can dismantle each Pride in New York. No need to make it complicated, just fish out people who look like him, kill them, and then boom! We’re golden.

We can’t do that. That’s killing innocents.

Since when are men innocent? You all are a bunch of over-grown children a majority of the time and only thinking with your dicks.

And what are you? A she-wolf then?

No, I’m an Alpha wolf who has manners and respects the consent of his partner when in the bedroom. And I also prefer a woman’s intellect over her body.

And what about Si?

Well, that’s not fair. Of course, I love her body. She’s my mate jackass.