Chapter 59

In a far away village,a couple walked hand in hand at the dead of the night. Smiling,talking,laughing and enjoying each other's company. They stopped at a house,looked at each other's faces before giving a chilling smile. They both walked through the locked door of the house and appeared in the dark home.

"You should take her soul",said the Lady. "It's her time to die already."

After collecting the soul of the woman who was sleeping on the bed,they sent her soul away,to walk through wherever her direction was - hell or heaven.

When they both left,they still held hands and communicated,their work for the night was done and it was time for them both to enjoy each others body in a sensual way.

When the morning came,the household where they visited last were all in tears as they looked at their dead mother who died in her sleep. The death reapers had visited her late at night and had taken her soul.
