Chapter 67

"Guilt? I don't think so. You can't be Guilt," said Jasmine as she held Nuan by the hand and pulled her to her side. She was doubtful, how could she believe that this Man was Guilt when all she has heard from Shang and Cheng. She heard of Guilt been a female but this... No way is this man Guilt. Or maybe there are some other Guilts.

"Seems like you know me well seeing the way, you denied of me being Guilt," said Maurice with a smirk. She looked at the girl who was likely the lover of Cheng and she couldn't help but snort. Sure, the girl was pretty but not like her. She also didn't look womanly. She looked like a little girl still in her growing prime. Such rubbish! *f it wasn't because she was getting bored, she would have been so glad to watch those men beat her up. But where will the fun go, if she can't even take her out on her own.