Chapter 63

(Siobhan’s P.O.V)

We made our way down the stairs and into the dining hall where I had enjoyed a lovely breakfast with Tiernan’s father, Marshall. Now, it was different. Tiernan and I were going to be having dinner as a fully mated couple with our pack…as Alpha and Luna. So much fucking pressure. We make our way to the high table where the ranked families sit for the meals we share with the pack. Tiernan and I take the two middle seats, facing our pack.

“Hallowed Manes Pack. I would like to thank you for joining us this evening; I have several important announcements to make this evening. First, I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting our warriors in the attack on Annwn to defeat Scàthach. We were able to safely return all children to their parents. The human children’s memories were altered to forget the fact that supernaturals exist.”

There were cheers and howls of happiness throughout the dining hall from all the pack members assembled.